Search results

  1. George Farmer

    120cm Iwagumi - Jeremy Gay's Tank

    It is planted and the glosso carpet looks awesome. I did post a photo but PFK didn't want to spoil the "surprise", so I've removed it. :rolleyes: There were some fairly major algae issues but they were sorted with a combo of water changes, leaner dosing, better CO2 and algae-eaters. The...
  2. George Farmer

    Best Way Of Monitoring Co2 Levels
  3. George Farmer


    Also try blacking out the substrate line using black tape. All BGA starts in the substrate, so if you prevent as much light as possible... Poor circulation is another common contributing factor.
  4. George Farmer

    Jimbooo's Vision 450 Journal

    Your light won't be so bright with water in the tank. ;) CO2 mist is great but you need effective circulation to distribute the bubbles. I'm not sure what the powerhead is like in your tank but I would guess that alone it may not fire the bubbles around too well. It might do though. I had...
  5. George Farmer

    International Aquatic Plants Layout 2007.

    Not my favourite out of the top 27. Obviously awesome though... PFK now have the hi-res images of the top 27. They'll be published in the mag and on the web together soon. I was chatting with Jeremy Gay tonight. We reckon it will be a neat idea to get the readers to vote for their favourite...
  6. George Farmer

    120cm Iwagumi - Jeremy Gay's Tank

    Update. Coming along nicely, ready for final pro photoshoot soon. Jeremy is currently trying to decide on fish selection. It will be a large shoal of a single species, of course. You'll have to buy the magazine to see. I'll let you know which forthcoming issue it will feature in soon...
  7. George Farmer

    42" Lighting Tubes

    Yeah, Zoo Med. Drop Aqua Essentials a line, they're very helpful.
  8. George Farmer

    Planted Tank Quiz

    840 - T8 4000K. Cool white. 830 - T8 3000K. Warm white. 860 - T8 6000K. Daylight. Simple eh!?
  9. George Farmer

    Planted Tank Quiz

    :lol: :lol:
  10. loser.jpg


  11. George Farmer

    42" Lighting Tubes

    Yep. They work just fine mate. Pity AE doesn't stock the 42" Ultra Sun. They're awesome. You could try e-mailing them.
  12. George Farmer

    Planted Tank Quiz

    There's some dodgy descriptions/spelling and I don't entirely agree with a couple of answers but it's still fun. Thanks to zig for the original link. Post your honest scores. No cheating! I scored 21.
  13. George Farmer

    George's 30cm Cube

    Look forward to seeing you at the Festival of Fishkeeping, John!
  14. George Farmer

    42" Lighting Tubes

    I'd personally avoid the newer Interpet tubes, as they have internal reflectors that aren't appropriate for the Juwel ballasts. These are like the Triplus you had - And these are nice daylights -...
  15. George Farmer

    Festival Of Fishkeeping

    9am I've been told by the organisers.
  16. George Farmer

    Jimbooo's Vision 450 Journal

    Cool. What are the supplied T5 lights like? I understand Juwel have made their own T5 tubes with unique sizes so you can't fit generic types into the Juwel ballast. At least they have a half decent spectrum range I suppose... What CO2 diffuser are you using? I look forward to seeing this...
  17. George Farmer

    Tropica Plants

    Find the manager. He may not know but he should listen... Why not offer to set them up a decent planted display tank, if you have the time?
  18. George Farmer

    Jimbooo's Vision 450 Journal

    Nice job so far mate. Interesting you opted for the Juwel backing. Will you be supplementing the Juwel internal filter? Discus are messy feeders....
  19. George Farmer

    Festival Of Fishkeeping

    Some of you may have heard of the Festival of Fishkeeping. It is Europe's biggest fishkeeping hobbyist-run event. This year we are expecting 6000+ visitors over the weekend. Location is Hayling Island on the south coast. Dates for the public are Sat 13th and Sun 14th October 2007. Entry is...
  20. George Farmer

    Lighting Recommendations

    Reflectors on both tubes would be the most effective...
  21. George Farmer

    Tropica Plants

    You may be able to get your local Pets at Home to order for you. I think most stock Tropica. I am lucky in that I get them direct, as a writer for PFK.
  22. George Farmer

    Lighting Recommendations

    I like Zoo Med Ultra Sun. Combined with these would work well.
  23. George Farmer

    Heating Cables Are They Worth It ?

    1 x 300w inline heater is enough for that size tank, especially with 23C. 23C may be a little on the cool side for cardinals. 2Kg CO2 you can achieve for around £70 using Fire Extinguisher and cheap reg.pH controller from e-bay about £50
  24. George Farmer

    George's 30cm Cube

    I'm sure Tom Barr won't mind me posting this.
  25. George Farmer

    Heating Cables Are They Worth It ?

    Well, if you're referring to my article - it's not latest research, just observations from my own tanks and noting that none of the 'big players' in the hobby use them. Tom for one, Amano for another... I'll never use one again. I understand they can be useful in cold rooms though.
  26. George Farmer

    Lily Pipe Dimensions?

    I'll let you all know when I recieve the glassware and measure up. The closest gets a copy of the latest 'The Aquatic Gardener' magazine, if they're interested... :) It's important as I've modified my Juwel hood to incorporate the lily pipes. I'm hoping 'x' is long enough to allow the 'lily'...
  27. George Farmer

    190 L. Corner Tank

    Maintenance is 1/3 WC per week. 2x 5ml TPN+ per week. The lily needs a good prune every week too... Other than that, very little. The usual monthly filter clean, algae off glass etc. CO2 is direct into filter so is maintenance-free.
  28. George Farmer

    190 L. Corner Tank

    Thanks, but I don't have much to do with this tank since setting it up. This is all credit to the client, with maybe a little nudge in the right direction...
  29. George Farmer

    George's 30cm Cube

    That's why the, "who knows"... :D
  30. George Farmer

    George's 30cm Cube

    Well, one step at a time. If the HC grows well, flood it. Add fish. Take photographs. Write an article. Then who knows... ;)
  31. George Farmer

    George's 30cm Cube

    This is my latest bit of fun. Photo taken just after filling with water. It's an Orca MT30 that's roughly a 30cm cube with bowfront and curved edges - no silicon. Volume is 25 l. Lighting is 18w PC T5 with built-in refelctor and cooling fans. I replaced the 50:50 marine lamp with a 6500K...
  32. George Farmer

    190 L. Corner Tank

    Update. Going well.
  33. George Farmer

    Carbo Plus Co2 System

    I've electrified my cabinet handles. They soon learn... :lol:
  34. George Farmer

    How Long To Leave My Lights On

    How long have you been running 4 tubes? How heavily planted are you, and with what plants? With good CO2 (30ppm) and 4 x 54w T5 you'll need to be dosing at least every other day. As I say, EI is a good start.
  35. George Farmer

    Carbo Plus Co2 System

    For your sized tank I highly recommend a pressurized system. This is a good value method -
  36. George Farmer

    How Long To Leave My Lights On

    Until you get CO2, do not run 4 tubes. 2 tubes for 9 hours is fine. When you get CO2 then 3-4-3 is good. You'll need to dose ferts more frequently too. Consider EI.
  37. George Farmer

    Lily Pipe Dimensions?

    Thanks guys.
  38. George Farmer

    A G A Aquascaping Contest 2007

    Are any of you entering this year's AGA contest? Closing date is 30th September 2007, so not long now... I'm entering. I know I'm not going to be very competetive, but the judges comments will be interesting. It would be great to see some more...
  39. George Farmer

    Lily Pipe Dimensions?

    I've a set of these, 16mm, on the way from Aquatic Magic. Does anyone know 'X', please?