Is This A Safe Substrate For A Planted Tank?

As long as its 100% organic it should be okay.
Keep an eye on it though as most dirt substrates leach ammonia for awhile so you have to wait for it to stop leaching before you can add fish.
They also tend to leech some lime into the water, so you'll get harder water, but they do grow plants well.
long if it doesnt have the little white balls you get in some then it should be fine, i use john innes no 3 without a problem in most of my tanks now (with a sand cap)
I'll be using Homebase Top Soil, cheaper but I know it's safe as Snazy told me about it and has it in a tank with fish, snails and shrimp :)
is that what you used when you had all that blyxa japonica? that was a lovely tank 
mike455555 said:
is that what you used when you had all that blyxa japonica? that was a lovely tank 
Me? I've never used soil before. This is my first time using it. I've also never had a lot of Blyxa Japonica. I only had 4-5 little bunches in my 3ft planted and they only did so well because I was dosing liquid carbon and ferts and had high lighting for the tank size

Edit: My 3ft Planted. Only had 4 bunches of Blyxa in here. Two over in the right hand corner and two nearer the middle :)
Thank you everyone for the great answers and very nice pictures of your tanks as well. 

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