Search results

  1. Paradise3

    What Other Pets Do You Have?

    No-where near as many as some people but I myself own;   2x Male Neutered Cats - Tiger(Tabby - Not sure wich type though? Any one goo with Tabby markings?) and Sox(Black & White Rescue Moggy) :) 2x Corn Snakes - Male Butter Corn called Cereus and a Female Hypo PH Amel called Sakana. Soon to be...
  2. Paradise3

    Two Possible Betta Tanks

      That's not cycling the tank :/   Cycling
  3. Paradise3

    Two Possible Betta Tanks

    Whoa! You need to cycle your tank first which takes between 1-2 months  You answered and it didn't notify me. How did you cycle them and for how long?   Only get one species or the other because the 10 gallon is only big enough for one shoal since they need 6-8+. 
  4. Paradise3

    Two Possible Betta Tanks

      Then I can see you keeping fish in tanks too small. That's my opinion.
  5. Paradise3

    Two Possible Betta Tanks

    If they don't have Galaxy Rasboras or Ember Tetra's don't buy Neons as like we've said, they are too active and you don't have to buy fish...   Make sure you have a back-up plan because some males won't tolerate tankmates at all... Some get on with them, some hate them. Add the betta last to try...
  6. Paradise3

    Two Possible Betta Tanks

    You can get Galaxy Rasboras and Ember Tetra's at Walmart. I may not be in the U.S but I've seen a few people on here and on facebook groups that have bought both Galaxy Rasboras and Ember Tetra's in Walmart.
  7. Paradise3

    Two Possible Betta Tanks

    They are too active for a ten gallon. Surviving isn't thriving. Simple as.
  8. Paradise3

    Two Possible Betta Tanks

      We've told you. Neon Tetra's and Zebra Danio's are too big for the 10 gallon. You'd only be able to have Forktail Rainbowfish, Ember Tetra's or Galaxy Rabsoras in the 10 gallon with your male Betta.    NCGuppy: I've noticed a difference in betta's kept with smaller surface area's.   As for the...
  9. Paradise3

    Two Possible Betta Tanks

      Everyday waterchanges is stressful for the fish and the ammonia and nitrite build up overnight so I disagree with non-filtered tanks as they are toxic at some point in the day every day until a waterchange is done and then the toxins build up again after the waterchange. In a filtered tank(as...
  10. Paradise3

    Two Possible Betta Tanks

    Don't get a betta for the jar at all no matter whether it's a bigger jar or not. They really need a tank with a heater and filter. Not just a heater.   I really wouldn't recommend a sorority as you're a beginner and you NEED 5 females minimum. More is much, much better but you can't fit more...
  11. Paradise3

    Two Possible Betta Tanks

    Don't get any betta's for the jar. They need filtered, heated 3 gallon tanks bare minimum.   As for the sorority. I wouldn't recommend one in a 10 gallon and not to a beginner. They can get pretty nasty at times and you need at least 5 females bare minimum but more is always better and you can't...
  12. Paradise3

    How Many 'fans' Do Bamboo Shrimp Have?

    You can tell Armoured Shrimp(also called Vampire Shrimp and African Filter Shrimp) from Bamboo Shrimp just by looking at the body. Armoured Shrimp are very thickly armoured(as suggested by their name)...   As far as I can tell by looking at my friends Bamboo Shrimp they have 4-6 fans... I can't...
  13. Paradise3

    Shy Black Ghost Knife Fish

    Great vid there TT!   There were my favourite Knifefish in there as well as the BGK, there were some Glass Knifefish! Love Glass Knifefish.
  14. Paradise3


    No Bolivians wouldn't not be any good for that tank. I wouldn't recommend any rams for that size tank as my pair of Gold Rams used all 19g(87l) of my tank everyday and they get to approx. 2in long and can be quite aggressive towards tank mates.   I'd say something like Nannacara or Laetacara...
  15. Paradise3

    Shy Black Ghost Knife Fish

    That poor Black Ghost Knife is probably doing that out of a mixture of fear(no-where to hide) and simple frustration because it has no plants to play in(which they like doing) :/   Not to mention the Pangasius and Red Tailed Cat that are both acting out of character too...
  16. Paradise3

    Not A Pet But They Visited Us Tonight

    Thank-you :) I'm still working on my photography lol. Some of my best is on my profile(which, of course, includes the Peacock Butterfly above) :lol:
  17. Paradise3

