Can I Add More Fish?


New Member
Oct 9, 2012
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I'm curious as to whether I can add more fish or not to my 55 gallon aquarium. Here is a list as to what I have already:

5 Green Tiger Barbs
5 Black Ruby Barbs
1 Clown Pleco
3 Diamond Tetras
3 Phantom Tetras
3 Rasbora Dainos
2 Pristilla Tetras
In a way, freshwaterfishlover is on point with that statement. BUT you should be able to add more bottom dwellers without issue. You could add about 10 cories or 10 -15 kuhlies to the tank without a problem.

You may also think about rehoming some of your tetras and using the extra space to increase some groups. Most tetras are shoaling fish and you have a lot of little groups of different species.
Agree with Kratos regarding the shoaling species - and everything you've got, bar the plec, is a shoaling species - for them to feel most comfortable, the acknowledged minimum is 6 in a group.
In a way, freshwaterfishlover is on point with that statement. BUT you should be able to add more bottom dwellers without issue. You could add about 10 cories or 10 -15 kuhlies to the tank without a problem.

You may also think about rehoming some of your tetras and using the extra space to increase some groups. Most tetras are shoaling fish and you have a lot of little groups of different species.

I don't think I'm going to add any cories, but, instead, plecos. I know regular plecos can grow to be very large, so I will probably stick with clown plecos; would I be okay with 5 clown plecos total in my aquarium?

Also, what fish, that is pretty colorful, would you recommend I put in the aquarium that can live with barbs? If I rehome some of the fish, the only ones I would keep would be the barbs and the 3 Dainos and get 3 more of the same Dainos. So that would leave me with about 6 more fish I could add.
It does not go by I had 22 fish before, now I can add up to 22 of other fish. It depends on your Filter and how big full grown the fish will get.

I would do:

10 Barbs
6 Danios
2 Clown Plecos
5 bottom Dwellers
i wouldn't add clown plecos,i had a couple and i hardly ever saw them.bristlenose plecs would be better in my opinion
I'm curious as to whether I can add more fish or not to my 55 gallon aquarium.

nobody can answer this for you because we dont know the one most important determining factor when it comes to well you maintain the aquarium....if you are very advanced/expert and maintain the tank perfectly, then i would say yes, you can add many more fish....on the other hand, if you are a novice and dont maintain the tank very well (or dont know how to) then i would say you are overstocked right now

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