What kind of female Beta do I have?


New Member
Mar 1, 2017
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Hey guys! This is my lady beta called pizzazz and im wondering what kind of beta she is, sorry for the quality.
Screenshot 2017-03-02 01.02.42.png
Welcome to the forum! If you'd like, here is a great betta caresheet. What size is her tank?
She looks to be a veiltail.
Thank you! She lives in a one gallon fish bowl with plants :)
Agreed she's a veil tail.
I don't mean to be the bearer of bad new, but a one gallon bowl isn't going to cut it in the long run. Most people will agree that 5 gallons is pretty much the minimum tanks size, and it needs to be heated and filtered.
In that one gallon bowl you will need to be doing pretty frequent (4+ times a week) water changes to keep the fish healthy
I know but sadly I'm a broke college student that cant afford that atm and I move frequently, the bowl has live plants and she loves them and she does have a heater :) I try my best to provide my pet what it needs I know how to take care of a fish :) and correction its a 2.5 gallon
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Nice girl you have there.

How long have you had her?
What do you feed her?
Has the tank got a filter?
How often do you change water?
What type of water conditioner do you use?
What are your Ammonia Nitrite and Nitrate readings?
I agree with Demeter, as soon as I saw the photo I thought of veil tails. You said that you moved around a lot, but a 5 gallon tank isn't all that hard to move, nor is it very expensive. Do you know about the nitrogen cycle? Was your tank cycled before you got her? Please don't take offense from these questions.
Probably a veil tail. Very pretty. Even a 3.5. G would work. It still gives her a little more space to move around. Do you have any hiding places for your betta?
hey guys! she has a bubble filter and yes she has plants to sleep on which she loves, they help the water stay clean and it adds a little bit of hiding because the roots are getting long!
the water is kept clean and I clean it every two weeks but I only change 75% of the water, I get the poop out with a small bubble hose and then I leave out water for her 24 hours before changing. I have a big blue bucket always filled because the heater evaporates the water a little bit and keeping her bowl filled is important ! I feed her little pellets. Also looks to get some other types of food to bring out her colour any suggestions? I haven't had her for that long, id say since February :)
I clean it every two weeks but I only change 75% of the water,
That is not enough water changes for such a small tank. you should be aiming for at least 2x 50% water changes a week,

Also looks to get some other types of food to bring out her colour any suggestions?

Yes lots of clean warm water and New Life Spectrum Betta pellets.

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