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  1. GobyMaster11276

    How to post a thread

    For those new members who can't figure out how to post, this is a guide. So here are two ways to post: 1. Press the "Active Topics" tab, and next to the "Post New Thread" button, select the appropriate category for your post (e.g goldfish and koi). Then press the "Post New Thread" area. Now...
  2. GobyMaster11276

    Compatibility Issues

    Well, it is recommended that they have 30 gallons a pair. So yes, it was too small.
  3. GobyMaster11276

    What kind of female Beta do I have?

    I agree with Demeter, as soon as I saw the photo I thought of veil tails. You said that you moved around a lot, but a 5 gallon tank isn't all that hard to move, nor is it very expensive. Do you know about the nitrogen cycle? Was your tank cycled before you got her? Please don't take offense from...
  4. GobyMaster11276

    Bichirs the dinosaur in my home

    Beautiful fish, and a very interesting article on the bichirs. What're you gonna name her? Are you going to get another for the bigger tank to keep her company? Or are they solitary? How big is the tank gonna be anyways? Make sure to keep us updated.
  5. GobyMaster11276

    Nitrates Issues

    Next time I go to my LFS, I'm gonna get them to test it. I would hate to replace the conditioner since it cost quite a bit, but if it isn't the test kit I will have to.
  6. GobyMaster11276

    Nitrates Issues

    Tank gravel. I'm wanting to know if maybe my test kit is faulty.
  7. GobyMaster11276


    I love cats just as much as dogs and fish. In fact I've got three, all rescue cats. These consist of a 15yo long hair black and brown male called Mitch, a short hair ginger male called Momo, and a 1.5yo, long hair female tortoiseshell named Maya. They all have well defined personalities and...
  8. GobyMaster11276

    Betta Fin Types

    Hi, just wondering what type/s of fins people prefer with their bettas. I like VT and plakats, and I'm just curious what you all think.
  9. GobyMaster11276


    A while back in January I went snorkelling at a local beach and saw some common toadfish. I was lucky to see some swimming around, as well as one in its partially buried state. Very cool fish; they were pretty calm about me being near them. I tried to get some video footage of them, but my...
  10. GobyMaster11276

    Nitrates Issues

    Ok, I forgot to update this for a while. The separate tests showed 40ppm, and the main tanks nitrates haven't gone down. Strange, since nitrites read 0ppm and ammonia 0.25ppm.
  11. GobyMaster11276

    Rex The Flowerhorn

    Are you still going to move Rex to the 129g?
  12. GobyMaster11276

    Rex The Flowerhorn

    I agree with hobby5, I reckon it's genetic (the mouth thing), but hopefully it isn't. Rex is a very nice fish by the way.
  13. GobyMaster11276

    Aggressive Fish

    A good tip to remember: never trust the guys at the store. These are the people who will sell you a 3 litre bowl for $70, and say that a betta will be happy in it.
  14. GobyMaster11276

    Hello people!

    Welcome. What fish do you have?
  15. GobyMaster11276

    hello from wa state

    Hi. What types of fish do you have?
  16. GobyMaster11276

    Slime in betta tank?

    Maybe try a sponge or corner sponge (I've bought quite a few of these from my LFS, and work a treat).
  17. GobyMaster11276

    Hi there, Need some advise plz. Large fish with swim bladder

    Whoops, didn't see Nick's message (that's what happens with bad internet). His suggestion for water changes is better.
  18. GobyMaster11276

    Hi there, Need some advise plz. Large fish with swim bladder

    20% isn't enough. 50% weekly would be better. Also, you should have your own liquid test kit (consider API).
  19. GobyMaster11276

    Hi there, Need some advise plz. Large fish with swim bladder

    Make sure the peas are peeled and crushed before put in. What about your water changes? How often and what size?
  20. GobyMaster11276

    Hi there, Need some advise plz. Large fish with swim bladder

    It IS overstocked. You didn't really answer my questions either. Fish store people aren't very reliable, remember they will lie to you to get an extra sale.
  21. GobyMaster11276

    Hi there, Need some advise plz. Large fish with swim bladder

    No wonder, that tank is by far overstocked.What type of filter do you have? How often and how much are your water changes? What do you feed them? Can you get a picture of the whole tank? Thanks.
  22. GobyMaster11276

    My new sorority

    I do similar. Only have some vitamins in my new conditioner (which I would rather not have in it, but hey, 5ml to 200l is too good to pass up) but before that never used any.
  23. GobyMaster11276

    Walmart opinions

    Most likely anything that ate their goldfish would soon after die.
  24. GobyMaster11276

    Walmart opinions

    True. Why would they stop doing something that earns them money?
  25. GobyMaster11276

    My new sorority

    What chemicals are in your water? What does easy life do? Just curious (please don't take this the wrong way).
  26. GobyMaster11276

    Walmart opinions

    I've seen some images (which are, to say the least, disturbing), but I have never been there myself, living down in Australia (where we don't have Walmart)
  27. tumblr_m8rvmlJcce1qj3louo1_1280.jpg


  28. GobyMaster11276

    My new sorority

    You don't put conditioner in?
  29. GobyMaster11276

    A nice surprise

    You're so lucky! Down south we only see a few species of birds (by a few I mean maybe 20-30, mainly magpies, noisy miners, crows, galahs and rainbow lorikeets), the occasional garden skink and sometimes possums. I haven't seen a wild frog for about six years, and luckily the cane toads aren't...
  30. GobyMaster11276

    A nice surprise

    Nice legless lizard.
  31. GobyMaster11276

    betta body rot (i think?)

    No, it doesn't destroy the bacteria.
  32. GobyMaster11276

    Nitrates Issues

    Whoops... I use a recycled one (originally held flour, then was briefly used to transport soil). Hasn't caused any problems in the two years I've been using it (it was used for soil transport last year) so it's okay? I'm doing my tank work today, so I will get the results on this soon.
  33. GobyMaster11276

    Betta tankmates?

    No, the shrimp will probably get eaten. You could have the snail, but be warned, they breed. Fast.
  34. GobyMaster11276

    Nitrates Issues

    How much water should I use to 1/4 cup?
  35. GobyMaster11276

    Stop me!!

    When I had oscars they didn't destroy the equipment, they just uprooted every plant. They're very energetic, mine would always follow me across the tank, and acted much like dogs.
  36. GobyMaster11276

    Nitrates Issues

    I know our water provider adds fluoride, and chloramine is a possibility (I tried to call them, only to find out they closed at 4pm, not 5pm). So standing the water is out of the question. I doubt that the conditioner is the issue anyway, because, as I mentioned earlier, this problem has been...
  37. GobyMaster11276

    Help PLEASE: Betta "Finny" has bulge on tummy..

    "Finny is 18-24 months old.. Lives in heated, filtered, cycled, ten gallon by himself. Body colors faded from dark blue to "blotchy" light and dark blue pattern fast ( over past two weeks since he badly tore dorsal fin on some ornament. His water parameters are, and have been pristine for at...
  38. GobyMaster11276

    My new sorority

    Wow, they are doing very well!
  39. GobyMaster11276

    My new sorority

    How's the new girl?