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  1. M

    Help please

    my tank is 40 litres I think thats about 9 gallons.... It's got a filter, has be cycled and is de-chlorinated. I'm not too sure what you mean by the carbon, my filter has a sponge in it. I unfortunately don't have another tank am very new to all this.
  2. M

    Help please

    Hi ummmm presume no one has any more advice, thanks anyway for all the advice given...
  3. M

    Help please

    Hi posted a few questions yesterday and was wodering wheather anyone had any answers. Am going to get mthe treatment today, was also wondering if this was normal behaviour for a betta, he is either sitting on the bottom if the light isn't on and not really moving at all or going to the surface...
  4. M

    Help please

    Yes will definately be more careful in the future. Just another couple of things should I keep the water temperature at 82 F until I treat the water tomorrow? Also should I do a water change before I treat the water if so how much 100%? And last of all if anyone has any recommendations on what...
  5. M

    Help please

    Thanks so much for your help, the white spot on the betta have only appeared today so I presume that means it is still in the very early stages. I am going to so to my lfs and get something to treat it tomorrow. I hope that it will be ok till then!! In the mean time I have turned the tank up to...
  6. M

    Help please

    What is wrong with the water that makes them get white spot, I don't have a water testing kit either, would it be a good idea to buy one of these as well?
  7. M

    Help please

    Thank you for the advice, unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to get to a fish shop till tomorrow, will that be too late??? Where so they get white spot from as well? Thanks again
  8. M

    Help please

    Hi I bought a betta for my tank about 5 days ago and when I have looked at it this morning I have noticed than he has tiny little white spots all over his face and some of his body. He is still very active and swimming aorund the tank. Does nayone knwo what this is, if it's harmful and what I...
  9. M


    Right have taken everyones advice and got rid of the 2 golden barbs, now I only have 4 neon tetra I presume these will be ok with a betta. I was also wondering wheather anyone could give me any advice about where to buy betta from I live in Nottingham, UK. Thanks again :thumbs:
  10. M


    Unfortunately when I bought my tank and fish I told the fish shop that I eventually wanted to get a betta and they told me that the golden barbs would be fine with the bette as they weren't as aggressive as some barbs.....wish I hadn't taken his advice now.... :( Thanks for the advice though...
  11. M


    Oh dear, was really hoping to get one..... :sad: Thank you for your advice anyway maybe in my next tank! ;)
  12. M


    Hi I'm new I got my first tank about 6months ago and so far have a few golden barbs and a few neon tetra in it. I was wondering wheather I could get any bettas to go in it as well or will the barbs nip their tails? :unsure: Thanks
  13. M

    Barbs, tetras etc

    Cool thaks for the advice. I was also wondering how big the shoal of golden barbs should be for them to be happy at the moment I have got 4 will that be enough? Am going to try the betta and hopefully all will go well.... Would neon tetras be ok with the barbs and do they need a reasonably...
  14. M

    Mad fish!!!

    Thanks for the advice at least the fish aren't mad! I have a few cherry barbs and am keeping them in a 40 litre tank, I was thinking of getting another few fish any ideas of what goes well with them? Thanks again :D
  15. M

    Mad fish!!!

    Hi everyone Am new here and to keeping fish as well! Needed to just ask a question though as I think my fish may be abnormal! Recently got a new tank and have now had it for 3 weeks and put a few barbs in last week. They stayed together in a pack for the first coulpe of days but now go...