Search results

  1. goodste

    Stocking 170 Litre Tropical Aquarium

    Once again thank you for all the advice. I did ideally want to up the corys and Rasbora as I would rather have bigger groups of these but don't want to over fill the tank. I was getting my informatio from: I definitely wanted...
  2. goodste

    Stocking 170 Litre Tropical Aquarium

    Thank you for your detailed reply. I got the water hardness from my water supplier. I didn't just pick random fish and I did look at what numbers they like to be kept in why I suggested pair Killifish and shoels for corys and Rasbora. Also I checked the temperature that these fish all like and...
  3. goodste

    Stocking 170 Litre Tropical Aquarium

    Hi Thanks for all the advise, I wasn't sure about Rainbow which is why they weren't straight on the list. How is the stock level with the numbers I have suggested?
  4. goodste

    Stocking 170 Litre Tropical Aquarium

    The water hardness is soft. Ph 7-8 What's GH and KH?
  5. goodste

    Stocking 170 Litre Tropical Aquarium

    Hi All Not sure how to decide what fish I should put in my tank or how many I should be looking at. The tank is 55cm x 55cm x 65cm and is 170 litres. What I was thinking: 2 x Gardneri Panchax Killifish 8 x Galaxy Rasbora 6 x Panda Cory 2 x Balloon Ram Are these all suitable? Am I above or...
  6. goodste

    Female Betta Community Question

      That's a shame, was very hopeful I could get 4 Betta's in. The Rummys do school and have been in the tank for 6months, would rather not rehome them if possible.   Thank You for your advice.
  7. goodste

    Female Betta Community Question

    I have a 60 Litre Tank. It currently has 2 Dwarf Frogs, 4 Amano Shrimp and 5 Rummy Nose Tetras. I was wondering if this setup would be suitable for a small Sorority of Female Betta's? If yes how many? If No any suggestions for fish for a centre piece?   I have a male Crown Tail in his own tank...
  8. goodste

    First Betta Arrived

    He is awesome, loving watching him swim round his tank. He is enjoying swimming round and through the ornaments and plants. He slept under the log ornament, I was worried he was going to get stuck but he knew what he was doing. Came straight to see me this morning when he saw me watching him.
  9. goodste

    First Betta Arrived

    I am thinking Thor is his name. He comes to see me everytime i go to the tank :-)
  10. goodste

    First Betta Arrived

    My first Betta has arrived and he is happily exploring his tank. He has been in there around an hour and has already eaten which I take as a good sign. Just need a good name for him now.   Here he is:  
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  13. goodste

    First Betta

    Thanks Frapadoodle I really cant wait, I wanted a betta when i got my first tank in September but my friends got me dwarf gouramis for my birthday so couldn't get one. So cant wait for tomorrow :)
  14. goodste

    First Betta

    RCA I am going to try the shrimp in with the Betta but if he takes a dislike them they will go in my other tank. The shrimp are really easy to keep, help remove algae ans are something different to look at. My other tank has 2 Dwarf Gouramis, 2 Blue Ram, 6 Corys and 2 Dwarf frogs. tcamos...
  15. goodste

    First Betta

    Thanks for the message. Chester, England here. I am getting a blue crown tail. It is 20litre which I know is the minimum but it was the biggest I could get in my room with having my 60 litre tank in there as well. It is fully cycled used media and water from my other tank and had a couple of...
  16. goodste

    First Betta

    Hi All Get my first Betta tomorrow can't wait. So here is my tank setup, photo 2 is a couple of weeks ago initial setup and photo 1 after I added moss at the start of the week. I am getting Crown Tail and will take photos when he is in his new home.
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  19. goodste

    New 240 Litre Tank

    My Housemate has caught the Tropical Fish bug off me and has asked me advice on the new Tank he has got for the house.   He has got a 240 Litre Tank Cycling now and was wondering on some good fish ideas.   The only fish he is definitly set on is a Betta and a Neon Tetras.   Can anyone help with...
  20. goodste

    60 Litre Tank - Is This A Good Number And Type Of Fish.

    I am really glad I asked on this site because the information I found had both Golden and Five Banded as at max 2.5" which is why I considered them. Do you have any recommendations about dwarf frogs? I have been told these are good in community tanks and just add something a little different...
  21. goodste

    60 Litre Tank - Is This A Good Number And Type Of Fish.

    What about the below Cories would eithe of these be suitable? Arched Cory / Skunk Cory Elegant Cory Below are the other options I wasn considering (any thoughts?): Neon Golden Barb Five Banded Barb Dwarf Pencilfish Chilli Rasbora Thanks for your help really appreciate it.
  22. goodste

    60 Litre Tank - Is This A Good Number And Type Of Fish.

    Thanks thats Brilliant, I do like the snails I just wasnt sure if any of the fish would eat them.
  23. goodste

    60 Litre Tank - Is This A Good Number And Type Of Fish.

    Hi Thanks for the advice: So I should get just one species of Cory. What species of Cory would you recommend? I thought these two were pretty small. So 1* Betta, 6* Shrimp, 3* Cory, 5* Cherry Barb Would you leave it at that? If this goes well is the tank large enough to add more...
  24. goodste

    60 Litre Tank - Is This A Good Number And Type Of Fish.

    I was hoping as they don't have large fins the Betta might leave them alone? Thanks for the information
  25. goodste

    60 Litre Tank - Is This A Good Number And Type Of Fish.

    I have got a 60 Litre Tank - Just want to know what people think about the following list of fish I am considering. Male Crown Tail Fighting Fish *1 Marbled Hatchet *4 Albino Corydoras *2 Bronze Corydoras *2 Cherry Barb *4 Crystal Red Shrimp "Grade C" *3 Red Cherry Shrimp *3 Worried I am...