Search results

  1. K

    Anyone Know What Type Of Snail This Little Fella Is?

    Looks like one of the Physa spp. which grow to around 5-10 mm long and at least for me, do not breed out of control. Unlike the various larger pond snails, the Physa snails which are commonly found in aquaria do not eat plants.
  2. K

    Pistia Stratiotes / Water Lettuce

    Quantity for sale: 5 handfulls Reason for sale: overgrown tanks Delivery or collection: either Sales price: £5 shipped per handful Location: Norwich (Old) photograph:   Yeah, the tank is overgrown again and need to clear it out somewhat as the water lettuce is blocking off all the light for the...
  3. K

    Huge Amonia Spike

    Apart from chlorine which dissipates in around 12-24 hours, you also need to keep in mind that most water supplies contain chloramine nowadays, which takes around a week to go. Both will kill off filter bacteria.
  4. K

    Anubias Spp.

      Not yet!
  5. K

    Huge Amonia Spike

    What's the pH? The harmfulness of the ammonia depends on the pH and some other conditions.   Did you dechlorinate the new tank water? Did you use as much of the old water as possible?   For the immediate future, keep up the water changes and use a dechlorinator that "deals" with ammonia and nitrite.
  6. K

    Baby Guppies

    Guppies are born only with their base colour showing, which is normally some sort of pale grey/yellow mix. As they age, their adult colours start to develop. With enough food and space, they will grow relatively fast and will start showing their colours by 3-6 weeks old, but if they are growing...
  7. K

    Anubias Spp.

    Very slow growing! Yes, they need to be attached to wood or rocks as the rhizome will rot if it's buried.   Yes, it's fine if you want to take all of them :) PM me!
  8. K

    Anubias Spp.

    Time for another lot of Anubias trimming!   Species: Anubias barteri Quantity: 4 Delivery or collection Price: £3 each or all 4 for £10 P&P: £1.50 packed flat or £3.00 padded with air (I recommend the latter) Location: Norwich Photo: (same four plants in both photos)
  9. K

    Two Female Apisto Cacatuoides Living Without A Male...

    They should adapt without any problems, although it may take some time for them to settle down. If the tank is at least 3 ft long, you should not have trouble adding a new male assuming that it is well planted and has enough decor to give him or the females enough space to hide if need be. If...
  10. K

    Brown Algae But Almost Finished Cycling

    That's diatoms. Rub them off (I normally use a toothbrush or non-tearing kitchen/paper towel), then do a large water change immediately afterwards. Are you keeping your lights off for the duration of the cycle? If not, this is what caused it. Keep the lights off and if in doubt, through a...
  11. K

    Rummy Nose Tetras...dropsy?

    It does indeed sound like overfeeding or inappropriate food. Do not feed at all for at least the next 24-48 hours, then reduce feeding amounts to 1/4 and work from there. On an unrelated note: I highly recommend that you get your schooling fish into nice schools: the behaviour is so much more...
  12. K

    Turning Filter Off At Night

    If you are buying from an LFS and are going to try swapping it again, have you considered asking them to unpack it and try running it in the shop? It could be that they got a bad batch! One time (back when I was working for an LFS), I got about 10 Tetratec airpumps from the wholesaler and 8 or...
  13. K

    Wanted: Echinodorus Tenellus & Hygrophila Stricta

    Plants don't grow in bunches, how many do you want? I've grow both, PM me!
  14. K

    Is This Suitable For A 55 Gallon

    The livebearers and the tetras/cichlids come from quite different areas of South America, so they have pretty much the opposite water ideals. I strongly recommend that you skip on the mollies, platys and swordtails, and have more glowlight tetras instead. As fluttermoth said, careful about the...
  15. K

    Pistia Stratiotes (water Lettuce)

    More available, including large plants!
  16. K

    Hygrophila Polysperma - 50p For 7 Cuttings

    Yep, you know my Paypal address (you should check out my email first, the one that you will receive very soon). Nope, see first post which for some reason I cannot edit any more >.<
  17. K

    Echinodorus Ipica

    Are you growing it in or out of water? If in water, then that is not the case. If you are growing it out of water, then the leaves can dry out and shrivel if they grow too close to the light.
  18. K

    Fertile Substrate Under Sand

    I have seen photos of it working successfully, but when I tried to do this myself, I failed miserably on the filling the tank part and water changes, so it does require plenty of carefulness.
  19. K

