

New Member
Nov 10, 2004
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Hi I'm new

I got my first tank about 6months ago and so far have a few golden barbs and a few neon tetra in it. I was wondering wheather I could get any bettas to go in it as well or will the barbs nip their tails?
Oh dear, was really hoping to get one..... :sad:

Thank you for your advice anyway maybe in my next tank! ;)
You could still get a betta. Just get a 1 gallon bowl/tank and a small heater for him. But beware, if you get one, they will come........... and take over every flat surface in your place! :crazy: I even got one for my parents house so I would still be around one when I am away from home. :wub: That's a pretty bad case of MBS that I have........... :(
Unfortunately when I bought my tank and fish I told the fish shop that I eventually wanted to get a betta and they told me that the golden barbs would be fine with the bette as they weren't as aggressive as some barbs.....wish I hadn't taken his advice now.... :(

Thanks for the advice though guys
My personal opinion is that a male betta shouldn't go in with any other fish, ever.
They're very unpredictable.

I know ppl who have done it successfully, but I never would.
AlexsDaddy said:
You could still get a betta. Just get a 1 gallon bowl/tank and a small heater for him. But beware, if you get one, they will come........... and take over every flat surface in your place! :crazy: I even got one for my parents house so I would still be around one when I am away from home. :wub: That's a pretty bad case of MBS that I have........... :(
yes very true i started out with one betta not long ago now i got six!!!! i seem to get a betta everytime i go to the store its addicting!
tank212 said:
AlexsDaddy said:
You could still get a betta. Just get a 1 gallon bowl/tank and a small heater for him. But beware, if you get one, they will come........... and take over every flat surface in your place! :crazy: I even got one for my parents house so I would still be around one when I am away from home. :wub: That's a pretty bad case of MBS that I have........... :(
yes very true i started out with one betta not long ago now i got six!!!! i seem to get a betta everytime i go to the store its addicting!
I can't look at the bettas in Wal-mart or the lfs anymore. It seems that almost every time I do I come home with one. My wife is going to kill me as it is. When she left for her 6 month deployment (she's in the Navy) We only had 3. Now there is 9. Oh well.
AlexsDaddy said:
tank212 said:
AlexsDaddy said:
You could still get a betta. Just get a 1 gallon bowl/tank and a small heater for him. But beware, if you get one, they will come........... and take over every flat surface in your place! :crazy:  I even got one for my parents house so I would still be around one when I am away from home. :wub: That's a pretty bad case of MBS that I have........... :(
yes very true i started out with one betta not long ago now i got six!!!! i seem to get a betta everytime i go to the store its addicting!
I can't look at the bettas in Wal-mart or the lfs anymore. It seems that almost every time I do I come home with one. My wife is going to kill me as it is. When she left for her 6 month deployment (she's in the Navy) We only had 3. Now there is 9. Oh well.
:lol: That is me with any type of fish. My boyfriend will be at work or at his friend's house one day and he will come home and see some new mystery fish in the tank. "Where did that fish come from?"

Me:"What fish? :whistle: "
Him:"The fish that I've never seen before. The new one."
Me:"Oh that one? Our neon tetra and molly interbred and produced that hybrid fish." :p
Him:"No they didn't. You bought another fish didn't you? You're obsessed."
Me:" Nuh-uh..."
Him:"Then why is the molly still pregnant?"
Me:"You know how Mollys are!" :wub:
Him: "How much was it?"
Me:"Eight dollars..."
Him:"Aren't we supposed to be saving money to move out?"
Me:"But he was so cute! And he was all alone...and he reminded me of you! He was just so cute...just like you!"
Him:" Yea...he is kind of cute."
Me:"See, you know you like him!"

Hehe. :D
Maybe I should try that with my wife when she gets home.......

Me: They were so beautiful! They reminded me of you!
My wife: *staring at me with a deadly look cause she knows that I am blowing a load of smoke up her a$$*

Hmmmmmm, maybe not........
Not saying my wife isn't pretty or anything, she just knows me too well......
Right have taken everyones advice and got rid of the 2 golden barbs, now I only have 4 neon tetra I presume these will be ok with a betta.

I was also wondering wheather anyone could give me any advice about where to buy betta from I live in Nottingham, UK.

Thanks again

i agree with bettamomma the temperament of bettas vary alot. i have had 1 in a community tank and it was fine but the 1 i had a little while ago hated everyhtin

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