    Not A Pet But They Visited Us Tonight

    I'll get my other visitors pictures up Thanks for trying to identify that other one, it's got me confused... I know quite a few moths but I can't find that one anywhere.   Black Arches - Keep thinking it's Archer lol.   Magpie. (Not the best pictures at it decided to go sit either on the...
  18. Paradise3

    Shy Black Ghost Knife Fish

    It was you because I mis-read the post. Sorry about that.
  19. Paradise3

    Not A Pet But They Visited Us Tonight

    We've had a few more including a Male Magpie Moth and a Black Archer Moth along with a few unknowns :)
  20. Paradise3

    Shy Black Ghost Knife Fish

    They are in pain constantly, they never reach full size and some deform(their back bends and such) and they die early.
  21. Paradise3

    Shy Black Ghost Knife Fish

    If she says no then she is going to stunt the fish.
  22. Paradise3

    Shy Black Ghost Knife Fish

      I know it's not. I was responding to that post where one quote said a 40in tank is fine for a 19in BGK and the other quote said a 48in tank is fine for 20in BGK... That's cruelty in my eyes...   To be completely honest, I would tell your auntie it is going to outgrow her tank and she needs to...
  23. Paradise3

    Shy Black Ghost Knife Fish

    Why would you keep a 20 inch fish that stunts very, very easily in a 40-48in long tank?! That's cruelty in my eyes.
  24. Paradise3

    Shy Black Ghost Knife Fish

    Black Ghost Knife Fish stunt way too easily for you to be leaving it in a 75g any longer than it needs to be left in there. I'd say get rid now before it does stunt.
  25. Paradise3

    Shy Black Ghost Knife Fish

      No. They don't . Pretty sure someone on here had one that was 20in long. They get to 50cm in the wild. Don't believe everything Wiki says.
  26. Paradise3

    I'm Baaaaaack! ♥

  27. Paradise3

    September 2013 - Fotm Banter

      Thanks :) Sure someone will beat me :lol:
  28. Paradise3

    Shy Black Ghost Knife Fish

      Yes, sorry I got mixed up. Sorry about that. I did meant 3ft not 2ft I was thinking of another fish when I was typing...
  29. Paradise3

    Shy Black Ghost Knife Fish

      Black Ghost Knifefish need a 180x60x60cm(6x2x2ft) tank which is a bare minimum of 648L(143G) so your Aunt's tank is too small. These fish can grow to 20in long and they stunt so easily it's unbelievable so it's absolutely vital that they have the right sized tank. They are shy fish so need a...
  30. Paradise3

    I Swear I Didn't Mean To Buy Him! He Fell In My Tank!

      Aww :( Betta's are so persistent...
  31. Paradise3

    Is My Fish Pregnant?!

    No picture?   To sex them look at their anal fins. These pictures are of guppies not platies but it's exactly the same for all common livebearers(guppies, mollies, platies, swordtails and endlers) :)   Female.   Male.
  32. Paradise3

    Best Substrate For A Planted Tank?

      I'm doing this :) I'll be putting a detailed journal up when I get chance to start switching over next week some time so keep an eye out :)
  33. Paradise3

    Fish Keep Dying, Need Help

    That's a lot of fish to add to a newly cycled tank.... I'd think it's caused an ammonia spike and this has affected your fish   What test kit are you using?
  34. Paradise3

    I Swear I Didn't Mean To Buy Him! He Fell In My Tank!

    He's a stunner! Can't be sure of whether he's HMPK or PK until you can get a flaring picture :) If you can get one where I can count the rays in his tail I can tell you :lol:
  35. Paradise3

    Fish Identification Game V4

    Ah, an old favourite of mine if I'm correct in the ID Is it a Leptobotia elongata?   Edit - Forgot common name XD Imperial Flower Loach?
  36. Paradise3

    Fish Identification Game V4

      That's the one!! They are cute though :)
  37. Paradise3

    Fish Identification Game V4

    Well you are awesome :P   Erm... It's a puffer... I know that much so far... Or more, that's all my brain is letting me know so far but I've seen the image before XD
  38. Paradise3

    Fish Identification Game V4

    Correct Alm0stAwesome(correction - Always Awesome ;) ) :lol:   Your go. Yeah, they get sold as babies for community tanks and they just grow and grow and grow and eat...
  39. Paradise3

    Fish Identification Game V4

    Same here, would love to own one but no room for a tank big enough :(   OK, easy one.   Scientific and common please :)