Search results

  1. Jessman

    New tank, what to stock with rams?

    Thanks for your reply. The water in my area is soft but I am unsure of the pH, do I need to test it or will it say on the water providers website? As for the pair of rams, I was planning on asking the store for ready paired ones (they have all the rams in one tank) this is what I did a few...
  2. Jessman

    New tank, what to stock with rams?

    I’ve decided to go back to fish keeping after selling my 4 tanks two years ago. So I’ve just bought a new 160L tank (haven’t picked it up yet so don’t know the parameters or make/model but have been told it’s more than 1meter wide) and I’ve got a list of the fish I would like but need advice...
  3. Jessman

    New tank, what to stock with rams?

    I’ve decided to go back to fish keeping after selling my 4 tanks two years ago. So I’ve just bought a new 160L tank (haven’t picked it up yet so don’t know the parameters or make/model but have been told it’s more than 1meter wide) and I’ve got a list of the fish I would like but need advice...
  4. Jessman

    Moving My Fish Around

    Hi, ok so my kribs have had fry, i have 6 mixed young tiger barbs in with them and a very young red tailed shark. Now the fry are here the kribs are going nuts and wont leave them alone and is stressing them out, so ive moved the barbs into my community tank for a while (i know not a good idea...
  5. Jessman

    Tiger Barbs Are Face Down In The Plants?

    Thanks guys :)
  6. Jessman

    Tiger Barbs Are Face Down In The Plants?

    I bought 3 tiger barbs and 3 greeb tigers a couple of days ago, and every morning when i switch the aquarium light on, theyre all face down in the plants, theyre still moving and everything and theyre fine now swimming about as normal. Does anyone else's do this??
  7. Jessman

    Kribensis, Tiger Barbs And A Shark?

    Ok thanks for the tip :)
  8. Jessman

    Kribensis, Tiger Barbs And A Shark?

    Hi, i got a pair of kribensis a few days ago and all they do is hide, so i read that if there are other brave fish that swim in the open in the tank they will too, so for that reason im getting a few tiger barbs, which ive heard go well with kribs. Im also thinking of getting a red tail or ruby...
  9. Jessman

    Biggest Pair Of Fish I Could Keep In A 51L?

    I have an empty cycled 51L tank and want to fill it with a pair of fish, what is the biggest that could live in it? Would help if it was colourful too please :)
  10. Jessman

    Which Cichlids Should I Get?

    Yes i understand why many people dont like Blood Parrots because theyre hybrids, but its still a fish i guess! ha. and i love the cartoony look they have.   I like the second plan too to be honest, more colourful!  can different types of rainbow fish school together? i like plecs, but not the...
  11. Jessman

    Which Cichlids Should I Get?

    Yes i love them, im always mesmerised by them when i see them at the lfs! After some thinking im debating whether to keep them with a pair of blue rams or a school of medium fish with maybe a rainbow shark, hmm desicions. Which tetras did you keep yours with?
  12. Jessman

    Baby Snails!

    I have the same thing! I bought 12 malaysian trumpet snails just over a month ago and the tank is FULL of baby snails now, theyre so cute, but im worried they will overrun my tank eventually, so if they do ive decided ill give them away to friends who have tanks - if they want them that is! I...
  13. Jessman

    Which Cichlids Should I Get?

    What about a pair of parrots and a pair of blue rams? Would they work?
  14. Jessman

    Which Cichlids Should I Get?

    I was also thinking of firemouth cichlid and convicts
  15. Jessman

    Which Cichlids Should I Get?

    Im getting a 200l tank and i want to keep cichlids I was thinking alongnthe lines of bolivian and german rams, kribensis, and other colourful cichlids, the more colourful the better But i also want one big cichlid in the tank as well, can anyone give me any suggestions?
  16. Jessman

    200L Cichlid Tank

    Ok, thanks laura :)
  17. Jessman

    200L Tank, Any Good Tank Mates?

