Search results

  1. Maehlice

    Diy Pvc Overflow Conundrum

    I'm sorry for the delay.  I had to disappear for a while.  At least for now, I'm back again.  I'll try to give warning should I disappear again.   It's exactly as you said -- "it's the upper level of the water".   Regardless of the size of the contraption, it starts off with a high flow and then...
  2. Maehlice

    Best Tank Mate's For Clown Loach

    This is the sad situation I have.  I have "heavily planted" the main tank with artificial plants, but I'm certain they know the difference.   I've heard mixed reports on what types of plants can survive around those aquatic lawnmowers.  One thing is for certain, though:  A head of romaine...
  3. Maehlice

    Diy Pvc Overflow Conundrum

      I suspect the same, but when testing into the contraption (it really is just that ) vs the 5 gallon bucket the initial reaction of the siphon is wildly different.  Both the bucket and the contraption's lowest point are the floor and started from nearly empty.  The only difference at that point...
  4. Maehlice

    How Do I Make My Tank Look Better

      Do not boil rocks.   If there are any pockets of air or water in the rocks, you run the risk of violently exploding them -- possibly sending shards into your body and anybody nearby.   Instead, pouring boiling water over them or immersing them slowly and momentarily into boiling water is a...
  5. Maehlice

    May Have To Slim Down A Little. :(

    The filter pumps have to be the biggest drain.  My wife noticed an increase in our bill almost immediately after my upgrade to a 125 gallon tank.   This month, I turned off the filter pumps and instead switched over to the Mag Drive 500 pump I had been using mostly for circulation from the sump...
  6. Maehlice

    Diy Pvc Overflow Conundrum

    For those of you still interested enough to have read this far, this is what I hope to be one of two final updates.   Yes, two ... which indicates it still isn't working.     To recap, I broke down and bought 6" PVC!    No matter what i tried, It didn't work using any combination of elbows and...
  7. Maehlice

    Diy Pvc Overflow Conundrum

    To my utter surprise and dismay, using a considerably larger 6" PVC column with the original design resulted in MUCH LOWER FLOW of about 80 GPH !?!?     I even tried using three 45" elbows to angle the water flow up towards the surface.  No change.   I'm convinced now a column of water is not...
  8. Maehlice

    How Do I Care For Java Moss Without Mudering It?

      OMG I LOVE your shrimp!  You must have hundreds in your tank by the looks of that photo!     Oh yes.  And java moss.  +1 for tying it down.
  9. Maehlice

    Best Tank Mate's For Clown Loach

    I think the best tankmates for Clown Loaches are more Clown Loaches.   EDIT:  What is compatible?  Just about everything, it seems.  What is best?  ^^^ that.   From Tropical Fish and Aquariums Compatibility Match:   Search Results: The Clown Loach should be kept in groups of pairs or more and is...
  10. Maehlice

    Diy Pvc Overflow Conundrum

      I had completely disregarded friction.  The opposing flows coupled with friction makes a lot more sense to me now.     Do you mean something like this (see attachment below -- figure 1 at left)?   (fig.1)        (fig.2)   I had tried that already, also.  It resulted in a negligible increase --...
  11. Maehlice

    Diy Pvc Overflow Conundrum

    I'm trying to redesign the overflow system on my aquarium and am failing miserably.  I need some help.     DIY PVC overflows don't work (well, at least not at any decent flow rate), so I built an HOB overflow box, which has so far been working great:  I pump water in, it overflows out, and the...
  12. Maehlice

    Tropical Fish Keeping Should Require A License!

    It's a sad truth that most people don't understand or believe fish have senses like every other living being.  Just look at the cruelty called "fishing" and "farming" of Pacific Cod and Atlantic Salmon or of the many atrocious practices Japan has against whales, dolphins and sharks.   I bet that...
  13. Maehlice

    Quick Snail Question

    I heard the same thing and so bought cuttlebone for my nerite snails last year.  To this day, the same cuttlebone is still there having never dissolved and having never seen a snail near it.   My tank is basic and slightly hard, though, so it's possible they just don't need it, because they get...
  14. Maehlice

    What Is The Best Water Pump?

