Mostly New Member
Tank stats:
36 gallon bow front tank
aqueon quiet flow 30 filter and marineland penguin 150 biowheel filters
temp: 78 degrees F
ammonia less than .25
nitrite 0
nitrate 10
We got our tank and did a fishless cycle with pure liquid ammonia for 3 weeks. When it seemed cycled, we added all of our fish. We added 5 dwarf gourami, 3 red wag platys, 4 guppys, 9 neon tetra, 3 albino corys and 1 sterba cory and 3 otos . Within 24 hours one of the gourami was really not doing well. We returned him to the store before he died. Over the past week and a half we have lost 4 of the gouramis, 1 platy, 1 guppy, 7 tetra, and 2 of the albino corys. Since our water parameters seem ok, I'm at a loss as to what is going on. We use Prime to treat the water for chlorine etc and we added stresszyme when we did our water change a week after adding the fish (25% change).
The only other thing to note in hind sight, the store when we bought the gouramis had one dead fish in the tank and another that didn't seem healthy. We obviously didn't take the unhealthy looking one, but now i'm wondering if the tank was sick.
As far as the appearance of our fish goes, there aren't any notable signs of sickness. Please help! We don't want to lose the rest of the fish.
36 gallon bow front tank
aqueon quiet flow 30 filter and marineland penguin 150 biowheel filters
temp: 78 degrees F
ammonia less than .25
nitrite 0
nitrate 10
We got our tank and did a fishless cycle with pure liquid ammonia for 3 weeks. When it seemed cycled, we added all of our fish. We added 5 dwarf gourami, 3 red wag platys, 4 guppys, 9 neon tetra, 3 albino corys and 1 sterba cory and 3 otos . Within 24 hours one of the gourami was really not doing well. We returned him to the store before he died. Over the past week and a half we have lost 4 of the gouramis, 1 platy, 1 guppy, 7 tetra, and 2 of the albino corys. Since our water parameters seem ok, I'm at a loss as to what is going on. We use Prime to treat the water for chlorine etc and we added stresszyme when we did our water change a week after adding the fish (25% change).
The only other thing to note in hind sight, the store when we bought the gouramis had one dead fish in the tank and another that didn't seem healthy. We obviously didn't take the unhealthy looking one, but now i'm wondering if the tank was sick.
As far as the appearance of our fish goes, there aren't any notable signs of sickness. Please help! We don't want to lose the rest of the fish.