    Ok thanks for all your help :)!
  18. Jessman

    200L Tank, Any Good Tank Mates?

    i actually love your suggestions for a CA tank, and the african suggestions, they look amazing!  i think i should reconsider having a parrot, maybe wait till i get an even bigger tank (which wont be for a while)
  19. Jessman

    200L Cichlid Tank

    hi, im getting a new Fluval Roma 200 in a few months and was thinking of a cichlid tank i definitely want 2 parrot cichlids in the tank, any other suggestions on what other cichlids i could add?   i like these ones: kribensis bolivian rams yellow labs   but i dont know if they can live with...
  20. Jessman

    200L Tank, Any Good Tank Mates?

    i like your idea wrightt3, but ive been looking at some other tanks and im starting to lean towards a cichlid tank?! the tank i will most probably be getting will be the Fluval Roma 200,  and i will definitely want 2 parrot cichlids, but what else??
  21. Jessman

    200L Tank, Any Good Tank Mates?

    Im getting a new 200L tank, ive got a rough idea of what i want in it, but dont know if they will go well together, heres the list i have    1 x ruby shark 2 x bolivian rams 2 x parrot cichlids few tiger barbs   i dont have to have them all, i just want an idea of how many i can have or which...
  22. Jessman

    Fish Dying Rapidly

    it could be because the aquaclear filter is 'too clean', meaning it has no good bacteria in it, like others have said
  23. Jessman

    Should I Get Newts?

    thanks, great advice, just what i needed! 
  24. Jessman

    Should I Get Newts?

    thanks guys
  25. Jessman

    Just Saved My Betta!

    yes females can live happily in groups, some of them arent as aggressive as the males, though they should be kept in groups of 3 or more, and as long as they have plenty of space there should be no problem. my oldest betta was happy living with the other two bettas, and shes very happy living...
  26. Jessman

    Missing Fish?!

    haha yes :) and ive bought her another two friends, their a lovely trio hehe
  27. Jessman

    Just Saved My Betta!

    so you guys might know from my last couple of posts - two of my female bettas died in the past few days :( but there was one left so i was happy about that, and i bought another two to give her some company.  two days ago i realized that the original betta was nowhere to be seen, i tried looking...
  28. Jessman

    Missing Fish?!

    Thanks guys, at least there's one left! Happy about that :)
  29. Jessman

    Shark In A 26 Gallon?

    I dont know exactly when i'll be getting the new tank so yeah i think its best if i wait :) haha
  30. Jessman

    Missing Fish?!

    well i found the dead betta today :( she was between the ceramic media
  31. Jessman

    Shark In A 26 Gallon?

    Thanks leah :) would be fine in a 26 g for a few months wouldnt it?
  32. Jessman

    Missing Fish?!

    These bettas are in my biube, so they have a biorb like filter. I've never overfed before, but the brineshrimp slid out of my fingers because it was slimy, and boom it was gone before I could run down to get a net to fish it out. I was planning on redecorating the tank today, so when I'm doing...
  33. Jessman

    Missing Fish?!

    Two days ago I accidentally overfed my bettas, they were so huge like balloons. Anyway today all 3 were fine, acting normal, but the white one's stomach was like a triangle:s I think there may have been a rupture or something, and I've just found her dead :( but my other betta is completely...
  34. Jessman

    Sexing This Weird Platy

    The black spot might be some faeces, or it could even be a mark on the skin that looks like a gravid spot?
  35. Jessman

    "growth" On Guppy Fry

    I saw one exactly like this at my lfs, a fully grown female, they said it was her internal organs on the outside, they got her like that so they didnt know how it happened. But they said she was ok and could still live as long as the others, and they were giving her away for free She acted...
  36. Jessman

    Couldnt Resist!

    RCA, sorry I don't have a picture! The pictures from my camera are 'too big' for this I'm afraid! But yes maybe the new things will distract them from the other two, ill try popping to the lps to get things before tomorrow, and ill add them after taking the 3 bettas out of the tank. I'm just...
  37. Jessman

    Shark In A 26 Gallon?

    Yeah i might just do that, thanks Sophie! :)
  38. Jessman

    10 Gal Tank, What To Put In It?

    I found out the little one was a silvertip tetra (or gold, both come up as almost the same!)
  39. Jessman

    Guppy Fry Are Dying! :'(

    Have you mashed the flakes up finely? They can eat fine flakes. Is their temperature correct? Around 26-28C? How are the ammonia levels? How old are the fry? I have 22 fry at the moment that are a week old, and all i do for mine is keep them in their own tank which has a big plant in the middle...
  40. Jessman

    Couldnt Resist!

    Okay thank you :)!