Search results

  1. N

    Xmas Moss

    Plants: Xmas Moss Quantity for sale: Tennis ball sized clump Delivery or Collection: Either Sales price: Swap for a rooty piece of wood, will pay towards it if a nice piece! or £10. Postage & Packaging: £3.50 Location: Bristol Photograph: -will get one soon- Chopped all this out of my main...
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    Breeding Apistogramma Cacatuoides

    Thanks very much! Trying to get a better air pump so I can power all my little tanks and a lrger growout tank so once I have that I can put them in the big tank on there own and grow them out properly.
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    Breeding Apistogramma Cacatuoides

    Sorry I haven't updated I've been so busy lately. News is I have around 18 left from the original 28 so not bad going I think, Mother is still in with them and doing a fantastic job of looking after them. They are huge now compared to when they first left the nest, swimming properly, fins and...
  4. N

    Breeding Apistogramma Cacatuoides

    Hi, paired up 2 lots of Apistogramma Cacatuoides around 2 weeks ago and a pair has just revealed fry so thought I may aswell start a journal to show progression with the spawn! Both pairs are Triple Reds and very high quality from a trusted breeder so the fry should be good too :good...
  5. N

    Strange Agassizii Tail

    Hey guys, a friend of mine recently bought a pair of Apistogramma Agassizii but noticed his male has a tail shaped like a Cacatuoides. The tail isn't the usual diamond shaped tail familiar with an Agassizii. It's definitely an Agassizii though! Any reasons why this might happen?
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    Apistogramma Cacatuoides

    Thing with cories are they are a bit dippy, they'll trundle into another fishes territory.. get a beating.. then wander straight back in again :crazy: I got corys in with my Rams and there's no problems there, but also just set up an Apisto species tank with 5 male Cacs in and I have 6 1inch...
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    Unwell Apistogramma!

    Oh no, I guess we just caught it too late :sad: Ill PM a mod about pinning something in New World about this
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    What Size Powerhead

    In this tank I have Bronze Corys, Bolivian Rams, White cloud Minnows and Otos. Think they can all cope with a bit of flow so I'll look into the Nano's I think. Thanks for the help guys :good:
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    Unwell Apistogramma!

    I was considering asking a Mod to Pin it in the New World section, would save a lot of peoples Apistos if they didn't know :good:
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    Unwell Apistogramma!

    Keep an eye out for white fluff on his body, that was the last thing that happened before mine died.
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    Unwell Apistogramma!

    Fingers crossed you can save him, substitute the bloodworm for some frozen brineshrimp or daphnia from now on. I feed mine that and Tetra prima/colour flakes and sinking cichlid pellets varied throughout the week. the frozen food is only a once a week treat though and you'll notice a massive...
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    Unwell Apistogramma!

    No problem, sorry I couldn't be of more assistance. If I find out anything else I'll let you know!
  13. N

    What Size Powerhead

    Yeah thought it was a bit high, want more flow on that side not a washing machine lol. I shall have a flick through and see what else I can find, would a Hydor Nano work or is that too big too?
  14. N

    Unwell Apistogramma!

    Yeah thats whats done it, I don't know if theres anything you can do I couldn't figure out what it was before I lost them so I can't help with that. I was told it affected the swim bladder? Maybe try some meds for that but I can't be 100% certain. Good Luck :good:
  15. N

    Unwell Apistogramma!

    Have you fed them bloodworm at all? I've been told by 2 reputable breeders that feeding male cacs bloodworm kills them because they can't digest it, I lost 3 to this before I realised. Has he gone missing for a day or two then reappeared really weak and on his side a lot?
  16. N

    Looks Like Bogwood But Doesn't Sink, What Is It?

    No problem, hope it stays sunk on its own for you soon :good:
  17. N

    Looks Like Bogwood But Doesn't Sink, What Is It?

    Looks like your average bogwood to me, I will sink eventually, may take a while to saturate that huge lump though :hyper:
  18. N

    Looks Like Bogwood But Doesn't Sink, What Is It?

    It will eventually once it becomes saturated with water throughout, its a common thing with wood to not sink straight away just weigh it down with something for a couple of weeks and it should be fine :good:
  19. N

    What Direction Has Your Fish Keeping Gone?

