Using Established Fliter Media


New Member
Feb 23, 2013
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I was able to get an old carbon filter from a friend who has an established tank to help jump start my tank.  Her filter media is in front of the carbon, but I'm assuming that there is plenty of bactria growing on that to help get my tank cycled.  It really doesn't fit in my filter, but I have managed to wedge it in. How long should it take until the bacteria begin to grow on my filter media and I can safely remove the donated media (without causing an ammonia spike)?
You should have a second media for the bacteria to attach and start growing, because without that the media you now have will be the only place the bacteria has to live, and will be gone if you remove it. If you can find some mature media on floss, that would be the best.
Do you have fish in your tank now? Do you have a liquid test kit to check water parameters? Really the only way to tell if there's viable bacteria is to do water checks. That filter looks as though there's plenty of surface area for bacteria to grow. Question is whether there was enough on the biobag to start things up. 
if you have a fully stocked tank, it should take about half the time it would originally take to cycle the tank, or maybe that was just what happened to me. but it definetely helps save a lot of time
I don't have a liquid test kit but have been taking water weekly to the pet store where they use a liquid test kit.  Hoping to see the ammonia really drop soon.  That will really tell me what is going on.  Once ammonia and nitrite go to zero, how long should i leave the extra media in?
maybe another 2 weeks, try and take out the old media (but keep it alive) and see if the new media can handle the bioload. if not, then put the old media back in, do that every week
Ugh. Another week down (now trying to cycle this tank for a month) and still no nitrites and high ammonia. Fish store guy recommended replacing the filter with something that has more surface area for the bacteria so have that ordered from amazon. This is getting frustrating!
When you get that new media from Amazon, just add it to your filter ... don't replace what's there.
Got a whole new filter. I will move everything over once it arrives. I was told several people have had issues getting this brand of filter to cycle. So glad I sat on it for a month! At least the guy was quite helpful and very knowledgable. Just wish they wouldn't have sold the kit.
That should give you a nearly immediate cycle! Run it for an hour or so, then test the water. Keep us posted!

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