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  1. shepherd88

    Moved House Now New Water Readings Help.

    Not that i know of. Just the area we are in, but strange how water changes from my mums which is ph 8.5 kh 6dkh. Strange..... Do any fish love low ph and no hardness.
  2. shepherd88

    Moved House Now New Water Readings Help.

    Well i moved in with the gf 20 mins from my mums house. Now i am selling my tank to buy a bigger tank and was dedicated for malawi cichlids. Just tested the ph and kh of my new house tap water and its very soft. Ph was at 6.0 Kh was at 1dkh it turned yellow on the first drop. So guessing...
  3. shepherd88

    Picked Up Another Tank On Ebay.

    The tank is 50 inch long, 14 inch wide by 18 inch tall. So if run my tetra ex1200 external flowing lengthways would the tank be suitable for lake malawi cichlids. If so would peacocks and haps be better than mbuna or is it personal preference. Thank you for your help.
  4. shepherd88

    Picked Up Another Tank On Ebay.

    The back of the tank lid there is access to run the pipes for my external canister filter.....once i get a cabinet to house it ha
  5. shepherd88

    Picked Up Another Tank On Ebay.

    Cheers pal sorry didnt mean to come across bossy lol. Im definitly going to have my spray bar across the length of the tank and maybe my powerhead across the other way to try and create a circular as much as i can flow. When you say river tank what kinds of fish and what decor is included...
  6. shepherd88

    Picked Up Another Tank On Ebay.

    Well i already have my £600 3 ft tank and cabinet with my community fish and just picked up a used tank on ebay was only £50 couldnt resist. Just need a cabinet to put it on now lol Just wondering what fish could house in this keeping my community tank and tried africans in it but as...
  7. shepherd88

    Jakes 180 Ltr Aquarium

    Well my malawis are gone as they just wernt for me. Always chasing and back to the community fish and i love them lol. Girlfriend kept some of my fish so i have my trusty old favourites lol 10 harlequin rasboras 5 albino corys 2 angels...1 black 1 white 1 female betta 1 male...
  8. shepherd88

    Installing First External Filter

    Hey i had the roma 125 and fitted an external....had to cut the plastic lid on each side at the top just big enough for the hoses to fit...dont need to cut the glass. Good luck...external filters are so much better
  9. shepherd88

    How Important Is Kh & Gh?

    I think the only problem with keeping fish in a ph range outside their normal is that they may be more susceptable to ilness.. Saying that nearly all fish sold now are captive bred and therefore know nothing about their natural environment
  10. shepherd88

    How Important Is Kh & Gh?

    I had this debate messing with my head for a while when i moved to african cichlids. My tapwater ph is 8.0 and my kh was fairly low. I added coral rock and substrate which raised my kh.. I think kh keeps the ph buffered so if your kh is low it makes the ph unstable and cause more chance of a...
  11. shepherd88

    External Filter Help

    I would think a fluval 206 is a little to underfiltered for a 200 litre tank...although specified for that size of tank once media is included the lph drops. I have just gone from a aquamanta efx300 to a tetraec ex1200 and my tank is only 180 litre Ps the roma 125 i had when i bought the...
  12. shepherd88

    Anyone Got A Picture Of Argos Play Sand In There Tank

    Got mix of mbuna and peacocks but going back to community with rasboras and friendly fish lol cant stand the agressiveness
  13. shepherd88

    Anyone Got A Picture Of Argos Play Sand In There Tank

    Bought 2 bags for 6 quid lol only used one
  14. shepherd88

    My First Malawi Tank.

    Ye the cloudyness has settled now...running an aquamanta 300 stated 1100lph but prob half that with media. Was looking at running another filter along side or maybe just upgrading to a bigger one. The sand is a pain but worth the effort as gravel just doesnt look right i dont think. Tempted to...
  15. shepherd88

    My First Malawi Tank.

    Update Play sand added £2.98 per 15kg from seem to enjoy alot better.. digging all day lol New fish added list so far is 3 yellow labs 3 yellow tailed acei 3 strawberry peacocks....( i was told peacocks and mbuna can live together fine aslong as the mbuna arnt too aggressive...
  16. shepherd88

    New 4Ft Planted

    Looks nice pal just a note..the striped white plant in pic 2 and the fern in pic 4 look like the non aquatic i had....end up rotting and poluting the water
  17. shepherd88

    My First Malawi Tank.

    My tank is a 3ft 180 litre.....thinking of maybe getting salousi instead to keep the size down
  18. shepherd88

    My First Malawi Tank.

    Sadly i didnt read this post early enough and one of my new yellow tailed acei found dead in the intake annoyed
  19. shepherd88

    My First Malawi Tank.

    New rock final this sufficient rock caves for mbuna? Really happy with the look
  20. shepherd88

    My First Malawi Tank.

    I think i have 2 males and 1 female but only goin off the black stripes on the fins Suspected male ( aggressive one) Now i think the right one is female as anal fin is clear and male on left?? Opinions 2 males?? Just been to oasis aquatics and the abyss in manchester and picked up some...
  21. shepherd88

    My First Malawi Tank.

