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  1. kniesh

    Vinny's Fish House Up N Running (Finally)

    Hi all, for a few years now I have been going on about how I will be setting up a big tank in a fish house 'as soon as we move'. Well turns out that with one thing an another, that move ended up taking just over 3 years. 18 months of that nearly was looking for the right place. As in a few of my...
  2. kniesh

    Marine Lighting For Planted Freshwater

    I have tried to take the blue right down, see if that works, anything over 10% on the blues makes the tank look very blue, no matter how high the whites. Also I read somewhere that the blue is the more penetrative light colour. So my thinking is thats its not only aesthetically more pleasing, it...
  3. kniesh

    Marine Lighting For Planted Freshwater

    Sorry, it's 4ft long, essentially 4x2x2 but with a bow front an a sump on the back so slightly bigger
  4. kniesh

    Marine Lighting For Planted Freshwater

    I definitely prefer to add fish/Snails/Shrimp etc to deal with stuff such as Algae over adding any other bottled stuff to deal with them. I prefer natural look tanks, and a tank pristine, without Algae doesn't look natural to me, so if I can add something to the tank, without disrupting the...
  5. kniesh

    Marine Lighting For Planted Freshwater

    Cheers for the replies. I have set them up coming on about 2% at 5:30, then gradually going up until 30% at around 2:30, then around 3:30 they start going down again before going off around 7:30. Writing that down it looks like they are definitely on too long, I'll adjust that tomorrow. I will...
  6. kniesh

    Whats Your Favorite Oddballs?

    Went round to see if I could get them then but no joy, so got a pair of Apistagramma Cacatuoides an 6 Ghost Tiger barbs to start that school of 30 off I want
  7. kniesh

    Marine Lighting For Planted Freshwater

    Thanks Steven. I will try it running from about 2% through to 30 then throughout the day. It is slightly higher than the 2ft anyway as its higher on the extensions connecting it to the tank. Much appreciated
  8. kniesh

    Marine Lighting For Planted Freshwater

    Thanks for the reply jag, I wasn't planning on Co2, and i will likely just add some plant food tablets every now an then. I do have the option of dosing if I really want to though, as I'm sure having the sump run right along the back makes it easy enough to set up. Tbh though, i wanted this tank...
  9. kniesh

    Marine Lighting For Planted Freshwater

    I have a feeling this is a no no already, however |i paid a fortune for some LED lights for a marine tank I never really went through with. I have since decided to turn this back into freshwater and I am hoping to plant it a bit, even if it is only easy to keep plants such as, Java fern...
  10. kniesh

    Whats Your Favorite Oddballs?

    I currently have a 200 Gallon, about to be upgraded to a 12 x 4 x 2 Foot (yes that's still your 200 Gallon Simon). I am basing these whole tanks on my 2 favourite oddballs I'd say. Bichirs, currently only got 4 but will be upping that number, and datnoides, only got one Microlepis at around 12"...
  11. kniesh


    Hi, has anyone got any experience with these for Aps? I've read they are the best bet for clearing them but was hoping to get some more opinions before commiting.. Also anyone know anywhere in the UK to order them online? Not seen any about in shops
  12. kniesh

    Transferring 55 Gallon To 100 Gallon

    I have bought all my new LR for the tank now. I filled it up using some tank water from my old one, and newly made water. I added a few scoops of my sand from the old tank as I know this seeds it a bit. I have just been to pick up a bout 15-20kg's extra of live rock to put in now. Unfortunately...
  13. kniesh

    Transferring 55 Gallon To 100 Gallon

    Will do, thanks
  14. kniesh

    Transferring 55 Gallon To 100 Gallon

    Thanks Donya, I was going to rinse the sand out in a bucket in RO water, or even a bit of the tank water to hopefully release all the gases but not kill off all the good life in it. You think that would work?
  15. kniesh

    Transferring 55 Gallon To 100 Gallon

    Thanks for the reply
  16. kniesh

    Transferring 55 Gallon To 100 Gallon

    Hi, I am moving over my current basic reef system to a new Aqua Medic Percula Bow front, it's roughly 4x2x2. The old oner is 48"x15"x". My question is, can I fill the new tank half way with newly made water, then add all the water from the old tank, along with the rock and sand etc? Would this...
  17. kniesh

    Sump On The Back Of My Tank?

    It is coming with a metal halide lighting system, not overly sure on the specifics, but at some point I will likely update that to an LED system
  18. kniesh

    Sump On The Back Of My Tank?

    Yeah there's a skimmer with it, although I'm not sure its a very good one at the moment the only fish going in are 2 Warty Frogfish, and a Dwarf Fuzzy Lion. In terms of corals at the minute it is only a small Acan and a few Mushrooms. I will be adding more though once the fish are stocked...
  19. kniesh

    Sump On The Back Of My Tank?

    Thanks for the help
  20. kniesh

    Sump On The Back Of My Tank?

    yep, exact same principle as that pic, just on a larger scale obv.
  21. kniesh

    Sump On The Back Of My Tank?

    yep, mine is different, it is actually part of the tank, the back 10 inches of the tank are sectioned off by a glass right the way along the 4ft length. This is then in 3 sections just as a normal sump would be. It has holes drilled in then for pipework.   Essentially it is just a normal sump...
  22. kniesh

    Sump On The Back Of My Tank?

