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  1. K

    Manufacturers Of Cheap, Basic, Aquariums

    I am looking to construct a small fish house in my garage with 7-8 tanks ranging in size from 36x12x12 to 24x12x12 to 18x12x12. Obviously the last thing I want to do is spend £300 a piece on luxury aquariums. Is it still possible in the UK to obtain basic glass aquariums without stands or...
  2. K

    Danionin Cladology Undergoes Major Revision

    Hi Chaps, There is a new paper out called "Paedocypris Phylogeny". It has some interesting material as in total they studied over 200 cyprinids. They appear to have suggested that the existing rasboriniae cladology is in need of revision...
  3. K

    Glow Light Danios

    I regularly expose my danios to 13-14C when I do water changes. I have Danios dangila [8], roseus(6), sp hikari [8], glowlight(3), putao glowlight (3), feegradei (10), TW01 (2), TW03 (6), rerio (40), abolineatus (40), kerri (10), pulcher (25), tweediei (40), kyathit striped (4), kyathit spotted...
  4. K

    Danio Pic,at Last.

    Excellent photo, Yes it is definitely Danio feegradei, which can be a little variable but in all cases they are quite a large Danio at least 8cm long (the length given in fishbase is wrong), see photo of a pair of mine Here They are not regarded as an easy Danio to breed, they can be picky...
  5. K

    Glofish Available In Uk

    No - they're illegal. Good!
  6. K

    Danio Feegradei

    Went in today and had a quick look. I would say they are 3" or so. As far as I know that is as big as they get. They are a fair bit bigger than kyathit but nowhere near as big as Dangila can get!
  7. K

    Danio Feegradei

    Not sure, havent been in for a month or so, trouble is that those blighters could have put on an inch in that time!!
  8. K

    Danio Feegradei

    Maidenhead Aquatics in St Albans have them for £2.25 each. Regarding the size, one of the problems with these new fish is that very few people have kept them. It takes time for them to grow and unless they are in a large tank with few other fish they may not grow as much as they might. Also...
  9. K

    Danio Feegradei

    I've never had one get bigger than about 2.5 inches There are plenty feegradei (british bred) in wildwoods at the moment afaik. They do eat like horses though - my "fry" eat so much that two of them deformed their backs. They are less than 6 months old and well over an inch long.
  10. K

    Zebra Danio Prob(pic!)

    Looks like a tumour - I suspect it is not long in the world but so long as it is not in distress just leave it to enjoy its life
  11. K

    Danio Feegradei

    I have heard reports of extreme death causing aggression, but this appears to be very rare and I have never had any problems. They grow a bit larger than your average danio and are VERY boisterous but seem a good community fish. Breeding is quite tricky though - they often wont spawn and you...
  12. K


    I bought this really cheap kit once that did trickle changes. Essentially it connected to the tap and constantly fed in some fresh water and the flow was used to syphon out used water. Lost it years ago and have not seen it since
  13. K


    Is perhaps what the motto of this site should be. 99% of fish problems tend to have this as the route cause and by changing water often you can save yourself a lot of money on chemicals. I know one chap who does daily water changes of 20% on some of his fish
  14. K


    Dosent sound like it to me. These things do depend on various factors eg is there aeriation, filtering, how often do you change the water etc., plus the type of fish I have 100 small danios in a 20 gal tank (about 30 adults the rest are 1cm approx fry) and have no trouble, but if I didnt change...
  15. K

    My Fish Are Proving To Be Incompatible In My New Tank. Help?

    I can only echo that. The reason you lost a fish to dropsy was probably the stress of living with tiger barbs.
  16. K

    Burmese Danios

    I think this is the fish you are looking for. According to my spies you got them at Wholesale Tropicals for £1.50 each :hey:
  17. K

    Devario Sp Mirik Red/bloodred/redline

    I bought three mirik red for about £5 each at Wildwoods a month or two ago. A week ago I noticed I had 2m and 1F and the F was plump Put them in a tank on their own with some spawning grass and java moss. Female was very thin last saturday so got them out Got over 300 of them now. HELP :fun:
  18. K

    My Zebra Danios

    My advice is this. Get a 5 gal tank, (I use the firsh r fun integral tanks), put an undergravel filter, coverl with gravel and add some sea-nery artificial grass. Add fish, feed well but not excessively. Change 50% of water per week Every week or so or the evening after you see them spawning...
  19. K

    Zebra Danio Behaving Strangely

    He might be just shy. Make sure there are some well sheltered parts in the tank, feed well, change the water often, dont rush up to the tank. lift the lid suddenly, turn the light on in a darkened room or make excessive vibration and hopefully he will be fine in a few weeks.
  20. K


    I would disagree, I kept and bred zebra danios for years in a 6 gal 18x10x10 tank. Best to have a minimum of five, however two danios will get on quite happily especially if they are a pair, male and female. 10 gal is more than adequate unless you are plannning to keep the larger species like...
  21. K

    Need Some Opinions On This Danio

    The offspring are normally infertile with hybrids though
  22. K

    New Devarios For Me

    I would concur with all three statements. In a good mood as I have just spawned danio kerri
  23. K


    The article here was written about zebras (rerio) but applies equally well to all the other danios
  24. K

    Can't Find The Zebra Danio's Eggs!

