Search results

  1. Oscar Betta

    Best Food For A Betta!

    When they're new soetimes it will take a while to get them to eat. That's what my betta did at first but then he started eating them.
  2. Oscar Betta

    Will My Adf Be Ok?

    There are 2 of them and I have had them since last fall. I'm going to try to tell my friend how to feed them bloodworms over the phone, but it's pretty hard to feed mine. (they're a little "special needs" lol)
  3. Oscar Betta

    Where Do You Buy Your Fish From?

    I mainly get mine from my local pet store but sometimes I will go to Petco. (that's where I got my betta)
  4. Oscar Betta

    Does My Betta Have Fin Rot?

    If he has finrot you can also try giving him Melafix. It worked for me but some people say it doesen't for them.
  5. Oscar Betta

    Will My Adf Be Ok?

    I have been on vacation for almost a week and I still have a few days left. I have no one to feed my African Dwarf Frogs so will they be ok for not eating this long?
  6. Oscar Betta


    Welcome to the forums! Nice to see another betta keeper!
  7. Oscar Betta

    Ph Tap Water What Do You Get?

    I get around 7.1.
  8. Oscar Betta

    I Couple Of Questions About A New Tank I'm Going To Get

    I'm not sure what filter I'm using yet, but the albino corys are the only type of corys they have in my city.
  9. Oscar Betta

    I Couple Of Questions About A New Tank I'm Going To Get

    Ok thanks for the help karin! I do have one more question though. If I were to get 6 corys like Jenste said, would I have to get a bigger tank or would 15 gallons still be fine?
  10. Oscar Betta

    Hey, Hey Everybody

    Welcome to the forums! Good job on doing research before you bought. :good:
  11. Oscar Betta

    I Couple Of Questions About A New Tank I'm Going To Get

    Ok thanks guys! I will post pictures once I get it. :)
  12. Oscar Betta

    My Male Betta

    Look really nice! Good find!
  13. Oscar Betta

    New Betta (Name?)

    Haha, I like the name loco! +1 for that.
  14. Oscar Betta

    I Couple Of Questions About A New Tank I'm Going To Get

    Well first off I plan on getting 4 albino cory cats, and around 10 neon or cardinal tetras in a 15 gallon tank. 1: How much of a water change should I do weekly? 50%? 25%? 2: What temperature (in fahrenheit please) should the heater be set at?
  15. Oscar Betta

    Minimum # Of Gallons?

    Alright, thanks.
  16. Oscar Betta

    Minimum # Of Gallons?

    If I want to fit 4 albino cory cats, and a school of either neon tetras or cardinal tetras, what is the minimum # of gallons they can fit in?
  17. Oscar Betta

    15 Gallon... Betta Sorority?.. A Possible Option.

    Yeah, this would be a really good size for one.
  18. Oscar Betta

    What Size Tanks Are All Your Bettas In?

    1 male in a 2.5 gallon tank.
  19. Oscar Betta

    New Female

    She's moving to a new place so she is probably a little stressed so maybe that's why she was changing colors. My betta use to do that when I did a water change but now he's use to it and doesn't worry at all.
  20. Oscar Betta

    My Tank Pictures

    Nice tank! Love the sand.
  21. Oscar Betta

    Hi, I'm New!

    A suggest as a good starting fish, a betta. Oh and welcome to the forums!
  22. Oscar Betta

    New Female

    Its got a great color! Nice find.
  23. Oscar Betta

    Do I Get A Male Or A Sorority?

    Either could fit. It's really your choice what you want to have.
  24. Oscar Betta

    Single Fish For 10 Gallon

    A betta would love all that space!
  25. Oscar Betta

    Do I Need A Heater For....

    Yeah, I know that's what I mean by a small group.
  26. Oscar Betta

    Do I Need A Heater For....

    ... 1 male betta, a small group of cory cats, and possibly 2 african dwarf frogs? If so what temperature should it be set at? (in fahrenheit)
  27. Oscar Betta

    2009 Pet Of The Year Winner Is------

    Congrats! Well deserved.
  28. Oscar Betta

    Free Roaming Pets

    My opinion is also no. Lots of times the dogs people let roam free right outside my neighborhood and up in my front yard. Then I have to go look at their color and call their owner. :angry:
  29. Oscar Betta

    Which Is The Most Abused Fish Species?

    Goldfish because it's the stereotype "goldfish bowl".
  30. Oscar Betta

    Fish Jumped Out, I Think My Dog Or Cat Ate It :/

    Sorry about the loss... It's always hard to lose one thats been with you for a while.
  31. Oscar Betta

    Who Uses Water Conditoner Poll

    I use to use it but now I don't use any because it makes my water really cloudy.
  32. Oscar Betta

    Saturday Is Discus Day!

    Are you going to post pics of them? I would love to see them!
  33. Oscar Betta

    How Many Gallons?

    Ok thanks for the help. I feed my ADF bloodworms buy sticking in tweasers and putting it right in front of them.
  34. Oscar Betta

    How Many Gallons?

    What is the minimum number of gallons that can hold a betta, 2 african dwarf frogs and 3 cory cats?
  35. Oscar Betta

    Is This A Safe Combination?

    That's exactly how I feed my current ones. Like this-
  36. Oscar Betta

    Which Corys Do You Have?

    Don't have any yet but I really like albino corys and peppered corys.
  37. Oscar Betta

    What Is The Least # Of Corys I Could Fit In This Tank?

    What is the least number of cory cats I could put in a tank with 1 betta and 2 african dwarf frogs? I'm not sure which type I want to get yet but possibly albino.
  38. Oscar Betta

    Gravel Or Sand?

    For bottom dwellers, like cory cats and ADF, I like sand for them because it's smoother. For bettas, tetras, etc. I like gravel better because it is easier to mantain. Sometimes when you have sand it was get sucked up in your filter too. :angry:
  39. Oscar Betta

    Bugs In My Tank

    A dirty tank makes it more apealing to them, yes.
  40. Oscar Betta

    My Female Sorority

    Nice fish! Love their setups.