Barbs, tetras etc


New Member
Nov 3, 2004
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Was just wondering if anyone knew weather I could put some fish together. Have got 4 golden barbs and I was wondering weather they are compatable with a siamese fighting fish and any sort of tetra, have heard that some barbs eat the tails of other fish and wondered if this was all barbs or just a certain type of species?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Though it's only certain barbs that will nip, bettas are difficult to mix with almost any fast-moving or largish fish cause problems constantly arise. I think golden barbs are relatively peaceful kept in a large shoal but they get quite big at 4in so a large shoal needs space. What size tank do you have? Most tetras should be ok with the golden barbs but the betta may get harassed so only get him if you are prepaired to move him at the first sign of touble and provide him with LOTS of hiding places. The 4 golden barbs should be given 3 more golden barb friends if you want to attempt a betta safely and this would require at least 30 gallons in itself. I would skip the betta and get some tetras and cories. All depends on tank size though...
Some of the barbs are fin nippers. I have seen tigers do it. So as long as the other fish do not have large fins you should be OK. Most tetras are quite fast so they wont be caught out so easily.
Gold barbs aren't known for being nippy, being much closer relations to the cherry barbs than tigers, but do prefer to be in schools. I don't think they'd give a betta any trouble (other than being fast, greedy eaters), but you never know... individual fish personalities are important here, expecially when bettas are involved. Be ready to move the betta to his own home if necessary.

Remember there are quite a few fin-nipping tetras out there as well. Make sure you don't get any of the troublemakers (for example: Serpae tetras).

Sounds like a fun community tank. Good luck!
Cool thaks for the advice.

I was also wondering how big the shoal of golden barbs should be for them to be happy at the moment I have got 4 will that be enough? Am going to try the betta and hopefully all will go well....

Would neon tetras be ok with the barbs and do they need a reasonably sized shoal?

This is all more complicated than I first thought when I got the tank but hopefully it will all turn out well :thumbs:
Sorry the above post was by me was on my friends computer and didn't realise she was logged in... :huh:

Thanks again :D
Neons should be fine but what size tank do you have?
My tank is about 11Gallon

I went out today and bought 4 neon tetra but the man in the shop gave me one extra by mistake so I have 5 altogether, is this enough for the fish to shoal?

So altogether now I have
4 golden barbs
5 neon tetra

Does this mean my tank is full? :huh:
Yes. The golden barbs grow large and your tank is relatively small so, with those neons and the 4 barbs you are actualy slightly over-stocked but it should be ok with regular maintainance. Don't add any more fish though. :)
Whether the fish will shoal or not depends on how insecure they feel :) The more insecure the more the shoaling !

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