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  1. Tearie

    Brown Hair Algae In Tank

      I'm going to try resuming my fert dosing schedule again and hope it makes an improvement. A lot of the affected leaves still look relatively healthy so I'm slightly reluctant on removing them completely but will definetely consider it as a last option if there's no improvement. I've been...
  2. Tearie

    Brown Hair Algae In Tank

      Ah, actually I used to douse flourish excel and regular flourish but stopped a few months ago as my other plants were growing way too fast without the ferts and so I didn't want them to grow even faster with. So am I right in understanding a lack of nutrients/ferts in the water results in the...
  3. Tearie

    Brown Hair Algae In Tank

    Hey guys, recently had a problem with brown hair algae appearing in my 30 gallon tank.   It's quite tough to remove and is brown in colour.   Tank parameters are:   0 Nitrite 25 Nitrate 0 Ammonia 7.8 PH   Tank has been running for 7 months now, no CO2 is being...
  4. Tearie

    29 Gallon Freshwater Queries

    I'm really not too sure how the other endlers died, the ones I did manage to inspect had no signs of illness or infections however. I did catch a glimpse of a dying endler and it seemed unable to swim and was close to the bottom of the tank struggling. The remaining endlers are swimming fine...
  5. Tearie

    29 Gallon Freshwater Queries

    Tank:   Hiya, I've had my tank up and running for about 6 months now, here are the details:   Nitrites : 0 Nitrates : 25 (water's naturally quite high in nitrates, I use Prime for water changes and Purigen in one of my filters) Ammonia : 0 PH : 7.9 - 8.2   Current...
  6. Tearie

    Betta, New Changes Made It Sad? :{

    Betta just died ;_;
  7. Tearie

    Betta, New Changes Made It Sad? :{

    Yeah I definetely plan on adding more corys. Things have gotten a bit worse since I last posted and my Betta is having a lot of difficulty staying upright in the water, he kinda just ends up upside down and laying sideways on the ground ;/ I think it's swim bladder related and so I've ordered...
  8. Tearie

    Betta, New Changes Made It Sad? :{

    Yeah I just realised that's probably the problem. It's only a 50W heater and after talking to a lot of people that's just not enough. I've since ordered a 200W heater and hopefully that'll fix things up. Thanks for the help guys!
  9. Tearie

    Betta, New Changes Made It Sad? :{

    Like one of these right?
  10. Tearie

    Betta, New Changes Made It Sad? :{

    Hm, could it be that my tank is bigger so I'd need to crank the temperature up a bit more? I've raised it to about 26-27 and we'll see how that goes. Unfortunately the only one i have is the sticker ones on the side of my old tankt hat i cant take off :/ might go and buy a new one.
  11. Tearie

    Betta, New Changes Made It Sad? :{

    I'm using a digital thermometer that you an end in and it reads that. I'm not sure it's accurate though, it's designed for reading fridge temperatures lol. The heater was set to 25 degrees C but I'll try raising it a bit higher.
  12. Tearie

    Betta, New Changes Made It Sad? :{

    Oh the heater was set to about 25 degrees but the thermometer read 28, it's one of those ones you stick a metal end in and it gives you a digital reading, although It might not be that accurate because it's a fridge one. I'll try raising the temperature on my heater! (What is the ideal...
  13. Tearie

    Betta, New Changes Made It Sad? :{

    Hey guys, recently I moved my Betta and my Bronze Cory from a 8g tank to a 29g tank. I had the filter media from the newer filter (800L/H that i'd be using in my 29g) put in my old tank so it'd grow some bacteria and make the cycle process easier. I now have 3 filters set up in the tank, one...
  14. Tearie

    Betta, New Changes Made It Sad? :{

    Hey guys, recently I moved my Betta and my Bronze Cory from a 8g tank to a 29g tank. I had the filter media from the newer filter (800L/H that i'd be using in my 29g) put in my old tank so it'd grow some bacteria and make the cycle process easier. I now have 3 filters set up in the tank, one...
  15. Tearie

    Albino Corydora Is Very Ill

    I'm in the UK I did some research into that, had a feeling it could have been septicemia, I'll take a look into some products that could be used. Also my ill corydora really isnt' eating anything I give it. Is there anything I could possibly do other then carry on with the medications and...
  16. Tearie

    Albino Corydora Is Very Ill

    Could you help me out by possibly naming a few brands that would help? Would definitely help to narrow things down.
  17. Tearie

    Albino Corydora Is Very Ill

    Bought some melafix, seperated my cory into a hospital tank. Is there anything else I should be doing? Thanks once again~
  18. Tearie

    Albino Corydora Is Very Ill

    Hey guys, thanks for the responses. Should I look into buying something like this as a broad spectrum medicine? I definetely have made huge improvements in the tank in terms of quality and incase this is...
  19. Tearie

    Albino Corydora Is Very Ill

    Ah forgot to add a picture, here's a link to the corydora.
  20. Tearie

    Albino Corydora Is Very Ill

    Hi guys, My corydora has the following symptons: -Lack of appetite -Lies on bottom of tank, hardly moving -Rapid breathing/shaking -Only goes up for air then goes straight down -Tail fin looks damaged -Red 'cut' near tail, small red dots Overall the cory's been struggling and I want to do...