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  1. Fluval-1200

    Oak Leaves

    Straight out of tap is 7.8
  2. Fluval-1200

    Oak Leaves

    I don't see how a gh and kh would make something that's ment to ph down go up? Would either keep the ph stable or drop slightly... This leaf was added to the tank after the last water change, I then left the tank for a couple days and tested the ph to find it way high, I then removed the leaf...
  3. Fluval-1200

    Oak Leaves

    Sig now fixed btw....
  4. Fluval-1200

    Oak Leaves

    3 drops of the test regent and I tested it twice as I couldn't believe it. Was on the higher end of the high range ph test 8.8 my usual reading is around 7.2-7.4. Tested around 2-3pm in the day.   Tank isn't planted and nothing new was added to the tank other than that leaf.     People don't...
  5. Fluval-1200

    Oak Leaves

    Its only a little 10gal tank and 1 leaf, I change the water in my big tank and small tank at the same time so if it was the tap water my large tank would be higher ph than normal but it isn't.   Trust me its the leaf that made the ph rise, im just hoping this hasn't damaged my neon's (heard high...
  6. Fluval-1200

    Oak Leaves

    Took the leaf out and done a 50% water change its now back down to around the 7 mark.   The leaf caused my ph to rise lol, I may put one in a glass of water and record it over a couple days.
  7. Fluval-1200

    Oak Leaves

    My ph is usually around the 7.2-7.4 mark, that's why I wanted to use the leaves. Im proper confused about the leaves lol, no pesticides or anything on them and I suppose if there was my fish would be dead. I actually collected loads of dead ones and left them in my cupboard for a couple weeks...
  8. Fluval-1200

    Oak Leaves

    Been trying to breed my neon tetras for awhile now with no look, read online that oak leaves would lower ph and add humic substances or something.   Got aload of nice leaves and added one to my tank about a week ago, my ph went through the roof. To high for the high range to even read.    ...
  9. Fluval-1200

    Breeding Torpedo Barbs/denison Barbs...

    I completely agree with what your saying star4, I would love to sit there and watch them but I work everyday lol.   They defiantly change behaviour with a spray opposed to a duckbill type outlet, im guessing the flow simulates a flowing stream kind. My tank is under-going some changes atm so its...
  10. Fluval-1200

    Anyone Using Overflow Boxes For There Sumps?

    Thank you donya for the picture and answering my questions :). Is the siphon easy enough to start without the pump? and if you was to lift that tube would it effect the flow or anything?   Just trying to get my head around it all and design it to fit my award lid lol
  11. Fluval-1200

    Anyone Using Overflow Boxes For There Sumps?

    As per title really... my tank is freshwater but il get more answers in here regarding sumps and overflow boxes/   Main question are they reliable?   And anyone got a couple pictures of there current overflow box setup.     Thanks in advance.
  12. Fluval-1200

    My New Kribs :)

    They breed like mad and can be quite annoying lol constant loads of fry.....
  13. Fluval-1200

    Breeding Torpedo Barbs/denison Barbs...

    Bumped my torpedo group to 12 a couple weeks ago, I can also tell between the sexes but no clue what each one is lol.   Getting behaviour from them but not tried anything yet, they seem to favour a spray bar too.
  14. Fluval-1200

    Sumping A Tank Without Drilling.

    Thanks for the info shinysideup, I don't tend to look at internal filters as I like minimal equipment in the tank lol. I will get hold of one and give it ago though!   Techen if your running a planted tank that fine floss would block stupidly fast? unless something not right...
  15. Fluval-1200

    Sumping A Tank Without Drilling.

    Fx6 just uses 10% less power and has an updated lid? Fx5 has everything else. Im not gonna run filter floss as it clogs in about a week and ive always been advised not to use floss in this pump as its to powerfull. My water is clean but I want marine clean, a sump would do this as you can get...
  16. Fluval-1200

    Best Food For Plecos?

    Looking for the best food, I was using Aquarian brand but its 28% protein and 3.5% fibre which is not good. From what ive read online my pleco needs less protein high fibre..Its a gibbi The aquarian ones make my plec ill too?    
  17. Fluval-1200

    Sumping A Tank Without Drilling.

    Have you ever used an overflow box? im aiming for crystal clear water + more capacity which the fx 5-6 does not do. All the other filters I have tried to use along side my fx for fine cleaning have failed and become a ballache to change media.
  18. Fluval-1200

    New Sump Design

    Wouldn't the air stone create a problem? and what is the need for air stone?
  19. Fluval-1200

    Sumping A Tank Without Drilling.

    I currently have a 5ft x 20'' x 20'' tank running an fx5, my filter recently lost abit of grunt due to a piece of media getting stuck in impellor!! and being an fx5 it cant run any sort of fine media without giving me a headache. Ive been looking into replacing it with a sump, I could modify my...
  20. Fluval-1200

    Why Are My New Additions Constantly Dying?

    Months down the line, 4 new torpedo barbs in with no problems a new loach with no problems. Weird....
  21. Fluval-1200

    Why Are My New Additions Constantly Dying?

