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  1. G

    Stubborn Ich - Second Treatment Failed!

    Double posting this since it doesn't seem to be getting much action in the emergency section   I have ich in my tank and I can't seem to get rid of it.  I've been dealing with it for about 1.5 weeks and it is still hanging around.     The tank is at 86 F and 20 gallons.  Ammonia and nitrite are...
  2. G

    Stubborn Ich - Failed Two Treatments!

    I have ich in my tank and I can't seem to get rid of it.  I've been dealing with it for about 1.5 weeks and it is still hanging around.     The tank is at 86 F and 20 gallons.  Ammonia and nitrite are both zero.     I first treated with Super Ich Cure (active ingredient Malachite Green and...
  3. G

    Using Established Fliter Media

    The old filter was an aqueon filter that came with a kit.     New filter is an aquaclear 50 (on a 20 gal tank).  Recommended by the pet store guy even though they don't carry the brand.  I just installed it with the old media...
  4. G

    Using Established Fliter Media

    Got a whole new filter. I will move everything over once it arrives. I was told several people have had issues getting this brand of filter to cycle. So glad I sat on it for a month! At least the guy was quite helpful and very knowledgable. Just wish they wouldn't have sold the kit.
  5. G

    Using Established Fliter Media

    Ugh. Another week down (now trying to cycle this tank for a month) and still no nitrites and high ammonia. Fish store guy recommended replacing the filter with something that has more surface area for the bacteria so have that ordered from amazon. This is getting frustrating!
  6. G

    Using Established Fliter Media

    I don't have a liquid test kit but have been taking water weekly to the pet store where they use a liquid test kit.  Hoping to see the ammonia really drop soon.  That will really tell me what is going on.  Once ammonia and nitrite go to zero, how long should i leave the extra media in?
  7. G

    Using Established Fliter Media

    I have this filter: which has plates in it for the bacteria to grow on.  These plates are still in the filter with the bag from the carbon.  (I removed the carbon since it was about to break from age).  Any Guesses on how long...
  8. G

    Filter Questions For New Tank For Newbie

    Personally, I would do the filter I sent you a link to.  I'm seeing it listed as $30, which is an amazing deal for that filter.  And with the size I linked to (350GPH) you would only need one filter.  
  9. G

    Filter Questions For New Tank For Newbie

    Maybe check ebay, craigslist, or amazon?  Have you tried looking to contact the company that makes the filter directly?  I did a quick search and couldn't find the media, but I found a new bio-wheel filter that I've used before with a lot of success for $29...
  10. G

    Using Established Fliter Media

    I was able to get an old carbon filter from a friend who has an established tank to help jump start my tank.  Her filter media is in front of the carbon, but I'm assuming that there is plenty of bactria growing on that to help get my tank cycled.  It really doesn't fit in my filter, but I have...
  11. G

    Stability By Seachem?

    I had a feeling that was the case.  Now I just have to convince my elderly father that no, he can't buy a pleco for his 20 gallon tank that is 3 weeks into being cycled and has ammonia off the charts (no nitrites yet).  Poor man believes everything the pet store tells him and can't understand...
  12. G

    Stability By Seachem?

    I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with Stability by Seachem. It claims to have the bacteria in it to cycle the tank, and the local pet store was trying to sell me it.  The employee has fish himself, and knew about filter medium, the nitrogen cycle and enough buzz words to actually...