Underwater 200 Gallon Oddball Video


Fish Herder
Aug 31, 2005
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Thought I would add my underwater camera video of my 200 Gallon. All fish will be in a bigger hom,e in around 6 months but seem to be doing fine in this for the moment. The Clown Knife and the Florida Gar were added to this tank at around 3-4 ". The Knife is now around 16-18" and the Gar touching 10-12". The big Ornate is around 18" and really thick, he is a hell of a fish. Thanks for looking and any critique or suggestions much welcome...Enjoy
Great video.  You have some very nice fish.
Thanks, the Clown is really a nice fish and he gre so fast, atbout a foot in around 6-8 months
About a year ago I came close to buying one for my 3' tank. I saw it in the shop, at only a few cm and it looked so attractive. The LFS girl told me it would grow to 4" max! When I got home and did a little research, I found out she might have been just a little bit wrong. Good thing I didn't impulse buy!
absolutley amazing fish thanks for uploading

what is the fish with the red tail? 
Thanks, yeah back when I only had smaller tanks I nearly bought one they said wouldnt grow too big, glad I didn't. But if you do have the tank it is simply an amazing fish.
The Red Tailed fish is a Red tailed Yellow Finned Chalceus . They are amazing fish, however I'm pretty sure he will have to be removed before long as I'm pretty sure the Gar wont like him and is definitely getting too big

hes awesome are they a form of characin? ive never seen one before :)
looking-glass said:
hes awesome are they a form of characin? ive never seen one before
Yes its a Characin, also known as a Tucan Fish. It is very closely related to the Pink Tailed Chalceus, however it is nowhere near as aggressive. It is however a very skittish fish, I would not recommend these in anything less than a standard 180 gallon, even at this ones size which is about 6-7". They can get to about 12".

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