    I started with Goldfish when I was about 4, now 19 and I've kept a variety of fish including Mollies, guppies, Neons, Harlequins, Minnows and other of the more common fish. Then went to Bettas for a bit both male and female. Also have a tank for just shrimp and snails. Ive successfully bred and...
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    Arcadia Arc 60 Diary

    Steve is a top bloke, good luck with them they look amazing. :good:
  21. N

    Arcadia Arc 60 Diary

    Did you get your Apistos from Nailsea by any chance? Thats the breeder I got my Cacs from and they're awesome, if your Agassizii breed I am reserving some fry now :good: :lol:
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    What Size Powerhead

    Hey guys, my main tank has been having green dust algae problems on one side of the tank and its getting annoying having a massive flow deadspot over that side. Also some of my plants on that side are getting 0 flow, I have lily pipes on my filter atm so could that also be a problem? I was...
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    What To Do With Kitty Litter

    Ouch doesn't sound good. I don't have any diggers so not really had that problem myself, could you try pushing the cat littler back under the sand with your finger or something?
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    What To Do With Kitty Litter

    No problems, remember to post pictures up when your done :good:
  25. N

    What To Do With Kitty Litter

    Tescos is usually the one to go for, I used Sophisticat Pink on recommendation from a user on here takes a lot of cleaning but it works just the same. I have capped mine with sand and in my heavily planted tank I used about 3" in the front sloped to about 5" at the back and a whole bag of...
  26. N

    What To Do With Kitty Litter

    Put some in a bucket or bowl, run water into it and stir it around until the water runs clear then put it into your tank like any other substrate. Did this on 3 of my tanks now and had 0 problems and it looks great! Which cat litter did you go for out of interest?
  27. N

    5X Female Fighters

    Livestock/Equipment make-model-size/Wanted/Exchange/Plants: 5x Female Siamese Fighters Age and condition: Good, healthy fish, I've had them around 3months. Quantity for sale: 5 Reason for Sale: Tank re-shuffle and new species tank (Apistos) Delivery or Collection: Collection only Sales price...
  28. N

    Best Air Pump?

    Yeah I was running it on a splitter before and it was a bit pants that why I was gonna look for a new pump altogether and buy a decent one lol
  29. N

    Best Air Pump?

    Hi guys, starting to set up my breeding tanks for my Apistos and I have 2 tanks right next to each other, each with a sponge filter in but would like an air pump with 2 outlets to power both off of one plug socket. Which is the best one out there for best value for money?? Needs to be powerful...
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    Baby Bronze Cory Fry

    Bump 8 left, will do the remaining 8 for £10!!! You can only get 3 for that price at most LFS's around here!
  31. N

    Baby Bronze Cory Fry

    Livestock/Equipment make-model-size/Wanted/Exchange/Plants: 12x Bronze cory fry Age and condition: around 1" in size, some are slightly smaller Quantity for sale: 12 Reason for Sale: Need to shift them to make way for Apisto breeding Delivery or Collection: Collection only, NO postage! Sales...
  32. N

    Filters Air Pumps Heaters Bits And Bobs

    Payment details please :D
  33. N

    Filters Air Pumps Heaters Bits And Bobs

    £4 for the remaining air pump?
  34. N

    Male Cacatuoides Keep Dieing?

    May get 2 males and have a pair in each of my Rio's then and try that. I never saw my males get bullied though but they stll died, could it just be bad luck coming in 3's?
  35. N

    Male Cacatuoides Keep Dieing?

    Hmm Maybe I could do something to get it a little lower? I really wanna breed these little guys. See I was gonna do that but everywhere I read about breeding said to use a Trio, I don't wanna get rid of either of my females though because they are both lovely little fish lol, may take one out...
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    Plant Donations

    Have a quite large portion of Xmas moss up for swaps (will get pics if requested). Would swap for something tall and leafy but no stems. PM me with anything you have!
  37. N

    Male Cacatuoides Keep Dieing?

    My PH is between 7.0 and 7.6, is that normal? I noticed on a care sheet it says between 6.5 and 8.0 so im bang in the middle aren't I? :unsure: Using alder cones but don't mind adding leaf litter or peat or whatevers needed to lower/raise it if needed.
  38. N

    Male Cacatuoides Keep Dieing?

    First 2 males were in on their own, no females. Cant quite remember the PH, will check tomorrow for you! Females have only shown breeding colours once for about 2 days and its a Rio 125 tank, heavily planted with around 6-7 little cave areas plus extra hiding spaces with wood etc.
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    Male Cacatuoides Keep Dieing?

    Hey guys, been attempting to breed these little guys for a few months now and have 2 really nice girls but I've gone through 3 males in as many months, only lasting a couple weeks at a time and they are from a reputable LFS and a gold strain from a breeder on here (who I got my 2 very nice...
  40. N

    I do indeed have them if your interested?

    I do indeed have them if your interested?