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  1. Oscar Betta

    Too Small!?

    Poor thing. :( I hope someone buys it soon and gets him a proper tank.
  2. Oscar Betta

    Video New Video Of The Tank

    Nice tank! All the fish look great too. :good:
  3. Oscar Betta

    How Old Can Adfs Live?

    Title says it all.
  4. Oscar Betta

    My Two New Betta Boys

    Awesome fish! The first ones lipstick is funny. :lol:
  5. Oscar Betta

    Rip Violet...

    Sorry about the loss, :( :rip:
  6. Oscar Betta

    Hikari Pellets Are Wonderful! =]

    I use the same type of pellets too. They're great, and my betta loves them.
  7. Oscar Betta

    Whats Going On With The New Site....?

    It's working fine for me.
  8. Oscar Betta

    What Kind Of Schools Can Be Kept With A Male Betta?

    You can add some white clouds, they are very peaceful and will stay out of the bettas way. Here's a pic-
  9. Oscar Betta

    Whats The Best Way...

    ^What Bobtastic said, and don't put the fish back in until most of the sand is not flying around anymore.
  10. Oscar Betta

    Are Your Bettas Hand Fed?

    Same, lol. :D
  11. Oscar Betta


    Yeah, lol. They would be fine in that. ;)
  12. Oscar Betta

    Aquatic Frogs

    Ok, thanks. Mine don't, lol. I have to take there food away or they will just keep on eating it.
  13. Oscar Betta

    Aquatic Frogs

    How many bloodworms are you suppose to feed ADFS?
  14. Oscar Betta

    Aquatic Frogs

    Do you feed them blood worms daily?
  15. Oscar Betta


    Is a BiOrb a bowl?
  16. Oscar Betta


    Yeah, that's what I meant.
  17. Oscar Betta

    He Killed My Vt Nightlight :( :( -update On Ramjets Tank And Sickness.

    Sorry about the losses of your fish. :( I'm always worried that something like this will happen when I go on vacation.
  18. Oscar Betta

    How Big Is A 95 Litre Tank ?

    25.10 US Gallons 20.9 UK Gallons
  19. Oscar Betta


    No it is unnecessary. You can add it if you want, but ADF's like to stay in the water, they probably shouldn't want to come out. If you add one though, make sure it has a cover over it, because like all frogs, they can jump.
  20. Oscar Betta

    Betta Piccies Ere!

    Np. :) Can't wait to see the site!
  21. Oscar Betta

    Aquatic Frogs

    That was when I first got them in their little take home bowl. They now have a smoother surface.
  22. Oscar Betta

    Betta Piccies Ere!

    Here's some of my betta, Oscar. What's the link to your site? My sisters betta, Flash-
  23. Oscar Betta

    How Often Do You Clean Your Filter?

    I put in new sheets about every month.
  24. Oscar Betta

    Aquatic Frogs

    Yeah, they can be picky eaters. Watch this video- Usually they don't come up to the surface to eat (mine do, but that's rare) especially the bigger the tank you have.
  25. Oscar Betta

    Aquatic Frogs

    It's not necessary to keep land for them, but you can if you want. The frogs will probably like it, but make sure they don't get out or anything.
  26. Oscar Betta

    What Are The Top 5 Most Popular Fish?

    I don't know a lot about these types of fish, so for some of them I won't answer. -Tetras- Cardinals, Neons -Barbs- Cherrys, Gold, Tiger -All cichlids- Oscars -Bettas- Crowntail, Halfmoon, Plakat, Delta, Veiltail -Goldfish- Pearlscale, Fantail, Ryukan, Common, Oranda
  27. Oscar Betta

    Gotta New Betta

    Nice betta! Looks very healthy. :D
  28. Oscar Betta

    Cloud Died :s....

    Aww, sorry about the loss. :( ^ your right, it seems bettas haven't been doing to well this month.
  29. Oscar Betta

    Aquatic Frogs

    Here's some info about ADF- They are quite fun pets! They are very easy to take care of, and they are very fun to watch.
  30. Oscar Betta

    Where To Put Goldfish During Waterchange?

    Yeah I know. For my betta I always just do about a 75% water change. So should I just do about a 50% water change this first time?
  31. Oscar Betta

    Where To Put Goldfish During Waterchange?

    Ok thanks. The pics should resize after a few seconds.
  32. Oscar Betta

    Where To Put Goldfish During Waterchange?

    Can I put my two goldfish in my old fish bowl while I clean their tank? They are probably too big to be put it the little red container I put my betta in while his tank is getting cleaned. I will post two pics below showing you pics of my fish, so you can see how big they are. Plz respond back...
  33. Oscar Betta

    How Many People Have Reptiles

    I wish I had one. :( Very jealous. I am too busy with my fish to get one right now, but I hope to get one later.
  34. Oscar Betta

    He's Gone

    Aww, sorry about the loss. :( It's always hard.
  35. Oscar Betta

    Video A Little Vid Of My Arowana

    Great fish! They all look great and healthy.
  36. Oscar Betta

    Cory's And Substrate.

    Np, good luck with them!
  37. Oscar Betta

    Cory's And Substrate.

    Yeah, pretty much any bottom dweller prefers sand more because it is more natural and it is smoother.
  38. Oscar Betta

    Which One Of The Following Plecos Do You Prefer?

    Number 4 for me. It looks like a tiger. :P