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  1. R

    Betta behaviour

    Ok thanks for the advice, is hikari a brand or a type of pelllet, as I'm from the UK and have looked for them but couldn't find them so would any type of pellet do?
  2. R

    Look what my boys made me for Easter!

    Why do they make bubble nests?
  3. R

    Betta behaviour

    If anyone has any more suggestions about what to feed etc please help. He's still not moving and one of the tetras has dies and the other ones are covered in ich. I don't know whether to complain to my lfs as everything in the tank was fine before I bought the betta so surely it must have come...
  4. R

    Betta behaviour

    Right I've been treating him as described on the bottle which is every 48 hours and changing the water every other day as well but he's still looking no better. He is just going and resting in his plant I'm worried this is because he wants to find somewhere quiet to die? He still refuses to eat...
  5. R

    Betta behaviour

    It's been about 4days I think since I last changed the water and yes he hasn't eaten for the last few days.. How long does it take for ich to clear up?
  6. R

    Betta behaviour

    Oh one other thing, should I been changing the water while I'm treating them if yes how much water should I change?
  7. R

    Betta behaviour

    I could only find two brands to treat him with at the petsmart by me (UK) but it's called white spot control contains malachite green?? Hope thats the right thing?Hopefully he'll start perking up, like I said before I'm pretty sure that the lfs doesn't sell live food so what else could I tempt...
  8. R

    Betta behaviour

    I've already got a heater but wasn't too sure what temp to put it at it's currently at about 74 so I'll krank it up a bit. He is still not eating but is now just sitting in the leaves of one of the plants. Is it common for them to be a bit lifeless after getting something like ich...
  9. R

    Betta behaviour

    Right realised he was covered in white spots can only presume this is ich so have treated him with some medication. Would this explain his odd behaviour? He is now resting on the leafs of his plant rather than on the bottom.... But is still refusing food. Where does ich come from? Is it likely...
  10. R

    Betta behaviour

    Ok I have a petsmart quite close by so could go and pick up a small tank for him to live in would it need a heater and lights? I realised I also haven't metioned that he isn't eating either. I am very open to any suggestions that anyone has about his behaviour. Thanks for the speedy response...
  11. R

    Betta behaviour

    Unfortunately I don't have another tank. My tank has been set up since about September. I was thinking that he may not like the current but was unsure wheather it would be alright for the tetras as well to turn it off, I did try turning it off for a couple of hours today but when I did that he...
  12. R

    Betta behaviour

    Sorry one more thing... Also compared to all your pictures his tail is very limp and lifeless.... :(
  13. R

    Betta behaviour

    Hi everyone I'm new to keeping bettas, but have wanted one for ages!! I have been through the website and read alot of your comments and advice...but I have a problem. I bought my betta about a week ago now and he has not been very lively at all he either seems to sit on the bottom of my...
  14. R


    Oh it's 50litre I just wasn't sure how many gallons that was.
  15. R


    Thank you for the advice have just done a water change. How often should I generally be changin my water?
  16. R


    The tank is about 1 gallon I think (about 50 litres english) and yes the fishs eyes are bulging out.
  17. R


    About once every other week I do a half water change is this enough, I don't have a water tester though.
  18. R


    Hi was wondering if anyone could please help me..... Bought a tropical fish tank about 6months ago followed everyones advice on the website about setting it up and then bought 4 golden barbs and 5 neon tetras. At the beginning unfortunately 1 of the neon and 2 of the barbs dies but since then...
  19. R


    Hi I was just wondering what is algae, how does it get into my tank and what I can do to get rid of it. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  20. R

    Water Changes...

    I was just wondeirng how you are supposed change the water do you change all of it? I also didn't know weather or not to leave the gravel or to try and clean it? I haven't got a water testing kit either would this be a good idea?
  21. R

    Barbs, tetras etc

    My tank is about 11Gallon I went out today and bought 4 neon tetra but the man in the shop gave me one extra by mistake so I have 5 altogether, is this enough for the fish to shoal? So altogether now I have 4 golden barbs 5 neon tetra Does this mean my tank is full? :huh:
  22. R

    Barbs, tetras etc

    Sorry the above post was by me was on my friends computer and didn't realise she was logged in... :huh: Thanks again :D
  23. R

    Barbs, tetras etc

    Hi Was just wondering if anyone knew weather I could put some fish together. Have got 4 golden barbs and I was wondering weather they are compatable with a siamese fighting fish and any sort of tetra, have heard that some barbs eat the tails of other fish and wondered if this was all barbs or...
  24. R


    Yes I have a few live plants in the tank.
  25. R


    I was wondering how long you have to leave the lights on in the tank, I've heard from some sources not to leave them on for too long as they just promote the growth of algae? Is this true? Thanks
  26. R

    Help Please!

    Thanks for the advice may be back with more questions! :D
  27. R

    Thank You!

    I just wanted to say thank you, I have only been on this site for about half and hour and all the questions I have (for the tie being!) have already been answered, so Thanks! :)
  28. R

    Help Please!

    Thanks very much for the advice and link, but I was also wondering how many fish to put into my tank (when i finally put them in!) Also what type of fish are good for a beginner?
  29. R

    Help Please!

    I have just got a new fish tank and was wondering weather I could have some advice. My tank is 40L and is 33cm x 33cm. I haven't put any fish in it yet as I have left it for the last couple of days with the filter and heater on. I jsut had a few questions. Do I need lots of plants in my tank as...