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  1. F

    Possible Columnaris Disease - What Course Of Action?

    Thanks for the advice.  You can never be too sure.    I am happy to report that after the full course of both prouducts simultaneously, the fish seems to have a full recovery.  I'll continue with extra water changes for the next week or so and closely monitor tank health.
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    Possible Columnaris Disease - What Course Of Action?

    Started the Furan-2/Kanaplex treatment and there is marked improvement.  White blotches on the body are gone, tail fin seems to be growing back, and behavior is much more active.  There is still some cloudy eye and the white mark on the top of the head is still noticeable but smaller.   Not out...
  3. F

    Possible Columnaris Disease - What Course Of Action?

    Update: The fish is still alive and seems to be recovering.  The spots on the body seem to have gone and the white spot on the top of the head has diminished.  The eye became more cloudy and may have been protruding a bit, too.  Behaviorally the fish is much better.  It's much more active and...
  4. F

    Possible Columnaris Disease - What Course Of Action?

    Thanks for the advice.  I've had to order the medicine online since none of my local pet stores have Furan 2 or Kanaplex.  Hopefully the fish can hang in there.
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    Possible Columnaris Disease - What Course Of Action?

    I went to the pet store yesterday to try and find Maracyn/Maracyn 2 and it seems to be discontinued.  I can't find it online either.  What is a suitable replacement?  When I search for Kanamycn (which I've heard is the alternative to Maracyn/Maracyn 2) I get results for KanaPlex and Furan 2. ...
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    Possible Columnaris Disease - What Course Of Action?

    Here's a picture of the fish.  It now appears as if the eye is also getting cloudy although the body looks better.     P8211344 by erikzen, on Flickr   In this one you can see a white patch at the top of the head.  You can also see frayed fins and the cloudiness over the eye:   P8211353 by...
  7. F

    Possible Columnaris Disease - What Course Of Action?

    I won't be able to take a picture until later on tonight, but it is possible.  Maybe I should run out and get some medicine now.  By the time I get home it will be another day before I can get back out to the store.
  8. F

    Possible Columnaris Disease - What Course Of Action?

    I have a 30 gallon planted tank with pressurized CO2.  The tank is very mature and the current tank mates have been in the tank for anywhere from several months to several years.  I don't test a lot since the tank has been running fairly smoothly, but I do have ammonia and nitrate test kits. ...
  9. F

    Vacation And The Planted Tank - What's Your Strategy?

    As a follow up, I basically went low tech.  I day before I left I did a water change, cleaned the filter and added some trace nutrients.  I turned off the CO2 and set the lights at 5 hours.  I came back to an algae free tank.  The ludwidgia looked great.  Vals looked unchanged.  Cabomba became...
  10. F

    Vacation And The Planted Tank - What's Your Strategy?

    Shutting the light off completely is an idea.  However, I'm now thinking that it would be better to keep a little CO2 going while lowering the photo period.  There would still be nutrients for the plants but the available light would be limited, hopefully keeping them relatively healthy, while...
  11. F

    Vigorous, Medium Light Plants

    I've found cabomba to be very growing in medium light with trace dosing.  It's one of the only plants that I've had to trim regularly because it was overgrowing.  However, in moderate light without CO2 it tends to break up more and can be messy.  Even with higher light and injected CO2 it can...
  12. F

    Vacation And The Planted Tank - What's Your Strategy?

    I've had a 30 gallon planted tank running for many years but it has been moved, replanted and otherwise disrupted a couple of times in the last 2 years.  I have 2 earth eater cichlids (I believe Juripari Santoperca but not 100%) sure and between their activity and the moving of my tank, I had a...
  13. F

    Fluval 88G Co2 Kit Experience And Impressions

    Using a timer for the CO2 was a consideration but ultimately I decided to trade that for cost and size.  Another thing I like about this product is the footprint.  It really doesn't take up much additional space as the canister just hangs on the back of the tank.     Not having a timer is...
  14. F

    Fluval 88G Co2 Kit Experience And Impressions

    I recently purchased a Fluval 88g pressurized CO2 kit and wanted to share my experiences with the community as I didn't see much posted on this product in the forums.   First, let me state that I don't always run my tank "by the book".  I have 30 gallon that has been running continuously for...
  15. F

    is dealing with new lighting, plans and algae

    is dealing with new lighting, plans and algae
  16. F

    Satanoperca Jurupari

    I'll try to get a photo in the next couple of days but judging from the photos I've seen online I'm pretty sure they are Satanoperca Leucosticta but who knows. My gravel is small to medium size so that may not be an issue. But size definitely is. I wonder if there is some way to convice my...
  17. F

    Satanoperca Jurupari

    I went to my usually reliable LFS yesterday to restock my tank. My recent attempts at taking care of Angelfish ended in disaster so my tank was a bit bare. Prior to going to the store yesterday I had a 30 gallon tank with 3 otos, 2 pygmy corys, 1 small clown pleco, 2 rummynose tetras. I...
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    New Angel Fish

    In essence give the bad boy a time out! :) OK I'll try to set something up.
  19. F

    New Angel Fish

    A week ago Sunday I bought 2 angel fish for my 30 gallon tank 36 x 12 x 18. One is double dark black, the other koi. They both are beautiful fish. I figured I was safe since 18 is the minumum height required. I don't have too many other fish either. When I first got them home the seemed to...
  20. F