    I thought hang on back sumps were something you attached? This is actually part of the tank, just about a 10" glass compartment (s) right down the back
  23. kniesh

    Sump On The Back Of My Tank?

    Hi, I've just bought a second hand 500 litre tank that has a sump already built in right along the back of it? Does anyone have experience with this kind, all my google searches just bring up the ones underneath. I have a feeling I may need a bit of advice on setting it up when it arrives at the...
  24. kniesh

    My Dwarf Puffer Eyeing Up A Snail

    Excellent, I love watching Puffers, fast becoming one of my fav fish
  25. kniesh

    200 Gallon Oddball Video

    Yeah I'd say it best to only have 1 Fire Eel definitely, if you were going to lose any Bichirs, I would probably lose 2 Ornates. They're insanely large when older, mine destroys anything in his path. I'm not sure about the Synos, that would be your choice, personally I wouldn't have that many...
  26. kniesh

    200 Gallon Oddball Video

    What are the dimensions on the 300, I would say with good enough filtration it is possible, although it does seem slightly too many. The main problem is most of them are bottom dwellers so the footprint gonna be a lot more important than height
  27. kniesh

    200 Gallon Oddball Video

    Yeah, I have a few other tanks but nothing really of note besides the ones in the vid, the current list in this tank is;   1x Golden Clown Knife 1x Tucan Fish 1x Florida Gar 1x Oscar 1x Datnoide Microlepis 2x Ornate Bichir 1x Endi Bichir 1x Delhezi Bichir 1x Palmas Bichir 1x Synodontis     This...
  28. kniesh

    200 Gallon Oddball Video

    Sorry the list in my sig is from a very old tank. I don't have those fish anymore. The Gar has accepted pellets from day 1. I got him around the 3" mark, he was tiny. Grew really quickly once I put him in the big tank. He eats anything now I put in. He is easy enough to keep, hasnt had any...
  29. kniesh

    Oscars And Green Terrors?

    Short answer is yes, however caution will need to be taken. If you are hoping to get them as large specimens then you will have abetter chance if they are both female. If you can get them small, then get them small as if they grow up together, IMO, they are much more likely to tolerate each...
  30. kniesh

    Underwater 200 Gallon Oddball Video

        Yes its a Characin, also known as a Tucan Fish. It is very closely related to the Pink Tailed Chalceus, however it is nowhere near as aggressive. It is however a very skittish fish, I would not recommend these in anything less than a standard 180 gallon, even at this ones size which is about...
  31. kniesh

    Underwater 200 Gallon Oddball Video

    Thanks, yeah back when I only had smaller tanks I nearly bought one they said wouldnt grow too big, glad I didn't. But if you do have the tank it is simply an amazing fish.   The Red Tailed fish is a Red tailed Yellow Finned Chalceus . They are amazing fish, however I'm pretty sure he will have...
  32. kniesh

    Underwater 200 Gallon Oddball Video

    Thanks, the Clown is really a nice fish and he gre so fast, atbout a foot in around 6-8 months
  33. kniesh

    Underwater 200 Gallon Oddball Video

    Thought I would add my underwater camera video of my 200 Gallon. All fish will be in a bigger hom,e in around 6 months but seem to be doing fine in this for the moment. The Clown Knife and the Florida Gar were added to this tank at around 3-4 ". The Knife is now around 16-18" and the Gar...
  34. kniesh

    200 Gallon Oddball Video

    Thought I would add my underwater camera video of my 200 Gallon. All fish will be in a bigger hom,e in around 6 months but seem to be doing fine in this for the moment. The Clown Knife and the Florida Gar were added to this tank at around 3-4 ". The Knife is now around 16-18" and the Gar...
  35. kniesh

    First 75G Setup

    Mine worked, dont get me wrong, I just find that the larger Bichirs such as Endi's and Ornate, tend to target any slimline fish once they start to thicken out. Mine was just more stressed than in danger of being eaten. I have a 13" and a 18" Ornate along with a 12" Endi. All 3 of these only ever...
  36. kniesh

    First 75G Setup

    An Oscar and a BGK would have very little issues unless you were unlucky enough to get a very aggressive Oscar. Oscars, in general are not anywhere near as aggressive as their reputation. Most stories about them being aggressive are with other Cichlids or fish that try to take up its territory...
  37. kniesh

    Hermit Crab Identifications

    Thanks for the info i will definitely keep an eye on them, however so far I haven't seen any mis-behasviour really except they do walk over a couple of my corals. They certainly dont pick at them, and as they are glued to the rock it seems fine at the moment
  38. kniesh

    Hermit Crab Identifications

    Here are those pics I promised sorry, as I say the Crabs we were talking about are almost certainly Clibanarius virescens but do you know what the Green one is?   The ones I think are Clibanarius virescens The Green One
  39. kniesh

    Hermit Crab Identifications

    Cheers Donya, The shells aren't a problem at the moment as there are a lot in there, from very small to quite large. I wasn't aware of keeping them sand free though so I will look at that. I may just add a few more of the Clibanarius species then if I need to add anymore, although I do have a...