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  1. maurizio

    Experience In Growing Mangroves?

    Hello all, I posted this in the brackish section, but no answers... Anybody with experience in growing mangroves? I know some of you has it... :hey: Please look at my latest post, and see if there's something I can do to help, at least the one with nice leaves: some of them are developing...
  2. maurizio

    Experience With Growing Mangroves?

    Hello slightly-salty people, anybody with experience in growing mangroves? I know some of you has it... :hey: Please look at my latest post, and see if there's something I can do to help, at least the one with nice leaves: some of them are developing black spots. I add about every week 10...
  3. maurizio

    Melanotenia Boesemani

    Thanks MBOU, standing by. And yes, the pic you posted is strikingly similar to what I see in my tank.
  4. maurizio

    Melanotenia Boesemani

  5. maurizio

    No Iron At All?

    Thanks folks, I am usually an instruction maniac, but in the package I got none of the languages is familiar to me! :look: Then I'd better hurry to give them some!
  6. maurizio

    No Iron At All?

  7. maurizio

    Melanotenia Boesemani

    It's affecting only one of the gills. Been like this for quite some time: some weeks ago I did have some hint of nitrites, so I thought it was due to that, and hoped it would heel after NO2 would disappear, but I'm afraid it's actually worsening. Otherwise she's doing fine, and today even manage...
  8. P1030165.JPG


  9. maurizio

    Plants Floating Away

    Vallisneria does not like having sand among the leafs, so it's very important to keep only the crown buried. I have experienced the same problem, and solved using temporarily the lead weights and sponge the plants came with: after unpacking and getting the plants ready, I delicately surrounded...
  10. maurizio

    What's Wrong With My Archers?

    Not regularly, I'd say occasionally, as a treat (for them, and well, for me!!). I'm not crazy about crickets, I'm not equipped to keep them well, just a plastic box with some holes, and some strange dry food the shopkeeper convinced me to buy. Plus, they don't move much among the leaves, so it's...
  11. maurizio

    No Iron At All?

    Thanks folks, will follow your advice, and forget the test. What about the Crypto tablets, how frequently should I add them? I just have sand, no substrate below it, so I believe I do need to help there. I put some at the end of July, when I settled the plants. Time for some more?
  12. maurizio

    What's Wrong With My Archers?

    They're finally out again! I did modify a bit the position of the roots, and the water inflow, but what appeared to be decisive was... I finally managed to get some crickets (huge, this time!), and this kept them busy for the past two days: since then, they never went back hiding as before...
  13. maurizio

    Veggies For The Bests

    Gorgeous, HX! I remember you posting this before... Perhaps it's in your log... Just to get an idea of the proportions, do you add ALL that can be seen in the picture?
  14. maurizio

    Veggies For The Bests

    I've read that not only the rainbows, but even my archers would benefit from some veggies in their diet. Anybody with a direct experience with flakes, and which ones, or other ways these carnivores would accept veggies?
  15. maurizio

    No Iron At All?

    Thanks guys, and, Coolie, this seaweed stuff sounds interesting. I see a number of different products available on the market (from seagrass, kelp, spirulina, ... Mostly for questionable ): any recommendation? And how do you serve it to your plants?
  16. maurizio

    No Iron At All?

    Hello all, my 10 new Vallis (2 months) aren't doing particularly well (the old leaves turn brown and rot, although the plants keep producing runners: but all in all, I think I'm pruning more than the plants are producing), so I decided to get the Fe test (Tetra), which indeed gave me a 0 mg/l...
  17. maurizio

    Crab Setup, Lots Of Questions

    Talking of "how they live", just a little contribution, to shown an alternative: in this environment, the land was nowhere to be seen, at least at a crab's walking distance! :rolleyes:
  18. maurizio

    Can't Restart Filter - Since Yesterday!

    Yep, I remember emailing them a couple of times, and always receiving good advice. For example, if it wasn't for an email excvhange with them, I'd have bought the heated version of the Eheim filter, only to discover that it doesn't stand salt: that information was totally hidden everywhere else...
  19. maurizio

    Can't Restart Filter - Since Yesterday!

    Gotta look at the thing again next time: it also looked slightly different in Eheim's instructions... But... isn't a shaft by definition inside the impeller?? Sorry, I'm not english native... So, the rule "Filter OFF max 1 hour, otherwise you may well restart cycling" is not THAT strict?? I...
  20. maurizio

    Can't Restart Filter - Since Yesterday!

    Thank you all guys. Report: I eventually primed by sucking directly at the pipe coming from the tank (is it the inlet?? :blush: ). After a quick shower, I got the pipe settled, and switched on. Quite noisy, diesel engine-like, incoming flow just above 0 (spraybar just dripping). Tried a few...
  21. maurizio

    Can't Restart Filter - Since Yesterday!

