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  1. P

    Fish That Will Eat Diatoms?

    Well, my tank is already about fully stocked and I was going to be rehoming a good portion of my tetras but replacing them with larger groups of tetras because I have a bunch of different small groups of tetras (2-3 per group) and I'm keeping all of my barbs. I don't know if adding 4 ottos...
  2. P

    Fish That Will Eat Diatoms?

    Is this just with the Bristle Nose? Because, at my LFS, I've seen them put 2 normal, full sized, plecos in a, im guessing, 40-50 gallon tank and they never bothered each other, or the much smaller fish, for that matter.
  3. P

    Fish That Will Eat Diatoms?

    I have a 55 gallon freshwater aquarium that has been set up for about 2.5 months now and I have been getting a large build-up of diatoms on all of my decorations and the walls of my aquarium for about a month now. I go over the walls of the aquarium with a mag-float and that does a great job...
  4. P

    Can I Add More Fish?

    I don't think I'm going to add any cories, but, instead, plecos. I know regular plecos can grow to be very large, so I will probably stick with clown plecos; would I be okay with 5 clown plecos total in my aquarium? Also, what fish, that is pretty colorful, would you recommend I put in the...
  5. P

    Can I Add More Fish?

    I'm curious as to whether I can add more fish or not to my 55 gallon aquarium. Here is a list as to what I have already: 5 Green Tiger Barbs 5 Black Ruby Barbs 1 Clown Pleco 3 Diamond Tetras 3 Phantom Tetras 3 Rasbora Dainos 2 Pristilla Tetras
  6. P

    Mucky On Top?

    Try aiming the output jet towards the surface of the water so that the surface is agitated. I had a similar problem and I was told to make sure the surface of the water is being agitated. But once I did this, the film on the top would actually "mix" in with the water and I saw some debris...
  7. P

    Transferring Fish From One Established Tank To Another

    Okay I just got my 55 gallon ready for my fish that are in my 29 gallon. The only thing that is different between the two is that, the tank with the fish in it is .5-1 degrees fahrenheit lower than the tank that I'm transferring them to. I'm using the same thermometer to measure the temperature...
  8. P

    Transferring Fish From One Established Tank To Another

    What doe you mean "...floating them." ?
  9. P

    Transferring Fish From One Established Tank To Another

    Okay I just got my 55 gallon ready for my fish that are in my 29 gallon. The only thing that is different between the two is that, the tank with the fish in it is .5-1 degrees fahrenheit lower than the tank that I'm transferring them to. I'm using the same thermometer to measure the temperature...
  10. P

    New Aquarium Set-up

    Right. So, is it safe to just put all of my fish from 29 gallon tank (about 22 fish) into my new 55 gallon since the beneficial bacteria has already been established in the current filter I'm using for it? I made sure I didn't wash it just so I wouldn't have to go through a full cycle.
  11. P

    New Aquarium Set-up

    I just set up a 55 gallon aquarium with a sand substrate and I used my Fluval 406 for the filter. Well, my 406 was running on my 29 gallon aquarium that has been established for over a year now. My question is, do I have to cycle this new 55 gallon aquarium since I used my 406 and it already had...
  12. P

    Starting Up A New Aquarium.

    I just set up a 55 gallon aquarium with a sand substrate and I used my Fluval 406 for the filter. Well, my 406 was running on my 29 gallon aquarium that has been established for over a year now. My question is, do I have to cycle this new 55 gallon aquarium since I used my 406 and it already had...
  13. P

    What Kind Of Sand Should I Use?

    Well, I read up on the Unipac Limpopo sand and have found out that it buffers the water. I'm trying to stay away from sand that will buffer the pH of my water, if that's at all possible with black sand.
  14. P

    What Kind Of Sand Should I Use?

    Where did you buy the black unipac limpopo sand from? Was it a local store in your area, or online?
  15. P

    What Kind Of Sand Should I Use?

    I'm about to start setting up a 55 gallon freshwater aquarium and I know for sure that I'm going to be using sand; I just don't know what kind of sand. I can't use Aragonite or crushed coral because they buffer the pH too high and I have fish that can't survive with the pH being high. I'm also...
  16. P

    Cloudy Tank Water

    It's a filter that uses diatomaceous earth as a filter media. It's actually pretty effective at clearing up cloudy water. I decided to go ahead and start it about 1.5 hours ago and stirred up my gravel every 10 minutes and it has actually cleared most of my cloudy water.
  17. P

    Cloudy Tank Water

    Would it be a good idea to go ahead and clean my decorations too?
  18. P

    Cloudy Tank Water

    Okay, I did a water change of about 50%. I kind of figured out how to do so without lifting buckets. But now I need to do a gravel vac. Can I just use the diatom? It filters out the waste once i stir up the gravel. Or would it be a bad idea at this point?
  19. P

    Cloudy Tank Water

    I have a diatom filter I usually use when cleaning; I set up the diatom, take out all decorations, and stir up the gravel until nothing else really gets stirred up and the water becomes clear. Would that be safe to do right now? I'm actually physically disabled, so I'm able to do the normal...
  20. P

    Cloudy Tank Water

    29 gallon 10 barbs, 1 clown pleco, 3 phantom tetras, 2 pristilla tetras, 3 rasbora dainos, 3 black diamond tetras api test kit I usually maintain it once a week tap ph is 7.0 tap nitrate is 0ppm tank is not in sunlight I have a fluval 406 running on it also
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    Cloudy Tank Water

    I believe the reason my tank has become cloudy in the first place is because I added some EasyBalance. My aquarium has been established for over a year now. But after adding the EasyBalance, a day later, I noticed my aquarium was cloudy. I did a water test to check all parameters. The test...
  22. P

    Cloudy Tank Water

    Okay, I did a water change about a day ago of about 40% and just tested it today. Results of test: -Still a low pH of around 6.0 -Ammonia went up to about 0.25ppm-0.50ppm -Nitrite went off the scale; it was at about 5.0ppm or higher. -The Nitrate came down to about 10ppm By this, I'm guessing...
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    Cloudy Tank Water

    Even though the nitrate levels are high? And I'm not doing a fish-in cycle; it's been established for over a year now
  24. P

    Cloudy Tank Water

    Okay so, just for kicks, to see how well it would work, I put some Tetra EasyBalance in my tank. But before adding it, I did a water a water change of about 20%-25%. Yeah, well, EasyBalance, as I have found out, is a BIG JOKE. The next day my tank is cloudy with this milky-white color. So I...