    Bacopa Monnieri

    I've got some more of these available, probably around 20 more or so.
  20. K

    Hygrophila Polysperma - 50p For 7 Cuttings

    Quantity for sale: 20 odd normal cuttings Sales price: £1.50 per 10
  21. K

    Hygrophila Polysperma - 50p For 7 Cuttings

    Sorry, no; as mentioned above, they have all been taken already. I do have some other plants available, so have a browse through the forum if you are interested.
  22. K

    Pistia Stratiotes (water Lettuce)

    No, they are not. I usually give people a few days' grace period to get back to me :)
  23. K

    Bacopa Monnieri

    Indeed, please send me a PM with your preferred payment method, ideally before tomorrow.
  24. K

    Bacopa Monnieri

    Yes, I have enough for both of you, although I only have ones left that have had cuttings taken from them (which means that they will grow bushier than normal cuttings). If you are interested, PM me with your preferred payment method.
  25. K

    Pistia Stratiotes (water Lettuce)

    Yes, PM me with your preferred payment method if you would like them.
  26. K

    Pistia Stratiotes (water Lettuce)

    How does £7.00 posted sound? £6.00 for the P. stratiotes and P&P and £1.00 for the S. natans?
  27. K

    Pistia Stratiotes (water Lettuce)

    Glad you like them! I have one large bag of large P. stratiotes and Salvinia natans that needs to go out on Monday, any takers?
  28. K

    Hygrophila Polysperma - 50p For 7 Cuttings

    It was nice meeting you too! Keep me posted on what you're breeding :good: Sorry, Peter took all of these. If you are interested in when I next have these, I can let you know. I also occasionally have a bagful of random cuttings available.
  29. K

    Apistogramma Cacatuoides

    Could you elaborate on why you consider rummy noses to be unsuitable for a 60 cm tank, but propose that cardinals are?
  30. K

    Hygrophila Polysperma - 50p For 7 Cuttings

    Plant: Hygrophila polysperma Quantity for sale: 7 cuttings that have had cuttings taken off of them, in other words 7* 5-15 cm long sticks with shoots and *lots* of roots Sales price: £0.50 Postage: £1.00 Payment methods: bank transfer (preferred), Postal Order, Paypal and Google Checkout (buyer...
  31. K

    Pistia Stratiotes (water Lettuce)

    From now on, I will have approximately two large handfuls per week until I post otherwise in this topic. If I am not particularly active on the forums, I may not see replies so PM me for attention if I do not reply within a day or so.
  32. K

    Is This Correct..cycling

    Yep, that generally tends to do funky things to the cycle.
  33. K

    Yet Another Red Tailed Shark Thread...

    Well, in a 48" tank, you could keep other fish alongside it. For example, it mixes well with barbs, rasboras and smaller loaches.
  34. K

    Is This Correct..cycling

    Yes, once ammonia and nitrite hit 0 ppm, top up on ammonia. Yes, ammonia will be converted into nitrite and if it is not converted fast enough into nitrate, you will see a nitrite reading. No, the aim is that 12 hours after dozing ammonia, ammonia and nitrite should be 0 ppm. This will take...
  35. K

    Bacopa Monnieri

    "I" would consider 3 SO T5 tubes over a 2 ft deep tank "low light" ;)
  36. K

    Yet Another Red Tailed Shark Thread...

    In my experience they need the space due to their level of activity and adult size, so 48" is really an absolute minimum.
  37. K

    Bacopa Monnieri

    Erm, depends on the tank and the lighting. They are growing in what I would consider "low light" right now.
  38. K

    Is This Correct..cycling

    When one adds ammonia, the water contains ammonia, so one gets an ammonia reading. The ammonia is eventually broken down into nitrite, and nitrite will be broken down into nitrate. Keep dosing 3-5 ppm ammonia once both ammonia and nitrite reach 0 ppm, but no more than once every 24 hours. Once...
  39. K

    Bacopa Monnieri

    Plant: Bacopa monnieri Quantity for sale: 20 odd cuttings, most well rooted Sales price: £1.50 per 10 cuttings P&P: £1.20 Payment methods: bank transfer (preferred), Postal Order, Paypal and Google Checkout (buyer covers all fees) The last two members that have bought from me on here have made...
  40. K

    Crypt Balansae 'red' And 'green' Low/high Tec Plants.

    Are you selling Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae or C. undulata or one of each? The two are two different species and both are easily avilable in UK. It's possible to buy a pot of each for the price that you want for 4 plants, albeit excluding P&P :rolleyes: