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  1. C

    1000 Us Gal Project

    An amazing tank, you and the tank are both a great inspiration! Great job!
  2. C

    Big Summer Project Planned

    First I want to say thanks for the advice... extremely helpful!   Ok, so I've done some more accurate temperature searching and the house is around 75 during the summer (where no heating will be needed) and 67 during the winter (where heating will be needed).   I was thinking a Bristlenose...
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    Big Summer Project Planned

    Well, I have been thinking about it some, and I have a big summer project planned. I have a 55g tank and a 10g tank, which you guys may or may not know. I got these tanks when I started fish keeping and have not gotten another tank since then. Many things have changed in the tank since then, and...
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    Reporting Abuse

        Just wondering, what's the name of this fish store?
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    Overstocked? Final Thoughts On My 20 Gal....

      No it's not. Plus I wouldn't recommend keeping a livebearer with those other fish, since from what I've heard, livebearers like higher pH's, while corries and tetras (again depends on type) prefer lower pH's.
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    Fish Eating Artificial Plants!

    comocrayfish, they don't need teeth, similar to how they can get a piece of a flake without teeth.   However, your plants would be very easy to tear then, maybe you should try and get harder to tear plants so they can not tear it.
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    Plastic Plants Advice

    Yanks gave you good advice. Look for Silk plants. Also be careful not  to get plants with limestone bases, because the bases can "dissolve" in the water drastically increasing your pH
  8. C

    Plastic Plants From Ebay...... :/

    That stinks. Thanks for letting us know.
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    Nano Fish Discussion

    I have the recommendation of 1 male guppy in a 3g tank. I would then remove a betta from the 3g, and put it in the 5g area. (Some people say three is fine, but I believe at least 5) You may want to also put the recommended temperatures, for example, cold water or warm water since people getting...
  10. C

    Volume Of Flow, Thru Filter

    I believe in keeping it to the max. There are very few filters which will result in you having too much flow through your tank, and unless your having too much flow (which I can't tell through your numbers), more flow is always better in my opinion.
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    New Member Here!

      It was covered that they were being moved to friends/family, however, I was questioning whether his friends/family would have proper setups since my experience is most people when first starting to care for fish (no experience level was mentioned but I was assuming they weren't all experts)...
  12. C

    New Tank

    If you have not cycled it, then yes it will be unsafe. Who was giving you the advise? I recommend daily water changes with a liquid test kit. And exactly what liquids did you put in? Some plants will help and then you need to wait it out, which is why water changes are so useful. Test twice a...
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    New Member & Newbie To The Hobby

      Lol sorry for the confusion. I would go with sand, because yes it's a little bit extra effort, but when you get the final look it looks so much nicer ;) .
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    Baby Fry Question Please

    Sucker fish would out grow your tank, and I think your talking about pleco because Chinese Algae Eaters prefer colder water from what I've heard. What do you plan on doing with your fry, they will need a 29g+ tank eventually. However, you could try some shrimp that could eat some leftover...
  15. C

    Natural Sources Of Water

    I believe in sticking with tap water because I know it's safe, since it's the same water we're given as drinking water. If it were unsafe to drink then they wouldn't give it to us because there would be some major law suits. I don't know the quality of rain water, however, if you have something...
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    New To The Hobby

    I would highly recommend giving up the glofish since I too hate genetically engineered fish. Then you could maybe get some corries instead.
  17. C

    Sword Tail Fry

    That's not your problem. Your problem is how your tank is stocked. First in your 30g tank, you shouldn't have goldfish. 2 Goldfish would need a 30g tank to themselves, but more importantly, goldfish are cold-water fish, while your other fish need a heater. Also, you could put a few sword tail...
  18. C

    Newbie Looking For His First Tank

    I'm not sure about the euro conversion rates but I know at least at the Petco's here (California, USA) you can get a 29g aqueon aquarium kit (comes with filter, heater, lid, and basic flourecent lighting for $60 or way under budget since I think it's like $1.30 for 1£ so that's like 46£ + tax...
  19. C

    Fat Tiger Barbs :(

    The .25 ammonia in your tank is not good, I would recommend a water change to solve that problem and maybe some prime if necessary? Maybe there wasn't enough bacteria to handle all of the fish? Also, the best way I've heard for swim bladder is don't feed them for a day or two, and then after...
  20. C

    How To Deal With Stubborn People?