    (This topic can also be found in the Tropical Discussion forum.  After doing research last night, it appears pumps are more frequently found in saltwater/marine aquariums, so I'm re-posting here.)   In your opinion and experience, what is the best water pump on the market?   Since this is an...
  15. Maehlice

    What Is The Best Water Pump?

    In your opinion and experience, what is the best water pump on the market?   Since this is an almost entirely subjective question, please explain your answer. Price Energy efficiency Reliability Noise Size Features Other   I currently have a Supreme Classic Mag Drive Model 5 (500 GPH).  It's a...
  16. Maehlice

    Lots And Lots Of Fish Fry

    If your friend didn't intend to breed fish, you can just leave them alone.   It's a sad and cruel thing, nature.  If you leave them in there, expect many of them to be eaten or to die of starvation.   To give them the best hope of survival apart from segregating them, pulverize some of the fish...
  17. Maehlice

    Just A Few Questions :)

    Unless the fish comes with an instruction manual, fish shouldn't be given out as random prizes.  Even at an LFS, if the prize is random, there's really no way of knowing if the winner is prepared to keep and care for the fish unless that fish also comes with an aquarium kit complete with cycled...
  18. Maehlice

    Bulkhead Leaking

    DrRob is correct in that the nut should go on the outside.  Tightening the nut causes friction on the gasket, which can damage it (such as crumpling).  Being on the outside also makes it easier to remove later, if/when necessary.   I've put them on every which way and have so far never...
  19. Maehlice

    5 Things You Want For Your Aquarium?

    I'd venture a guess there isn't much you can invent for an aquarium at $20 or less.  This is an expensive hobby.   Quite honestly, if I had that knowledge, I probably wouldn't share it with you anyway, because it would be worth a fortune.       There are a bajillion inexpensive DIY projects...
  20. Maehlice

    Best Suited Fish To Water Parameters

    That's almost the exact aquarium I started with which is now my refugium.   I should've asked more questions initially.  Do you ...   ... have a favourite color you want on your fish? ... want a couple large fish or a bunch of little ones? ... want a few large schools of fish or several smaller...
  21. Maehlice

    Best Suited Fish To Water Parameters

    Just about every tropical community fish and many cichlids will thrive in those parameters.   What size and dimensions are your tank, and will it be planted?
  22. Maehlice

    Snails And Shrimp

    I'm surprised no one has yet mentioned Ghost Shrimp.  I have ghost shrimp in my tank and have witnessed first-hand they will sift through detritus, eat algae [mostly off plants and decor] and leftover prepared foods.  I even have a few which race to the surface to grab floating foods and sinker...
  23. Maehlice

    How Many More?

    I would definitely get 4 more rasboras to complete the shoal.  Otos can be kept by themselves; they definitely prefer a much larger tank, so I advise against getting another.   With your additions, I think you'll be reaching a point of "fully stocked", so this addition might be your last...
  24. Maehlice

    Best Configuration For Two Filters?

    I have a 6ft 125g tank with 2x Emperor 400 HOB filters, a Maxi-Jet 400 Powerhead, and a Mag Drive 500 (the latter is part of an overflow-refugium-sump system).   I did the same by stuffing wool into one of the filters.   I set my tank up like a river.  The water flows from one side to the other...
  25. Maehlice

    Suggestions For New 240Lt Tank?

    Heavily plant it and fill it up with livebearers.  I'd love a big tank like that full of mollies or guppies.   Otherwise, African (Lake Tanganyikan?) Cichlids certainly fit the bill for hard water.
  26. Maehlice

    My Local Aquarium Market Is Frustrating Me!

    You could always order the glass and build it yourself.  :)   Dimensions are as important as everything else, really.  Unless you're stocking discus or angels, my opinion is that vertical space is mostly a waste.  This is compounded further when you have bottom-dwellers.   Stick to your guns and...
  27. Maehlice

    What Do You Feed Your Pleco?

