200L Tank, Any Good Tank Mates?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2013
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Im getting a new 200L tank, ive got a rough idea of what i want in it, but dont know if they will go well together, heres the list i have 
1 x ruby shark
2 x bolivian rams
2 x parrot cichlids
few tiger barbs
i dont have to have them all, i just want an idea of how many i can have or which ones, and if they can even live together
or if any one else has suggestions of other fish?
Bolivan rams are very peaceful flowy fish which will probably be nipped my the shark and the barbs. How about a large shoal of tiger barbs in a heavily planted tank? That would look awesome!
There are different variants of tiger barbs you could get, green tigers, albino tigers and the regular tigers.
And maybe a couple of bristle nose plecos?
I would suggest the opposite. I think a semi aggressive tank with 2 parrots and 1 ruby shark would look better. Depending on your tank dimensions you could possibly add some tiger barbs as dithers too.
Or you could go with a south east Asian biotope and add a large shoal of tiger barbs like laurac said. I would personally add a ruby shark instead of the Plecos if you decide to go the biotope route though.
Its just a matter of personal preference really.
i like your idea wrightt3, but ive been looking at some other tanks and im starting to lean towards a cichlid tank?!
the tank i will most probably be getting will be the Fluval Roma 200, 
and i will definitely want 2 parrot cichlids, but what else??
Hmm the fluval roma is 100x40x55cm if i'm not mistaken and parrots get to be about 20-25cm so the pair alone would probably fully stock if not overstock the tank. Sorry I thought a 200 litre was 4ft long.
You could easily fit one in there and keep it as a single species tank but with two you may have aggression problems.
If you want a multiple cichlid tank then you should decide on which area you prefer (SA, CA, or Africa) and then stick to cichlids from that area.
For a CA tank, I think that a Firemouth, a Sajica and a Honduran Red Point would work well together with perhaps some robust livebearers such as Ameca splendens to add activity to the upper levels of the tank.
For a SA tank I think that a pair of Angelfish, a pair of rams and some mid sized tetras would look nice.
Not really sure about African cichlids though, perhaps some zebra and rusty cichlids? (5 of each)
There are loads of possibilities out there but I think you would be limiting yourself if you decided to go with a parrot.
i actually love your suggestions for a CA tank, and the african suggestions, they look amazing! 
i think i should reconsider having a parrot, maybe wait till i get an even bigger tank (which wont be for a while)
Keeping cichlids is loads of fun and they are arguably some of the most interesting and attractive freshwater species out there but keep in mind they are unpredictable so I would make sure that your LFS is willing to take back any overly aggressive fish just in case.  Other than that you should be fine

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