    I see this all the time, and every time I see it, it just upsets me more and more. There are many people who believe that they can keep 5 goldfish in a bowl or a few bettas in a bowl, or a 5-6" fish that looks cool in a 10g tank, and then when people tell them that they can not, they say that...
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    Facebook Page

    I use facebook quite often, I treat it like my email now because of how easy it is to communicate in the sense that I check two to three times a day to see if anything has popped up. Liking the facebook page;)
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    Downright Cruel :-(

      I would comment and take the reporting. It would be worth it. It's sad to see people doing things like that.
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    New Member Here!

    Great to hear:). Just remember, unless you want a ton more babies (think 20+/month per female), then keep the males and females separate:).
  24. C

    Alienware Owners?

    Well I've gotten my Alienware M14x, and I love it! The only problem I've had is the command center launch file corrupted itself, so I can't launch my command center, but since I like my colors how it is, and found a way to get access to the other features, the only thing I'm missing is the...
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    New Member & Newbie To The Hobby

    I'd go with standard size gravel as I find it to be lower work. However, sand doesn't take much more work and looks a lot better in my opinion. If I had known when I was starting my aquarium, I would have definitely gone with sand.
  26. C

    Hi There

    Welcome, and I'm glad you enjoy the hobby that much! What level of your education or you in now? Looking forward to seeing your store maybe one day! I'm looking forward to updates if you do start a business!
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    Welcome! Looking forward to hearing more about you!
  28. C

    New Member Here!

    Yes I agree with TalTree. How about trying to give away all  of your females and just sticking with the 4 nicest males for example. That way you won't need to worry about them breeding like crazy. And when giving them away to your friends and family, make sure they go to proper homes. Are your...
  29. C

    Experienced Novice

    To start, I recommend getting cardinal tetras versus neon's, cardinal tetras seem to be more stable. In my opinion your water hardness/ph isn't as important for the average fish as long as you make sure to keep it stable. I can keep lower pH fish fine in my higher pH water, but I work to keep my...
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    Sister's Horse

    Well, I have a sister whom is quite obsessed with horseback riding, so I thought I would make a thread here for her horse. His name is Walle and he is a jumping/dressage horse. He is around 7 years old I believe and close to 16 hands. I couldn't post the photo I wanted because the maximum is...
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  32. C

    Mods And Admin?

      Isn't the report button at the bottom of every post (to the left of the multi-quote/quote buttons), what you mean? However, I would assume that maybe the mods don't want to rely on everyone for the reports, and maybe they want to double check themselves? That's just my opinion.
  33. C

    Mods And Admin?

      As he said, there is a random factor, and if a mod gets sick, as much as they may like posting on this forum, there health takes priority over posting in most cases. So what you say your "missing" out on, you may have missed out on regardless of if they were a mod or not.
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    2 Tanks Together 1300 Gallons,diy Foto Journal

    Fantastic fish tank, great job. The pictures really help it all stand out!
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    Why Are My Fish Not Giving Birth?

    First get a liquid test kit. Also, if they gave birth the day you brought them home, then it normally takes ~4 weeks for them to give birth again. However, your guppies would look squared off and about to give birth, which I'm not seeing in the picture, so maybe they gave birth and they got...
  36. C

    Aquarist Classifieds - Trojan Warning

    Do you use the free AVG or the premium version? Because I use the free version but if you use the free to, than maybe the free doesn't cover something that the premium does? Anyway, I'm not going to use it until this gets cleared, I've found Trojans to be a decent pain to clean up.
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    Monster Fishkeepers Vs Monster Energy Drink

    I've signed the petition and am protesting monster drinks. support.   I would feel if enough people protested them, than they would have to noticed. Whether they do anything about it is a separate thing.
  38. C

    This Site Back Again?

    It's too bad that happened. Anyway, welcome back to the website!
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    Two New Forum Moderators Chosen

    Welcome to the team both of you and congratulations!
  40. C

    Betta Fin Problem

    Nice tank:).   My first guess would be that it could be fin rot. However, what I think it is is that something caused his fin to become injured, and that injury developed into a blister (maybe something like a blood blister?) However it could have also been from a bubbler in your tank that maybe...