    Try this. Aquavac the substrate, empty the contents into a glass bowl with water from the same tank Get another glass bowl and pour the water from the first bowl in leaving the hoovered gravel in the glass bowl. Look carefully at the bottom of the bowl for eggs and fry.
  25. K

    Danio Dangial

    Males have a red line about 2/3 of the way down the anal fin. In females it is white. Same goes for Danio feegradei and Danio meghalayensis
  26. K

    Which Would Go Better With Danios - Rasboras Or White Clouds?

    ???? Where did you get 64 species from? According to fishbase there are 9 true danios and 35 devarios. (plus Danios meghalayensis sp hikari sp TW02 and sp TW03 which do not "officially" exist at present)
  27. K

    Spawned Feegradei

    My feegradei spawned on tuesday morning in a breeding tank with an underground filter and spawning grass to protect the eggs. I recovered the eggs with an aquavac then evacuated the parents and replaced the eggs. Temp 72F unheated tank The eggs are HUGE - at least twice the size of pearl/zebra...
  28. K

    Danio Sp. Blue Red Stripe

    I doubt it is a hybrid, not least because devario devario (Bengal) is more distantly related from the devarios than any other fish. The problem is that both aequippinatus and malabaricus which are both sold as giant danio, do like most danionins vary from fish to fish to some extent. Add in the...
  29. K

    Danio Sp. Blue Red Stripe

    Could your fish be these, although it would seem unlikely as they were only discovered very recently. Or how about Devario Browni: Or Devario Chrysotaeniatus...
  30. K

    Danio Pulcher And Tweediei Galore

    I have about 200 odd fry hatching of these: Danio abolineatus tweediei: Danio abolineatus pulcher: If anyone here lives near Bedfordshire and wants to collect some in a few weeks they are...
  31. K

    Danio Sp. Blue Red Stripe

    In my experience all danios will eat food from anywhere in the tank, though the bottom is not their preferred place and they are not in the same league as corys or loaches, if they see food they like at the bottom they will dive and eat it, especially eggs when they are breeding, my dangila...
  32. K

    Danio Sp. Blue Red Stripe

    Hi Mike, They are believed to be closely related or a synonym of Danio abolineatus, the pearl danio. Behaviour wise they are pretty similar. They grow almost to the same size as albos but slightly shorter and chunkier, breeding wise they breed as easily as pearls and mine have produced over...
  33. K

    ! Mutant Danio !

    She is clearly somewhat "Alpha" and has strong colouring. Devario Devario is the deepest bodied of the danios so it is not entirely surprising that she has such a deep body. With all the different danios coming in it is quite possible that it may be from a different locality and has regional...
  34. K

    How Many Tetra Is Too Many?

    One of my books or something else I read said that once the tank settled down with decent filtration you could have two inches per gallon. Also powerfilters and increased water changes can increase this further. The limit is theoretically when the amount of fish you have produce too much ammonia...
  35. K

    Ill Danio

    Suggest you get her into a hospital tank and treat her with JBL furanol. (be warned that the furanol kills filter bacteria so cannot be used in the main tank)
  36. K


    With a predator like the black widow I wouldnt add them till they are adults
  37. K

    Why Can't I Keep My Danio's Alive ?

    Sadly danios dying of dropsy is part and parcel of keeping danios. Their lifespan is 2-3 years only and because they are mostly from fast flowing streams they are quite prone to suffering internal bacterial infections in a tank situation where the water quality inevitably cannot match the...
  38. K

    Jbl Furanol

    Is JBL Furanol legally available in the uk from fish shops or do you have to go to a vet?
  39. K

    Horrible Disease Causing Heammoraging

    Many thanks, Too late now with the salt but will bear it in mind. If its stress related I would say being terrrorised by a large angelfish has a lot to do with it. Water was matched as much as possible but there is an inevitable drop pending the heater rectifying it. That should not be a...
  40. K

    Horrible Disease Causing Heammoraging

    Thanks Wilder, Theyve had massive water changes, one heaped teaspoon salt per 4 gallons and a large dose of melafix so fingers crossed. I had an angelfish go into spawning mode and attack about 40 of my danios taking lumps out of fins, and otherwise injuring them - one lost an eye - before I...