Search results

  1. L

    Reccomend Any Pets?

    Oh Bre B, I had to laugh when I read this! ;) Yours is noisy in the morning? Mine is quiet as a mouse until I take the covering off the cage. Now when he's falling asleep for a nap and fighting it....oh gosh, does he make a racket! Nat
  2. L

    Reccomend Any Pets?

    Do you like snakes? A kingsnake, a cornsnake or a milksnake stay a manageable size and usually don't graduate past eating mice. Kings tend to be especially laid back. You can buy mice frozen in bulk and just thaw and feed. Basically, you need a tank with a good tight fitting lid, substrate...
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    Oldest One, Dobo

    Can anybody nominate? If so, I'll second the nomination for potm for the second pic. The paws! The pink tongue! That is toooo cute! Nat
  4. L

    Fish You Will Never Buy Again.

    I wouldn't buy Gouramis again. I've totally given up on them. Flowerhorn. I had bought a used tank setup and he came with it. Gorgeous fish, but way too agressive. A real bully. Crayfish and common pleco. Again these came with the tank, so I'm keeping them, but I would never buy them...
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    Creepy Cravlies

    Ohhh that walking stick is awesome! Nat
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    Maggie Baby!

    oh wow, thanks guys! I'm flabbergasted. I was just hoping she'd put a smile on your faces! :wub: Nat
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    October's PoTM Nominations

    link to the thread...
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    Dawn Reflections

    You certainly have a gift with the camera. Awesome. Nat
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    Gorgeous snakes! That python has beautiful golden coloring! And the black almost looks like a black there such a thing? It's striking! The beardie is a cutie-pie too! Nat
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    Break Of Dawn

    Awe-inspiring! Had to pick my jaw up off the floor. Just absolutely beautiful. Nat
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    Maggie Baby!

    Here's hubby's "cute blonde" as he calls her. Can you tell she's his little girl??? She loves to sit on his head. Hubby keeps saying he's a pirate with a dog on his shoulder instead of a parrott. Showing off those big ol' rabbit ears! Smiling! Nat
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  13. magears.jpg


  14. dh1.jpg


  15. L

    Something Awful Has Happened..

    Oh sorry! I've been repeatedly told not to feed mango to birds because it's poisonous for them. Like chocolate is for dogs. I've never seen mango in bird food preparations. Papaya yes, Mango no. HTH. I don't know if it applies to all birds. I've been told this for my love bird & finches. Nat
  16. L

    Something Awful Has Happened..

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I know birds love fresh fruit, but please folks, if you don't already know, never ever give your birds mango. Jessica, it could very well be that one died of natural causes and the other panicked and died with him. Birds get very attached to each other...
  17. L

    How to break a dog of separation anxiety?

    I agree with crate training. Not only are you preventing the destruction of your house, you're also protecting your pup from injury. That being said, there's also another issue to separation anxiety. Make sure you go over this with the entire family. Consistency is the key and this needs to...
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    AAAARRRRGGGHHHHH! scum mark still there!

    how about baking soda? It's scrubby, yet gentle enough as to not scratch the glass. It's still good enough to get rid of hard water marks, etc...
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    Me+Mollies = Death

    Aren't mollies brackish?
  20. L

    food for oscars

    You'd have to be careful because cat and dog foods contain dyes that the fish may not be able to break down.
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    New Dog

    hmmm...that's strange Fishy, they're not supposed to get out of those things! You had a real Houdini on your hands, eh? How the Halties..the dogs head slips right out of those ones. grrr.
  22. L

    New Dog

    For the leash and walking, get a nifty little invention called a Gentle Lead. It sits around the snout too (but it's not a muzzle) just keeps her from being able to pull. If she tries to, it turns her head and she won't like it. We use it on our furry bundle of joy who's part husky and it...
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    Hardiest tropical fish ??

    Gold barbs are reportedly hardy, but I have no personal experience with them. Can anyone comment on them?
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    Beautiful Squeeker!
  25. L

    I got bored... does it show?

    here's mine. It's around my ankle. Sorry for the blurry pic but I was trying to balance my leg on my computer desk taking a pic with my web cam. lol.
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  27. L

    A blizzard!!

    Hey Idolz, I'm in Atlantic Canada too...NB. Gotta love the fluffy white mashed potato flakes, eh? :blink: hehehe.
  28. L

    Dojo loaches

    I've seen that coloration before. Is it something like this? The second one? patterned gold dojo It's strange that they died like that. They are pretty hardy fish! Did you check your readings and everything? (nitrate, nitrite, ph,etc...) And what was your temp? They like cooler water. I...
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    25G stocking question

    Weather loaches are quite adaptable, but do prefer colder water. I keep mine in about 77f, which it can easily handle according to the research I've done. He seems happy & healthy and growing fast!
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    25G stocking question

    I have a 25G tank that's housing 5 peppered corys, 1 weather loach and 3 gouramis (1 each of pearl, opaline and blue...all females). Should I leave it at this or can I add a few more inhabitants? I don't want any more gouramis since the gouramis I get around here seem to be sickly, but the...
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    Thanks! Yours is a cutie too. I love the coloring. They grow so fast, eh? It's amazing.
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    I have an albino California Kingsnake that's close to 4 ft long. He's grown a bit since the pics. We just got him in September 2004 and he's about 2½ to 3 years old.
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  34. L

    Python Clean & Fill Water Changers

    I dump the dechlorinator in just before I refill the tank. Pythons are definitely worth the investment, specially if you have large tanks.
  35. L

    Does anybody have training tips?

    well, can't say as I've ever been tempted to try 'em, but I do have a few recipes where the author supposedly enjoyed them with her dogs. I'm not surprized that they taste good as all they are all good ingredients. ;o) What did your pup think of them? Any progress on the training? I chopped...
  36. L

    What are your pets?

    uhhh letsee. I am owned by: 2 birds ( a lovebird and a strawberry finch) 1 snake (albino california king) fish and 1 dog - Maggie
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  38. L

    Does anybody have training tips?

    hehehe NinjaSmurf. It's awesome that you were able to train your dog without treats (and a feat I would have LOVED to accomplish)! Give your pup a nice scratch behind the ears for me! I agree with the hand signals. It's just as easy to teach them at the same time as the verbal command and...
  39. L

    Does anybody have training tips?

    Regular flour should work too, just the whole wheat is a bit more nutritional. If you're not sure, just make a half batch and see. Be prepared for lots of drooling! My dog flips whenever I make homemade cookies for her. They're inexpensive to make and dogs really seem to notice the...
  40. L

    Does anybody have training tips?

    Keep your chin up! When there's a will, there's a way. We had a very hyper-active dog and managed to train her. If we can do it, you can too. A good time to work with your dog is when he's hungry. He'll be more willing to do whatever is needed to get that treat. So work with him before you...