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  1. Paradise3

    Fish Identification Game V4

    It looked like a big bolivian at first to me but it's not :lol:   Threadfin Acara - Acarichthys heckelii?
  2. Paradise3

    Fish Identification Game V4

    Is it a Long Fin Bolivian Ram - Mikrogeophagus altispinonus?   Scratch that... No it's not. I've seen it before but can't remember the name right now XD
  3. Paradise3

    What Is This Fish ?

    Agree with MBOU, looks like a very pale and harassed Pelvicachromis Pulcher(Common Kribensis). My female looked like this when I first introduced her to the male as she was terrified of him. What other fish do you have that could be bullying her?
  4. Paradise3

    Pregnant Molly?

    I just thought there was something odd about her as a molly and when you put that second picture up it hit me that she looked like  a platy.   Molly + Platy   Just to show the slight differences. They aren't always these colours :lol: They were just the best pictures I could find.
  5. Paradise3

    Pregnant Molly?

    She looks like she could drop them any day now. I also noticed from the other picture(and this one now as well) it looks a little bit like a Platy not a Molly? :) The dorsal fin and overall shape looks more platy than molly :/
  6. Paradise3

    Who's Says Shrimps Don't Attack?

    I will admit I've seen hungry cory's get desperate before... And a hungry pleco... My friend had both in her tank(2ft with a common pleco, what a surprise) and she never fed any of them because they "eat the poo from the other fish and the algae that grows" :/ The Pleco started eating her black...
  7. Paradise3

    Some New Additions

      Would be an odd tank if it was :lol:
  8. Paradise3

    Some New Additions

      I'm not sure, I'd say just 2 pairs or something along those lines anyway. Do you mean 36x12in(90x30cm) - LxW? Not 12x36in(30x90cm) - LxW? Sorry that's just how I read it :lol:
  9. Paradise3

    Is This Oscar Rare?

    oscars eat that? wow they have good tastes.     Yup, it'll back his immune system up as well since he's still new to the tank and not eating much :)
  10. Paradise3

    Some New Additions

      Yeah Two females will get on anyway   Edit: Btw, my pair were just about 1 inch long lol.
  11. Paradise3

    Some New Additions

    Nice additions though both rams look female to me They both look identical to my definite female.   My old male(he died recently for unknown reasons) (Please ignore the debris on his dorsal XD He liked to drag it across the bottom of the wood and get bits stuck to ti. Not an infection)   My...
  12. Paradise3

    Is This Oscar Rare?

      Have you tried soaking some prawns or chopped mussell in garlic to get his taste buds going? :)
  13. Paradise3

    Is This Oscar Rare?

      What have you been feeding him?
  14. Paradise3

    Is This Oscar Rare?

      Ah glad he's eaten something for you and glad he's not sat like that all the time. He may still be in a bit of a sulk if he sits on the bottom when you're around as I've heard of some Oscars that just sit still or hide when they're owner is around if they've been recently moved and are in a...
  15. Paradise3

    Wanted: Low-Tech Plants

      Do you mean Elodea densa? I've not heard of Egeria Densa lol. Can you get pictures? I'm not sure because like I say, I hope to only pay about a fiver... This includes postage really as I could get both those plants(in decent bunches) for £6 from my local pets at home :/
  16. Paradise3

    Is This Oscar Rare?

    Is he sitting on the bottom like that all the time?   Also, has he started eating yet?
  17. Paradise3

    Who's Says Shrimps Don't Attack?

    See that's my thoughts too but apparently they have been seen attacking perfectly healthy fish :/   You can tell the difference between Amano's and Macrobrachium.
  18. Paradise3

    Fish Identification Game V4

      No, no! It's OK lol. I was genuinely thanking you because I really have none ready to put up XD
  19. Paradise3

    Im Very Worried…

      Neither have I after keeping them with female betta's, emerald and red tail rasboras, male guppies, an oto and some temporary baby paradise fish. Even when one of my female betta's fell ill with dropsy they didn't bother her.
  20. Paradise3

    Fish Identification Game V4

    I was offline due to internet connection being lost but I didn't have one ready so thanks NC for going lol.
  21. Paradise3

    Im Very Worried…

      Agreed. I wouldn't have replied to the thread if I'd not had amano's to have the experience with. I never personally had problems with mine but there are people who have so the only way you can really say is if you have kept Amano's I suppose.
  22. Paradise3

    Is This A Safe Substrate For A Planted Tank?

