Help Suggest Some New Fish


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2004
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I have a 30 gallon, moderately planted tank. Up until recently, my main fish were curviceps, but unfortunately the second of the pair died after about 2 1/2 years. As far as I can tell it was just their time as all my water parameters are normal and none of my other fish have passed. However, now I'm thinking about getting some new fish to be the main fish in the tank.

Currently I have a bristlenose, a small clown plec, 2 otos and 3 rummy nose. I'd like to get some kind of South American cichild. I was considering angel fish but was wondering if the tank is big enough (36 x 18 x 12) or if there is some other fish that might work well in the tank. I've always liked the dwarf cichlids but my attemps with agazzizi and cockatoos did not turn out too well as I was not able to keep them alive more than a couple of months despite vigilant maintenance. I've hear angels can be sensitive too so maybe those aren't the best bet either. On top of it all it seems like the prices for the cool apistos has really gone up.

I usually liked to try and get mated pairs just to watch the behavior but I have never been intersted in breeding.

All suggestions welcome!
Firstly i would add a few more otos and rummynose as both species prefer larger groups. The otos are not very noticeable but the rummynose will occupy midwater (same as angels) so i would go with a pair of small/med bottom dwelling cichlids such as rams. Bolivian rams are a bit hardier than blue rams and may suit you best.
Yes, that's a good point. I've had the tetras and otos for years. These were some of my first fish almost four years ago. I did start out with 4 otos and 7 rummynose, but had a few deaths over the years. It would make sense to build these up too. I just don't want to have too many fish in the tank.

Are the blue rams very delicate? They seem a much more attractive fish than the Bolivian variety.
I have a 30 gallon, moderately planted tank. Up until recently, my main fish were curviceps, but unfortunately the second of the pair died after about 2 1/2 years. As far as I can tell it was just their time as all my water parameters are normal and none of my other fish have passed. However, now I'm thinking about getting some new fish to be the main fish in the tank.

Currently I have a bristlenose, a small clown plec, 2 otos and 3 rummy nose. I'd like to get some kind of South American cichild. I was considering angel fish but was wondering if the tank is big enough (36 x 18 x 12) or if there is some other fish that might work well in the tank. I've always liked the dwarf cichlids but my attemps with agazzizi and cockatoos did not turn out too well as I was not able to keep them alive more than a couple of months despite vigilant maintenance. I've hear angels can be sensitive too so maybe those aren't the best bet either. On top of it all it seems like the prices for the cool apistos has really gone up.

I usually liked to try and get mated pairs just to watch the behavior but I have never been intersted in breeding.

All suggestions welcome!

angels would work in that tank as it is tall enough.

you could go for a oair of bolivian rams. there quite small and hardier than the german rams.
Are the blue rams very delicate? They seem a much more attractive fish than the Bolivian variety.

For some reason yes, blue rams are more sensitive to water quality, but providing you can keep nitrAtes as low as possible <20ppm you should be ok.
The blue rams are a bit more colorful. I just recently purchased a pair of bolivian rams and they look much better in my planted 30g than they did in the tank at the store. Good food and a good environment really makes these guys look fantastic. Plus they are not shy and very social! Mine never hide.

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