      I drop a few of them into the tank every morning.  By evening, they're rehydrated and soft.  By next morning, they're all gone and the cycle repeats.   I've only ever witnessed first-hand the GN pleco eating them, but I can tell the big pleco and one of the clown loaches are eating them...
  28. Maehlice

    What Do You Feed Your Pleco?

    I have two plecos, a "common" (P. Pardalis) and a gold nugget.  I try to feed all my fish a variety of different foods, so I'm interested to know what all you guys have had success feeding your plecos.   I have a long light cycle to encourage algae growth in the tank.  Apart from that, I feed...
  29. Maehlice

    I'm Moving And Need To Move Tank Too

      +1        Unless you're experienced moving tanks, leaving in the substrate and decor will likely lead to a fractured tank.     My advice is on the opposite end of the spectrum from the previous replies.  Even though it's only 15 minutes, treat it like it's 15 hours.  Murphy's Law states...
  30. Maehlice

    Prep For Going Away....

    Keep the lights like they are and set up a fert/carbon drip.   Imagine an IV drip at a hospital: Go to a hardware store and buy an adjustable drip irrigation emitter (similar to this one I use for dripping in my aquarium). Empty and clean a 2L bottle.  Drill a ~4mm hole in the bottom of it and...
  31. Maehlice

    Continuous Water Change System

      As long as you install a valve on the inline from the house (I imagine you'd have to), you could turn off the water and switch to manual changes during times of medication.   I'm not sure how your setup and display is, so I'm just throwing it out there ... your sump can go anywhere: Beside the...
  32. Maehlice

    What Have You Named Your Fish?

    I don't name my fish unless they have a unique feature or do something particular which stands out to me.   Bubbles - Bolivian Ram - because he blows bubbles from the airstone Pearl - Bolivian Ram - because her irradescence reminds me of a pearl Chupa - Pleco - because he sucks on the glass and...
  33. Maehlice

    Continuous Water Change System

    If you're willing to expend that much water, it will work.  I surmise, though, most of the ammonia will still likely be consumed by bacteria and plants and not discharged with the water change.   I also plan to connect my aquarium into my house's plumbing when I finish out the basement next...
  34. Maehlice

    Upgrading - Cool Fish To Add?

    :hi:   I agree with Zante -- especially on adding more kuhli loaches, since they do best in groups.   Rehome the mollies to their own tank (perhaps the 30g you're vacating).  Like all livebearers, they thrive in hard, basic water -- whereas all your other inhabitants prefer soft, acidic water...
  35. Maehlice

    I Dont Know How Best To Support My Tank In My New House

    Finally ... something with which I'm more familiar than aquatics.   I'm sure there's a fair number of us who understand construction and engineering principles, but I advise you to hire a contractor experienced with home building to consult you on this.   EDIT:  I am not nor have I ever been a...
  36. Maehlice

    Continuous Bright Green Water!

    BTW, I LOVE the ram your profile pic.  It looks almost exactly like my first Bolivian, Pearl.   I had a similar problem last year when my aquarium was next to a window.  It first appeared almost immediately after I fed the tank zucchini (for the pleco).  I'm not certain if that was really the...
  37. Maehlice

    Things For Hardscaping.

    That is an amazing in-depth article.  Thanks for sharing it.  I'd love to see one for wood also, if found.     What if an increase in pH or GH is desired, though?   If the goal is a hard, basic tank (thinking about livebearers, mostly), the addition of limestone or even marble wouldn't...
  38. Maehlice

    Things For Hardscaping.

    In my experience and reading, any natural material can be used in an aquarium.  Man-made objects not specifically designed for aquaria (thinking about concrete and refined metals, mostly) should be avoided.   I have pea gravel from a hardware store, stones from my yard and various other places...
  39. Maehlice

    Ordering Plants Online Advice?

      Not immediately but yes ... probably early next year.  My refugium is only lightly planted, so I'm thinking of bringing up a densely planted 30g separately to be later introduced as the new refugium.
  40. Maehlice

    Ordering Plants Online Advice?

      I'm curious to know, how was your purchasing experience?