      Me? I've never used soil before. This is my first time using it. I've also never had a lot of Blyxa Japonica. I only had 4-5 little bunches in my 3ft planted and they only did so well because I was dosing liquid carbon and ferts and had high lighting for the tank size   Edit: My 3ft Planted...
  23. Paradise3

    Im Very Worried…

    They generally only attack ill fish but everyone on that thread was insistent they've seen amano's eating healthy fish... I know because I was one of the people defending the Amano's as I never had a problem with mine. 
  24. Paradise3

    Is This A Safe Substrate For A Planted Tank?

    I'll be using Homebase Top Soil, cheaper but I know it's safe as Snazy told me about it and has it in a tank with fish, snails and shrimp :)
  25. Paradise3

    Fish Identification Game V4

    Only if you ask for both names DrRob ;)   But it's Orzyias woworae - Daisy's Ricefish :)
  26. Paradise3

    Pregnant Molly?

      Yep, I am... Let me try it again. Maybe I did something wrong...   This   Yay! It worked. Wow, I'm so simple in the head.... :lol:
  27. Paradise3

    Pregnant Molly?

      I've tried that and it just does this;   How do I get it to do the same as yours...? This sounds really silly even to me because I used to be able to do it but the forum has changed so much that now it's different :/
  28. Paradise3

    August 2013 - Fotm Banter

      Aww, thanks :)
  29. Paradise3

    September 2013 - Fish Of The Month Entries

    My entry this month since I'm not doing very well in the August comp :)   Entry.   Verification. (If you can't see him, he's just to the right of the paper on the sand bed trying to blend in)
  30. Paradise3

    Is This Oscar Rare?

    Yep, just the sulks. Let us know when he starts eating again :) And keep us updated with pictures, I quite like Oscars but can't own one(no room for a big enough tank) so I just oggle at everyone else's XD
  31. Paradise3

    Wanted: Low-Tech Plants

    ***Won't be able to pay till next Thursday as I have absolutely no money till then***   Plants: Any Low Tech Plants that grow pretty easy - Stargrass, Cabomba, Vallis, Java Moss, Cryptocoryne :) Age and condition: Good condition, age I can't really answer. Quantity: Looking for as many as...
  32. Paradise3

    Is This Oscar Rare?

    Ah... Then it could well be either of the two I mentioned if this is it being "pale and in a strop" :/   Can you get a picture if it colours up properly and starts eating? Also, can you answer Fluttermoth's questions please :)
  33. Paradise3

    Pregnant Molly?

      Thanks TLM. Btw, how do you do that link thing... So many times I've linked to things and wished I could just put "Here" and it lead to the link liek you do with the titles of the topics in the Common Livebearers RUI topic...
  34. Paradise3

    Is This Oscar Rare?

      Exactly... It does look a little too yellow for Albino/Lutino Red but too peach and has the grey/white face for a Sunshine Lemon... :/ I'm starting to think "hybrid" of two colours.
  35. Paradise3

    Pregnant Molly?

    It was, hence why I linked to it... I also don't understand why it was unpinned...
  36. Paradise3

    Is This Oscar Rare?

      It could well be but it does have a slight resemblance to the Lutino as they can be very pale or very dark. It depends on the genetics used to produce them. But the above could well be a hybrid oscar which would explain the odd colouration.
  37. Paradise3

    Pregnant Molly?

      If you're both on about OldMan47's thread... It wasn't removed... It's still there just not pinned any more.
  38. Paradise3

    Is This Oscar Rare?

    No, the Lutino Red and Albino Red have absolutely no markings and the Sunshine Yellows are Yellow not Peach... The one above is Peach...   Sunshine yellows also have no grey/white on the head. The OP's does.   Albino Red Oscar - Can be Paler or darker.   Lutino Red Oscar - Can be paler or...
  39. Paradise3

    Pregnant Molly?

    Yes she's pregnant and this will help you :)
  40. Paradise3

    Is This Oscar Rare?

    I'd actually say it's a pale Albino Red Oscar, maybe a Lutino Red, not a Sunshine Lemon Oscar because Sunshine Lemon Oscars are one in a million and finding one is rare and they are expensive. Very expensive. That and it's too "peachy" for a Lemon Sunshine. Lemon Sunshine's really are Lemon...