    Yes going to buy more rock today....just watching my 3 yellow labs now and one is definitly a dominent male i think....he has very dark black dorsal and anal fins and is the largest of the 3....thing is he is chasing the other 2 around constantly and guarding his coral cave....hes never giving...
  22. shepherd88

    My First Malawi Tank.

    Though i would create a new post after getting advice on my previous post about water parameters. Well after a week with no fish here we first ever african cichlid tank and first fish are in. Got myself 3 yellow labs and i love them! Such busy i dont know the sex of...
  23. shepherd88

    Fish Gone Now African Cichlid Venture Starts. Advice Please.

    Thanks i will keep that in mind....all these water stats were messing me up lol
  24. shepherd88

    Fish Gone Now African Cichlid Venture Starts. Advice Please.

    Thank you i will be retesting and getting africans next week cheers Last thing are yellow labs and demasoni ok together
  25. shepherd88

    Fish Gone Now African Cichlid Venture Starts. Advice Please.

    Thanks basiclly if i have this my ph directly from the tap is 8.0 then i dont need to higher it with coral substrate or rock or even crushed filter coral. And because my ph is stable and high then i dont need to worry about the kh as all that does it stabilise the ph and...
  26. shepherd88

    Fish Gone Now African Cichlid Venture Starts. Advice Please.

    Ph 8.0 kh at 90ppm How do i up my kh whilst keeping ph stable. Do i need to? Will me adding the crushed coral to my filter upper my ph or kh or both
  27. shepherd88

    Fish Gone Now African Cichlid Venture Starts. Advice Please.

    Hey guys little update Went to my local aquatics shop today and bought myself a ph tester kit to go with my kh tester. I got him to test my water looking at ph and kh only really.... he said my ph was at 8.0 and my kh was at 90 ...? Now i was talking to him about how to correctly raise the ph...
  28. shepherd88

    Fish Gone Now African Cichlid Venture Starts. Advice Please.

    Thanks....i hope maybe i dont need to harden my water afterall...hope the north of england has good water lol Ye i heard conflicting reviews about demasoni and yellow labs not being good together as the demasoni were too aggresive but alot of people online seem to keep them and the local fish...
  29. shepherd88

    Conversion From Cold Water To Tropical Tank

    I would personally rehome the single cory as they really need to be in groups and as stated not in that size tank...i have a 25litre tank with a single male betta and he loves it lol
  30. shepherd88

    Fish Gone Now African Cichlid Venture Starts. Advice Please.

    Ok thanks i will get readings from my shop tomorrow and purchase a test kit...thanks for your help. Very confusing lol Am i right in saying once i get the ph correct over time all i will need to monitor is the nitrate nitrite and ammonia along with ph
  31. shepherd88

    Fish Gone Now African Cichlid Venture Starts. Advice Please.

    Ive literally yesterday changed from sand to black gravel as it was a nightmare keeping it clean....anyone know a good test kit to properly test my water.... So basically if i dont get coral sand and/or cichlid rock in my tank i cant keep them? Really want to keep my current set up if i can...
  32. shepherd88

    Fish Gone Now African Cichlid Venture Starts. Advice Please.

    Im not planning on rushing getting the fish i want the water to be keeping my external running and i will be fish free from tomorrow..i will purchase a tester kit....what do i actually need to be testing......does kh and ph have a relation as when i test my kh i should know my ph...
  33. shepherd88

    Fish Gone Now African Cichlid Venture Starts. Advice Please.

    Sorry im new to this...i have never tested my ph but my local aquatics shop tests my water weekly and always say its how do i go about getting the water ready for africans? I am right in saying they need a harder water than typical freshwater...its all new to me this so excuse my...
  34. shepherd88

    Fish Gone Now African Cichlid Venture Starts. Advice Please.

    Well took the decision today that ive spent alot on the tank and the fish just dont cut it for me.......ive always wanted lake malawi cichlids so i took most of my fish back to the local shop and the mrs is having the rest of them tomorrow so the pics still have a few fish left. So need...
  35. shepherd88

    Does Anyone Prefer Gravel Over Sand

    Before with sand Now note decor just anyrwhere atm while the dust settles will properly arrange soon
  36. shepherd88

    Does Anyone Prefer Gravel Over Sand

    I first had gravel then changed to white fine sand......had it for a month and my corys and kuhlis loved it...yesterday i bought some fine 2-3 mm black gravel and wouldnt look back. Sand looks great when spotless but it is just a nightmare to keep clean in my opinion... I would move my bogwood...
  37. shepherd88

    Softest Black Gravel That Is Safe For Cories/bottom Feeders?

    Im after the exact same white sand like you said shows up everything so frustrating...looking for fine black gravel too
  38. shepherd88

    Starting Fresh With Barb Tank Advice?

    There are so many choices of fish lol....