Cloudy Tank Water


New Member
Oct 9, 2012
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Okay so, just for kicks, to see how well it would work, I put some Tetra EasyBalance in my tank. But before adding it, I did a water a water change of about 20%-25%. Yeah, well, EasyBalance, as I have found out, is a BIG JOKE. The next day my tank is cloudy with this milky-white color. So I figured it'd go away in about another day. Nope. I did a water change: nothing. I then tested my water to find out if I had an ammonia spike or something. As I come to find out, my nitrate levels were at about 60-80ppm (YIKES!) and my pH was at or below 6.0; everything else was perfect. So, in response, I did a water change of about 30% and now I'm here two days later, still with a cloudy tank and no idea why it is still cloudy or how to get rid of it. Any suggestions? More water changes?

I'm pretty sure the milky white cloud is just bacterial bloom which is good. I wouldn't do any more water changes, just let it settle.... Well unless you are doing a fish-in cycle.
I'm pretty sure the milky white cloud is just bacterial bloom which is good. I wouldn't do any more water changes, just let it settle.... Well unless you are doing a fish-in cycle.

Even though the nitrate levels are high? And I'm not doing a fish-in cycle; it's been established for over a year now
Okay, I did a water change about a day ago of about 40% and just tested it today.

Results of test:
-Still a low pH of around 6.0
-Ammonia went up to about 0.25ppm-0.50ppm
-Nitrite went off the scale; it was at about 5.0ppm or higher.
-The Nitrate came down to about 10ppm

By this, I'm guessing that the easybalance has put my tank into a "mini-cycle"

Can anyone confirm or prove me wrong otherwise?


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