Possible Columnaris Disease - What Course Of Action?


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2004
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I have a 30 gallon planted tank with pressurized CO2.  The tank is very mature and the current tank mates have been in the tank for anywhere from several months to several years.  I don't test a lot since the tank has been running fairly smoothly, but I do have ammonia and nitrate test kits.  Ammonia is at 0 and nitrates are at about 20 PPM.  Temp is 78 degrees.  Water is soft from the tap and pH runs between 6-6.5. 25% water changes are done 1-2 times per week.
The tank is stocked with 2 geophagus type cichlids, as well as a rainbow fish, 10 rummy nose tetras, 5 otocinclus and 1 clown pleco.  Not 100% sure of the actual geophagus type but they are eartheaters and are probably S. juripari or g. altifons.
The tank is planted with about 10 stem of ludwidgia repens, 15 stems of cabomba carolina, a large Amazon sword, some contortion val, and some willow moss.
One of the cichlids has what appears to be blotches of gray on its body.  They aren't fuzzy or anything; they just look discolored. The fish still has its appetite but does hide or stay near the surface more and also has shown some mild "darting" or "shaking" as if in discomfort  The tail fins are also ragged.  This fish has been getting bullied by the other cichild.  I've bought both fish at the same time around 3 years ago.  One fish was always dominant but bullying seems to have stepped up.  The tail fins looked a little ragged for a while but I chalked it up to aggression.  Frayed tail does look a bit worse in recent days.
My guess is the fish has columnaris from the stress of being bullied.  No other fish are currently showing signs.
Not knowing exactly what the problem (or the cure) is, I've treated the tank with aquarium salt at slightly less than 1 TB per 5 gallons.  After 1 day, the gray spots seem to have subsided a little, although behavior has not returned to normal and there are still traces of the blotches.  However, I was out late last night and didn't have a lot of time to observe the fish.  I was also reluctant to turn on the full lights so was using ambient room light to view the fish last.  It remains to be seen what condition the fish will be in when I get home this evening.
I have a packet of Tetra Fungus Guard but have been reluctant to use it for a few reasons, the main one being that I'm not sure if this will work.  I understand columnaris is bacterial infection but the medicine is actually for fungus or "fungus like" bacterial infections.  Active ingredients are nitrofurazone, furzolidone and potassium dichromate.
Looking for help on diagnosis as well as possible remedies.  If the fish doesn't appear to be getting worse when I get home I'm tempted to do another water change and just replace the salt that's taken out.  I'm reluctant to try the medication as I don't want to use the wrong meds or adversely affect my tank, fish, plants or biofilter unnecessarily.  I've heard the medication can stain the tank blue.  I guess I could live with that if it saves the fish.  I also know that columnaris can attack swiftly and can be deadly so it might make sense to be a bit more aggressive in treatment.
Your thoughts?
Can you possibly get a picture? If it is columnaris I would treat it with Maracyn 1 & 2 together but would want to be sure of what it is before adding any medications.
I won't be able to take a picture until later on tonight, but it is possible.  Maybe I should run out and get some medicine now.  By the time I get home it will be another day before I can get back out to the store.
Here's a picture of the fish.  It now appears as if the eye is also getting cloudy although the body looks better.  
P8211344 by erikzen, on Flickr
In this one you can see a white patch at the top of the head.  You can also see frayed fins and the cloudiness over the eye:
P8211353 by erikzen, on Flickr
The gray blotches actually look like they've subsided as they aren't all over the fish anymore like they were day before yesterday. However the white patch on the head and the cloudy eye are new today.  Also, behavior seemed much better.  The fish was swimming around the tank normally, taking food out of the water column, as well as sifting through the gravel.
For more pictures see the complete album:
I went to the pet store yesterday to try and find Maracyn/Maracyn 2 and it seems to be discontinued.  I can't find it online either.  What is a suitable replacement?  When I search for Kanamycn (which I've heard is the alternative to Maracyn/Maracyn 2) I get results for KanaPlex and Furan 2.  Would either of those be recommended?
Sorry for the late response.