    Thnak you guys, Yep, I checked it yesterday, looked clean to me... I did clean it again right now. That was my first attempt, since the instructions don't mention to fill the filter with water first. I just tried it again right now. Nope. The thing is, it's always been tough, but as long as...
  22. maurizio

    Can't Restart Filter - Since Yesterday!

    Hi Rob, thanks. You mean, just sucking air at the end of the pipe coming from the tank? I thought of that, but: There's a tap on top (see pic), but as long as the pipe is connected to it, there's an internal seal, so I can't suck from there. I could disconnect the pipe from the tap, and suck...
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  24. maurizio

    Can't Restart Filter - Since Yesterday!

    Hello all, I have an Eheim Pro 3 2073 since one year, this is the third time I clean it. It's always been a pain in the #16##### to unplug the adapter, and later to prime it for restarting, but this time I just couldn't make it all. I also removed the pump wheel and the other little red thing on...
  25. maurizio

    What's Wrong With My Archers?

    Hi HX, nope, unfortunately. Here's where my frequent travels don't help: I just came back on sunday evening, and today I'm off again... How can I possibly be a good fish keeper? Yet, I try my best, I knew it would require some effort... Status: water's back at SG ~1.002 @ 25 C, and so far it's...
  26. maurizio


    If you get a picture, you don't need to get to the NH Museum for an ID: I believe it will take minutes before some of the folks here will identify it! :rolleyes:
  27. maurizio

    Setting Up A Half Land, Half Water Fish Tank

    fish and skippers is almost an impossible mix: i had the same plan myself about a year ago, for a 240 l tank, and i gave up after detailed research. This is particularly true if you have the African skippers. In a 180 l it Will be hard to have land AND enough water depth for fishes. The brackish...
  28. maurizio

    What's Wrong With My Archers?

    sure does. I just read the paper of Loiselle (1979): how interesting! Still, my 3 archers have enjoyed top to middle waters until 3 weeks ago, when somehow their world fell apart!? They did tend to be on the reclusive side, but still happily came out at dinner. The dither was supposed to be a...
  29. maurizio

    What's Wrong With My Archers?

    geez, I had NO IDEA... I'm afraid the tank is at the edge of overstocking, so I'm done with the inhabitants. Just changed 50% with 1.002, and more will come in the weekend. Thanks!
  30. maurizio


    looking forward to hearing about this. And hopefully the site is still in the same conditions of the 70s, otherwise... goodbye, periophtalmus borealis!
  31. maurizio

    What's Wrong With My Archers?

    Thank you both, guys. Now I have enough advice to work on for the next couple of weeks. Will let you know! To me, it is interesting, but for the fish it is probably just stressing... They indeed used to stay on the root side, but on the upper part, at least: now they're really burying...
  32. maurizio

    What's Wrong With My Archers?

    hi, no, still fresh, giving some time to the plants before starting to stress them with salt! :) Could it be that? Microlepis should be fine in freshwater...
  33. maurizio

    What's Wrong With My Archers?

    Hello all, after more than two weeks from the arrival of the rainbows, my archers are stubbornly hidden in the darkest corners of the mangroves, avoiding the surface like hell: they keep staying there all day, even at feeding time, the only apparent exception being when the lights go off, when...
  34. maurizio


    ...or from same environments in South East Asia, North America and Australia. The only tropical area where they are not present is South America.
  35. maurizio

    Vallisneria Americana Var. Asiatica

    Hello all, I'm aware the crown should stay just above the substrate, and no sand betwen the leaves, but after trimming a bit the roots to get it ready, there's no way on Earth those plants will stay in! They keep abandoning the position and floating! For now I used some lead weights I had from...
  36. maurizio

    Melanotenia Boesemani

    Hello all, I know they're not really brackish, but many people here have/had them...: Planning to get 6, what's the right ratio of male-female rainbowfishes? 3+3? Or more females, as it is often the case? Cheers!
  37. maurizio


    Thanks Dazzer, that's a good piece of info. What's your SG @25C? Please define "small" and "much bigger": what I saw in the shop has the size of few cm, which would be great for me. But if they are really small, then the weekly cleaning procedure would discourage me... I have 2x38 W, but in a...
  38. maurizio

    Changing Up The Archer Tank....

    Cheers, thanks! And no hurry, I expect people to be on holidays this time of the year. :santa: Yeah, the butterflies: I love how they look, but since they share the same swimming level of the archers, I believe it wouldn't work, so I never considered them: have you tried them? I saw them...
  39. maurizio

    Urgent Help Please Mudskipper

    More pics & info in Gianluca Polgar's mudskipper page. Also look in this link. Good luck! Great pets! And don't forget Neale's book: great reading on skippers and many other interesting brackish fishes. Maurizio
  40. maurizio

    Vallinseria Tiger

    Hello all, what is a good planting density for Vallisneria Tiger? I'm planning a 10 x 20 cm triangle at the back corner of my tank. How many stems are there ususally in each sold bunch? Cheers! Maurizio