Help Please!


New Member
Nov 3, 2004
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I have just got a new fish tank and was wondering weather I could have some advice. My tank is 40L and is 33cm x 33cm. I haven't put any fish in it yet as I have left it for the last couple of days with the filter and heater on. I jsut had a few questions.

Do I need lots of plants in my tank as I haven't got an aerator so would these giev the fish oxygen?

How many fish can I fit in this sort of tank?

What would be some good starter fish?

Thank you, really don't want to end up buying lots of fish that just die! Also if there is any other advice you could give I would be extremely grateful.
Hi and congrats on the new tank. Before you start to introduce any fish, I suggest you read this.
It will explain how to start the cycle of you tank. Personally I prefer to use the fishless method and if you follow the links, it will explain how to do it.
Thanks very much for the advice and link, but I was also wondering how many fish to put into my tank (when i finally put them in!) Also what type of fish are good for a beginner?
Danios are very hardy fish, but it also depends if you have hard or soft water. Different fish have different needs. What's the water like in your area hard or soft?
the filter should provide sufficient aeration. if it ripples the water surface, its fine.

there are various fish that would fit into your tank; how many depends which ones you pick.

good fish for your tank could include:

small corydoras (eg pygmy or panda)
cherry barbs
dwarf gourami
honey gourami

hmmm can't think of any more offhand...the golden rule is to research EVERY fish before you buy it. imagine if you impulse buy a fish jsut cos it's pretty,t ehn find it grows to 12" long! :blink: there's a bunch of good fish info sites on the net that can help you. :)
Thanks for the advice may be back with more questions! :D

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