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  1. K

    Emergency! I Need Help

    Drip acclimatise the poor thing, and pop it into the tank. At 1 inch long it's not going to do any harm to your Betta and will at least calm down.   Then, have a look at and see if you can find it and tomorrow, take it back to...
  2. K

    Rinsing An Old Tank

    I spray the vinegar on, then clean, then spray more on, then clean.   To rinse off, I spray water on the glass, then drain the tank and do the same again twice more.   Spirit vinegar should not be harmful if trace amounts remain… after all, it's just an acid.
  3. K

    Shoaling/schooling Fish

    In a 150 cm tank, I recommend 15-20 Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma, the bleeding heart, because they grow large while Platydoras armatulus, the catfish, can sometimes eat its tankmates.   I recommend that you plant at least a couple of groves of Vallis because it won't really restrict swimming...
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    Floating Plants (Easy To Difficult)

    I have Lemna spp (duckweed), Phyllanthus fluitans, Pistia stratiotes, Salvinia natans and Spirodela polyrhiza growing in my tanks right now. I almost always have Pistia, and the rest depends on how they're doing.   Lemna: £1 for 20×10 cm bit Phyllanthus fluitans: £1 for small handful Pistia...
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    Plant Donations

    Mixed bag of various floating plants available. Not in the best condition, but will recover well. I would like the cost of postage for them please. (PM me as I'll probably miss any replies here.)
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    Shoaling/schooling Fish

    And when it comes to size, a foot print would be most useful, not volume.
  7. K

    Heater Problems Still

      I've kept most of the "common" tropical fish at 16-22°C (with the heater always "on") for many years now and some of the "high temperature" fish at 25°C. The heaters generally don't do anything over summer, but keep the fish from freezing over winter. It actually made a huge difference to the...
  8. K

    Easycarbo--Is It Worth Using

    It's nor worth dosing if you have activated carbon in the filer because the activated carbon should adsorb any fertilisers.
  9. K

    How Long Before She Drops

    Between 1 and 9 months after mating, every 1-50 days depending on species and conditions assuming that the fish are healthy ;) You might want to tell us which species you're asking about :)
  10. K

    Heater Problems Still

    It's normal for the temperature to need to drop a bit before the heater switches on again, but I've never had a thermometer that was accurate enough to get the readings to a tenth of a degree so can't tell you by how much other heaters drop.   If it gives you an average of 24.5°C when set to...
  11. K

    Brown Algae Is Killing Me...

    And what is the nitrate reading?   5 weeks into a setup is usually when I start seeing diatoms, if at all. My "quick fix" has always been to manually remove them followed by a large water change and adding more plants… I can't remember how larger puffers do with plants, but that may be worth trying.
  12. K

    Heater Problems Still

    What temperature is the room at according to the thermometer that you're using in the aquarium?   The other thing is, 22°C would actually most likely be quite good for your fish. While I have always found this to be a good temperature for most aquarium fish, I actually found quite a good article...
  13. K

    New To Fish, Researching Before Diving In!

      5× turnover would be quite reasonable for that sort of fish. I do recommend that you consider having fewer species as all of those schooling fish do best in groups of 10-15+ per species, and I personally have best results when keeping them in groups of 25 or so. All of the fish that you name...
  14. K

    Amazon Biotope Tank

    I think that's a good starting point, and if the tank takes them comfortably, you could up the numbers a bit later.
  15. K

    Brown Algae Is Killing Me...

    What is your ammonia reading? Even a trace can encourage algae, and it could well be the result of the food that you feed (for example, if you switched the type or changed the amount or frequency around the time that the problem started).
  16. K

    New To Fish, Researching Before Diving In!

    What sort of stock are you thinking of?
  17. K

    New To Fish, Researching Before Diving In!

    What are the dimensions of the tank? These are much more important for stocking than volume (volume is important for dosing additives such as dechlorinator and medications).   I'm guessing you mean turnover, not water changes? Freshwater tanks do well with anywhere from 2×-15× turnover...
  18. K

    My Fish Are Dying :(

      It would probably be for the best to do a water change with dechlorinated water, although tap water can sometimes contain ammonia as well (test your tap water when you get your new liquid test kit).   Liquid test kits are available at many pet shops and cost around £30 in person. API Master...
  19. K

    Amazon Biotope Tank

    I would agree about the Corys, Cory. aeneus does benefit from at least a 3 ft tank. [Edit: I advise against panda Corys in a tank that small, even though they do only get to 5ish cm long.]   Chaetostoma sp. (L402) (bulldog pleco) are also much too big for your tank as they reach 13 cm...
  20. K

