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  1. P

    How To: Diy Tank Stand And Hood

    I have 2 quick questions: 1) If i build a tank from scratch (about 150cm by 45cm by 60cm ,does it need to have a "case"or something to hold it together ,or is silicone good enough to keep the pressure in ? 2) If the Hood is made of wood ,isn;t that bad for tha aquarium ,i mean it is not supposed...
  2. P

    Fish Compatibility

    Ok thanks , i'll either keep to the current setup and a 3-4 Rainbows , or else take of the zebra danio's and add 3 Angels
  3. P

    Fish Compatibility

    Re: Gourami's i was thinking 1 male to 3 female or 1 to 2
  4. P

    Fish Compatibility

    'Don't thos fish (rainbows) need different water conditions? and that also applies for tetras , as these that you metioned are SOFT water , my aquarium would be more on the hard side! , Angel fish are territorial and quite delicate i think ? Harlequins aren't to colorfull BUT THANKS ANYWAY...
  5. P

    Fish Compatibility

    So i am constructing a 100 gallon tank and therefore can fit c.50 fish : I planed to fit these: x6 Zebra Danio x6 Cherry Barb x5 Guppy x5 Lace Gourami x5 Platy x3 Sworrdtail x4 Peppered Corydoras x2 Siamese Flying Fox A total of 36 I would like to add a colorfull fish any suggestions...
  6. P

    Building Aquarium

    SO first off thanks for your answers Regardin size i wanted to build a 140cm length,6ocm height, 45cm width=115 gallons / 420 litres My friend has a company which make and cut glass and i was going to ask him to give me the glass.( should the corners be any particular shape?) Regarding...
  7. P

    Super simple 5 minute sponge filter

    ok i'm not the brightest of people here so 1) all i have to do is get a thick pipe and stick it into a food box , fill 3/4 with garavel and 1/4 with filter material . After this stick an airpump through(excuse my spelling) the thick pipe ? Questions: 1)Is coton woll good as a filter? 2)Where...
  8. P

    Building Aquarium

    Errrm ...i'm new around here and i might be posting in wrong forum anyway , this is my question: I am not entirely a newbie as i have owened an aq. for 2 years but never really took alot of intrest in it,but lately i read a book and noticed whta a lot of things i did badly ,anyway. I am...