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  1. fish48

    Golden white cloud mountain minnow, very pale?

    As GaryE said its probably a colour variation. golden white cloud mountain minnows can can vary quite a bit from white looking. to gold some can have a variation of colour in their fins.
  2. fish48


    Yes, they can get up to two inches in size.
  3. fish48


    Earthworms are very good live food to feed your fish when prepared in the proper way. I always cut up worms into small pieces. earthworms are good escaping from my culture, I often find them wriggling around in my fish tanks on this occasion I find both fish and worm dead. 😞
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  5. fish48


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  7. fish48


    Size of fish 50 m, brood size usually under 20 The colour in males can vary from silver, gold, black and black/gold speckling.
  8. fish48


    I first kept tequila over 30 years ago, they have become very popular and well established in the fish hobby.
  9. fish48


    one of my skiffia multipunctata The most popular and easy to keep of the skiffia species
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  11. fish48

    Tell me something funny

  12. fish48

    Rice fish

    some pics of fish
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  18. fish48

    Rice fish

    I'm sure it won't be too long before you have a fish room, with dedication and a lot of time spent in the fish room each day I go into my fish room, there's always something interesting happening there's never a dull moment. Oryzias dancena rice fish )
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  20. fish48

    Tips on treating camallanus worms

    I find the best treatment is esha ndx
  21. fish48


    Yesterday I brought a group of 8 Lampeye Poropanchax normani from a local pet store. So far today I have collected 3 eggs.
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  23. fish48

    Rice fish

    I have a good number of them and have them split up I grow them on in containers for the first few weeks.
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  25. fish48

    Fry and adults

    lol Brachyrhaphis They can turn and eat their fry almost as fast as you can blink an eyelid
  26. fish48

    Blue Dream

    No, I keep them in separate tanks /containers.
  27. fish48

    Blue Dream

    I have the Red Cherry Shrimp and the Blue Dreams. Out of the two, I prefer The Blue Dreams My next one on the list will probably be Crystal red shrimps.
  28. fish48

    Wild maculatus platies...

    Nice looking platy
  29. fish48

    Rice fish

    Reason why they were fed brine shrimp 'cause I had quite a bit leftover after feeding tiny fry. cherry barbs and pearl danios. Brachydanio Albolineatus ) I spawned two pairs of Pearl Danios. at the same time. Now have hundreds of fry a pic of some fry
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  31. fish48

    Kohaku Koi Swordtail

    Black Eyed, are still nice but I prefer the red . better still the red eyed red .they are rarely seen these days occasionally turn up at fish auctions.
  32. fish48

    Cory eggs

    I regularly use methelyne blue. If your eyesight is not too good. It does help to pick out the dead eggs lol.
  33. fish48

    Rice fish

    its newly hatched brine shrimp
  34. fish48

    Kohaku Koi Swordtail

    my Koi Swordtail
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  36. fish48

    Cory eggs

    cory fry from day1 and 9 days old I have70 + of them
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  39. fish48

    Rice fish

    There are so many color varieties, Not a very good pic. Just fed them on brine shrimp
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