    Vallisneria Dying Back

    The funny thing is that with mine they grew up to about 2 feet long and provided cover for my anubias and my rummy nose tetras. It sent off lots of runners and there were new plants popping up. Now it's slowly all rotting away. My tank is low tech with low lighting and no CO2 so nothing grows...
  21. F

    Vallisneria Dying Back

    I've had some valisneria in my tank for about 3 years. It seems to go through cycles where it grows very well and then after a while it dies back. At one point I thought it had died completely and then from out of nowhere it started growing like wildfire. Now it is starting to die off again...
  22. F

    Farlowella Requirements

    Thanks very much for the tip. I took about an 8 inch piece of 3/4 inch PVC tubing, attached two suction cups from a spare heater and attached it to the corner of the aquarium, with one end butted up against the side so the food would not slide out. I put an algae wafer inside the tube before...
  23. F

    Farlowella Requirements

    So far the farlowella only seems to suck on the glass. I haven't seen him on the gravel or any plants or wood. Of course I have no idea what goes on at night. I don't see a ton of algae on the glass so I'm not sure he's getting enough food. How much algae do they need to survive?
  24. F

    Farlowella Requirements

    I don't have any corydoras or loaches in the tank but there is a bristlenose and several otos. I will try to keep slightly overfeeding and change water more often. I'll also try adding the wafers only at night, although I know my bristlenose comes out at night too. Will these two compete for...
  25. F

    Farlowella Requirements

    I recently restocked my tank and when I went to the LFS with my 3 year old son, he spotted a farlowella and really wanted to get it. I thought for some reason I had read they were easy to keep but now I'm not quite so sure. I've read conflicting things about them at this point. The tank is 30...
  26. F

    Help My Sick Oto

    Sorry, I can't find what you're talking about. Do you have a link?
  27. F

    30 Gallon Stocking Questions

    I've had my 30 gallon tank set up for 3 1/2 years. For a long time I had three curviceps. One of the three died after 2 years and the other two have recently passed on. I also originally had 4 otos, 7 rummy nose, a bristlenose and a clown plec. I'm now down to 1 oto, 3 rummy nose, and the...
  28. F

    Help My Sick Oto

    I'm afraid my little oto has passed on to that great river in the sky. I tried isolating and treating with antibiotics but, as you say, I think it had progressed too far. I don't think I caught it in time. I'm down to one lonely oto now. Thanks for the help though.
  29. F

    Help My Sick Oto

    One of my otos has a swollen belly. It's very red as if there is some internal bleeding. He's having trouble swimming but is still eating. Water parameters are all good, ammonia 0, nitrates 5, pH 6.8. It's a 30 gallon tank that's been set up for 3.75 years. This was one of my first fish...
  30. F

    Help Suggest Some New Fish

    Yes, that's a good point. I've had the tetras and otos for years. These were some of my first fish almost four years ago. I did start out with 4 otos and 7 rummynose, but had a few deaths over the years. It would make sense to build these up too. I just don't want to have too many fish in...
  31. F

    Help Suggest Some New Fish

    I have a 30 gallon, moderately planted tank. Up until recently, my main fish were curviceps, but unfortunately the second of the pair died after about 2 1/2 years. As far as I can tell it was just their time as all my water parameters are normal and none of my other fish have passed. However...
  32. F

    New Plants Not Doing So Well

    I added some new plants to my tank, Ludwigia Repens and Hygrophyla defformis in particular, and they are not doing so well after about a week. The leaves of the Hygrphyla and the stems on the Ludwigia seem to be rotting. I've pulled a lot of the plants that I bought out of the tank and I'm...
  33. F

    Why Is My Java Fern Dying?

    I've had these plants for over 2 yearsso I would think they would already be used to the tank. Still, perhaps by changing my maintanence schedule I've changed the water parameters.
  34. F

    Why Is My Java Fern Dying?

    I have three fairly large clumps of Java fern in my tank and to varying degrees all of them have leaves that are turning greyish brown and slowly disintegrating. Some of them actually have green tips but I don't know if they will make a comeback. In the short term, should I just trim these...
  35. F

    3 New Otos Passed Away

    It's the same tank. I suppose it's possible there wasn't enough algae. I had a breakout of blue green algae and I've been taking some measures to eliminate it and that has resulted in less algae overall. Still, I supplement with algae wafers, but maybe that wasn't enough or they just didn't...
  36. F

    Changing Substrate

    I've had my tank up and running for about 3 years. As long as things are going OK is there any reason to change or thoroghly clean your substrate? The only reason I can think of is that when I started the tank I added a layer of laterite. That is probably exhausted by now.
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    Want To Get Amano Shrimp

    I'd like to get 2 or 3 amano shrimp in my tank. Will curviceps dwarf cichlids eat the shrimp?
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    3 New Otos Passed Away

    I'm not sure why but every time I try to add new otos to my tank they die. When I first bought my original otos I had three. I had them for about 2 1/2 years when one of them died. I recently bought 4 and within 2 weeks all four of the new ones had died. The other two original ones are still...
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    Lighting Timing

    Right, so we're all running our lights about the same time. That's what I thought but just figured I'd check.
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    Lighting Timing

    I've recently battled with BGA and seem to have won. One thing I've done is cut back on my light from 12 hours per day at 2.33 WPG to 10 hours per day at 1.7 WPG with a "noon" burst in the middle at the 2.33 rate for 2 hours. The question is, does it matter when I run the lights? Since I'm at...