    Eheim Filter / Tank Size

    Assuming you are not going to overstock, whatever is most comfortable for the fish that you get. For example, hill stream fish prefer faster flow, while fish that live in puddles are made for lower flow levels.   As above, it does not matter for the duration of the cycle.
  21. K

    Stocking Suggestions For 65L

    Same with rainbows: they're a pain to get here, but are native to Australia. Note that if you will be collecting any species from the wild, you must never return them back to the wild once they have been in your tanks.
  22. K

    Best Suited Fish To Water Parameters

    Apistogramma cacatuoides are a harem species, although it is possible to keep them in pairs (I consider pairs not ideal). You should have at least 5 good breeding spots if you want to keep 3 females, which are spaced out throughout the tank.
  23. K

    Stocking Suggestions For 65L

    What are the dimensions of the tank?   If it's a standard shaped (rectangular) tank, then I would recommend that you slowly add 7 more glowlights, then a pair of small cichlids or some shrimp for the bottom. You might want to look at the list that I made...
  24. K

    Best Suited Fish To Water Parameters

    All schooling fish do best in groups of 10-15+, as it's natural for them to live in larger groups in the wild. Fish that live in pairs are generally territorial and would not be happy with another pair living in their area. The alternative to apair is a harem of Apistogramma (note that not all...
  25. K

    Best Suited Fish To Water Parameters

    That's soft-neutral water, so I'd recommend South American or Asian fish. As above, need dimensions of tank for recommendations.   By the way, might as well drop the tempterature now to 20-22°C as most fish are very happy at lower temperatures! If you're sceptical, read...
  26. K

    New Tank, And It's My First!

    Rotting flakes will produce some ammonia and that's all the do. I prefer to just get some household ammonia, a pipette and go for the dose and wait for double 0s method as it seems to be fastest.
  27. K

    Angelfish Being Aggressive.....separation Help Needed!

    What size is the tank, and what age and size are the angels now?
  28. K

    Stocking My Tank

    I recommend that you get the tiger barb group up to at least 25-30 fish in a tank that size. They will be happier, any future tank mates will be happier and they'll look pretty good.
  29. K

    New Tank, And It's My First!

    Hi, welcome and thanks for seeking advice before buying fish.   Firstly, some bad news: your tank is much too small for angelfish. There's a variety of tank sizes that are recommended for them, but essentially they need to be tall and long. Having help angelfish before, I would personally...
  30. K

    Massive Plant Bundle

    I realise that your plants are pretty big, but that lot would cost £50-65 delivered from a shop at one pot per species (or about 100-150 good, home bred guppies at a reasonable LFS), so £80 is a bit steep if looking primarily at the plants.   Anyway, I'm interested in the shrimp and plants, but...
  31. K

    Free- Bn Pleco, Neon Tetra And Cherry Shrimp

    Still interested if you'd reconsider posting, although it's getting chillier now…
  32. K

    Hygrophila Corymbosa Angustifolia!

    I'd even go so far as to skip Crypts as mine always end up taking over the tank like there's no tomorrow!
  33. K

    New Tank Options

      If you're planning to divide it, then it's ideal! Even if you're not dividing it and have the space for it, then I'd go for it even if it is a little large for "just a Betta" because as you say, larger tanks give you many more stocking options just because of the footprint of the tank (which...
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    The Odd Ones....

    I find them a good home, preferably with someone that I know well… somehow, most of my friends end up with fishtanks at some point!
  35. K

    Aquatic Show - Telford, Uk

    Indeed, it is intended for retailers to improve their relations with wholesalers and to see what's on offer (I met one of the organisers at FoF last month).
  36. K

    Can I Add Any More Stock To My 12 Gal?

      Rineloricaria sp./L010A (red lizard whiptails) are another 4-5" fish and while I haven't kept this specific species before, I get the feeling that it needs a bigger tank as even resources that I consider unreliable recommend so. As for Parotocinclus jumbo, I recommend that they have at least a...
  37. K

    Is My Fishtank Cycled?

    Keep in mind that apparently off the scale nitrite appears as 0 ppm with that test kit.
  38. K

    Are There Any Gouramis Peaceful Enough For Fancy Guppies?

    I used to keep a breeding group of 20-30 sparkling gouramis in a 110 litre 4 ft tank with an overbreeding group of guppies.
  39. K

    I Found About 35 Eggs...

    Where did you find them? Different species lay eggs in different ways, so that would help. They are most likely from the Corys.
  40. K

    Brine Shrimp Too Big

    Powdered fish foods, just be sure to feed a selection of different brands as you would to adult fish.   Flakes can easily be powdered between fingers, but granules are easiest done in a mortar, but you can do both in a grip-lock bag using a rolling pin.