    All going well so far, no ammonia in qt tank. Nothing drastic happening in main tank either, just black bushy algea?   33% water change on main tank very week.   25% water change every 2 days on qt tank using tap water.
  22. Fluval-1200

    Why Are My New Additions Constantly Dying?

    O sorry I thought you ment the main tank filter lol. Never tested the sponge one as I don't have any ammonia, il check the qt tank for ammonia tomorrow.
  23. Fluval-1200

    Why Are My New Additions Constantly Dying?

    The filter has managed to cope with a sailfin pleco for 2 years lol, I don't think a couple extra small fish would cause an ammonia spike enough to kill them.
  24. Fluval-1200

    Why Are My New Additions Constantly Dying?

    Sorry I seemed to of abandoned this thread lol.Last time I posted I had put my sponge filter into my main tank to suck up some bacteria, was around 2 or 3 weeks ago. Today the qt tank was setup with that filter and water from main tank. Ive also added 7 neon tetras and 1 algea loach thing. Il...
  25. Fluval-1200

    Why Are My New Additions Constantly Dying?

    Never tested tap water for nitrate but if it did have any it wouldn't be more than 5.0ppm else my tanks readings would be higher.   Never tested the sponge filter with ammonia but ive never had anything other than a trace of ammonia in the qt tank, once that trace is seen il give a 25% fresh...
  26. Fluval-1200

    Why Are My New Additions Constantly Dying?

    I runs the sponge filter in my main tank for about 2 weeks before setting the qt tank up. That's the way ive been told to do it.   Tested the main tank for nitrate today, its 0 to 5.0, gave the bottles a good shake a bang etc etc.....That's after a week
  27. Fluval-1200

    Why Are My New Additions Constantly Dying?

    My nitrate levels are fine......Tested with 2 kits
  28. Fluval-1200

    Why Are My New Additions Constantly Dying?

    A lot of questions to answer.   Yes I bang and tap the test kits before use, I will redo my tests in the week and post the results.   I change 50% water every week or every 2 weeks without fail, I never go more than 2 weeks and ive tested on the 2 weeks mark and my levels are all safe.
  29. Fluval-1200

    Why Are My New Additions Constantly Dying?

    Quarantine tank has a heater, sponge filter and a rock. All scrubbed clean before used.     I don't think a lot of big water changes is appropriate, very big tank and expensive water bills lol. Also filter is an fx5 full of bio media, expensive to replace.     Im truly stumped as I keep the...
  30. Fluval-1200

    Why Are My New Additions Constantly Dying?

    Nitrate is like 0 to 0.25. I was thinking toxins from the fish but I was using main tank water in my qt water changes, they last longer in qt then main.
  31. Fluval-1200

    Why Are My New Additions Constantly Dying?

    Kuhli loach, torpedo barb, garra ruffas, rainbow sharks and loads more all bought from different shops. Most from the shop I originally bought my main fish.   They all eat in qt and main tank, I actually overfeed to make sure my bottom dwellers have a good meal. My latest fish has been in the...
  32. Fluval-1200

    Why Are My New Additions Constantly Dying?

    Im only adding 1 or 2 fish at a time. The qt and main tank are literally identical parameters, I do a 50% water change on the qt tank using 25% main tank water and 25% fresh.   My current fish are pretty chilled, the new additions would be the ones to cause problems but I never seen any...
  33. Fluval-1200

    Why Are My New Additions Constantly Dying?

    Please read my post not my sig, the sig is false and I cant change it. Tank is now bigger and my stocking levels are in the first post.
  34. Fluval-1200

    Why Are My New Additions Constantly Dying?

    Over the year or so ive been adding new additions to my tank. My tank is severely understocked with only 8 torpedo barbs a sailfin pleco and 2 kuhli loach. Ive been buying new fish and holding them in a qt tank for weeks upto months using a mixture of main tank water and fresh tap water. Never...
  35. Fluval-1200

    Breeding Torpedo Barbs/denison Barbs...

    Thanks for the input, ive had from what I can gather a close call - very odd swimming together and in certain hidden areas of my tank, these were during a straight from tap water change. I do sometime's drain my tank by a 1/4 and let my spray bar run, trying to mimic rain. Noticed this when I...
  36. Fluval-1200

    Breeding Torpedo Barbs/denison Barbs...

    Anyone have much luck with this? I've read about the people finding a batch of fry during tank maintenance but that's not got much decent info into breeding.   Ive got a nice year + old group of 8 which I can clearly tell apart now and almost had a spawn.   Any behaviour to spot or triggers...
  37. Fluval-1200

    Lots Of Plants For Sale, Crypts, Swords, Giant Vallis, Grasses And Mor

    Full kit including timers etc, you just need to add your own c02 can. Either a 2kg or 5kg fire extinguisher does the job. Looking for £80 posted on the c02 kit, open to offers though.   £20 posted for the rest of my ferts, I only used it twice.