I would remove him from the tank (do you have a hospital tank?) ASAP and treat him with either of those meds (kanaplex or furan 2). If you don't have another tank you can get a rubbermaid storage tote and use that.
After that treat him with prazipro..and while you are treating him in a seperate tank I'd switch your substrate for sand.
They absolutely need it to be healthy and if you don't he will continue to have things like this happen unfortunately
Thanks for the advice.  I've had to order the medicine online since none of my local pet stores have Furan 2 or Kanaplex.  Hopefully the fish can hang in there.
I hope so too, good luck and please keep us posted!
My additional advice is to keep a very close eye on the fish in the main aquarium.  If this is a bacterial issue (and I would agree from the photo it seems like it), they are often highly contagious and very fast spreading.  I just went through a bout of what I assumed was columnaris, though I know from a microbiologist friend online that this name is often applied indiscriminately to different bacterial issues, and I can tell you it spread rapidly.  I treated the main tank as it was so widespread, and with both Furan 2 and Kannaplex dimultaneously following Carl Stromeyer's recommendation, and it did cure the bacterial issue.  Follow the instructions; I believe you dose Kannaplex three times on days 1, 3 and 5, and Furan 2 daily so days 1, 2, 3, 4 consecutively.  The Furan turns the water amber, but this is OK.
All three Maracyn products are still available. The Mardel division of Kordon was sold:
Sergeant’s increases their dedication to fish health and maintenance through two important acquisitions: the consumer brands division of Virbac Corporation, including the Mardel® line, and the Aquarium Products® brand from Interpet.
Maracyn itself is just Erythromycin so I just buy whichever I can find cheaper. Mardel also makes a product called Maracyn Plus which may be a better option here.
Maracyn Plus contains two powerful broad spectrum antibiotics that are effective against a wide range of bacterial diseases.  The microscopic biospheres attach directly to the fish delivering the medication where it is needed.  Prevents reinfection during treatment.............
Each dose (10 mL) contains 14.5 mg Sulfamethazine and 2.9 mg Trimethoprim.
from http://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/lookup.cfm?setid=f13b20dd-5601-46d6-a843-cfd99afab350
I came to the Plus on the wild angel site for use with wild altums. The other treatment suggested there is Furan-2. Wild altums may be the most disease prone fish i have dealt with in the hobby. They are very sensitive, tend to have a hard time between being caught and arriving where they will be sold in other countries. Some of the people very knowledgeable on these fish make this suggestion for treating columnaris on altums and recommend having one of these meds on hand when receiving the angels:
1. Furan 2 is among the best for aquarium use. I have had very good experience with Maracyn Plus...Note the PLUS...liquid suspension form with biospheres.
I use Maracyn Plus - the bioshpheres attach to the outside of the fish and deliver the meds that way.
Update: The fish is still alive and seems to be recovering.  The spots on the body seem to have gone and the white spot on the top of the head has diminished.  The eye became more cloudy and may have been protruding a bit, too.  Behaviorally the fish is much better.  It's much more active and eating very well.
I treated the fish with triple sulfa as that was the best option at any of my local pet stores based on what I've read.  It improved the situation but hasn't cured it.  In the meantime I ordered Furan-2 and Kanaplex online and started that treatment today.  I bought extra medicine just in case there is an outbreak.  We'll see if tomorrow there are any improvements but I am feeling more confident about the fish's chance for survival now.
Thanks for everyone's help and advice!
Started the Furan-2/Kanaplex treatment and there is marked improvement.  White blotches on the body are gone, tail fin seems to be growing back, and behavior is much more active.  There is still some cloudy eye and the white mark on the top of the head is still noticeable but smaller.
Not out of the woods yet, but it looks like this fish is going to make it.
Good to hear.  Stay with the prescribed treatment according to the two products for the time stated.  As with humans, antibiotics have to be run for the course.  Yolu may already know this, but doesn't hurt to make certain.  B.
Thanks for the advice.  You can never be too sure. 
I am happy to report that after the full course of both prouducts simultaneously, the fish seems to have a full recovery.  I'll continue with extra water changes for the next week or so and closely monitor tank health.

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