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  1. F

    Anyone Had Any Succes Keeping Guppies With Bettas

    It honestly depends on the betta, and it's personality. Some will rip the fins right off of guppies, while others won't do a thing. I've witnessed both sides of the coin - A betta that could live with guppies, but would randomly chase them down and bite their tails and fins. And one that could...
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    I love animals~! <3

    I love animals~! <3
  3. F

    New Stocking On A Rio 180

    That sounds like a fine stocking. However, rams aren't always that hardy, and may not be the best choice for the girl. A group of corys would do well in the tank, and a school of tetras, like cardinals. :) Good luck! Let us know how it works out. :D -f_f!
  4. F

    Goldfish Ph?

    Even fancies? Thanks!
  5. F

    So How Many Of Us Are Overstocked?

    I usually overstock a tad, but as everyone else has said, I over-filter and have live plants, so all levels are stellar.
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    Goldfish Ph?

    I know this isn't tropical, but whatever. XD I read that the ideal ph for goldies is 7.5. The 55 gallon I have (already cycled) has a ph of about 8.0. I also once read on a website that a ph of 8.0 is too high for goldies, long term. I haven't got a goldy yet, but I'm wondering if this okay? I...
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    Lighting For 57 Gallon Tank?

    I'm going to use CO2. But I'll get back with the length of my lights. :/
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    Lighting For 57 Gallon Tank?

    I have a 57 gallon tank (well non-technically a standard "55" gallon), and I want to convert it into a planted tank. The fixtures I have hold two bulbs. I don't really know how to modify anything so it holds more lights, but will having two lights of 55 watts (even though that will be 2 wpg)...
  9. F

    Where Do You Buy Your Betta's?

    I live in Canada too. There are some nice ones at Petsmart (AKA; Pets @ Home), usually, but I try to avoid buying from chain pet stores.
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    Want To Start A Planted Tank

    Right now I have two 40 watts. I'm concerned that it's going to be hard to get the proper amount of WPG, and still have enough power, if that makes sense. (like I wouldn't want 50 watts per side, because unless they were combined, I still wouldn't have enough power, even if I did have the proper...
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    Want To Start A Planted Tank

    Oh! I have another question! :) I have two lights for my 57 gallon! One on one side of the tank, and one on the other. How many watts per side would suffice for a planted tank? Thanks!
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    Want To Start A Planted Tank

    Okay, I'll read that. Well, I was thinking not tons of maintenance, but I also don't want to be doing absolutely nothing with it. :lol: :P Thanks! :)
  13. F

    Want To Start A Planted Tank

    Hey guys. I have 5 aquariums, and they are all planted. Not a lot, just java moss, java fern, and vallisneria. However, I want to turn my 57 gallon Mbuna tank (will give away the labs) into a pretty densely planted tank. I actually have no idea what I'm doing. Not sure of substrate, lighting...
  14. F

    A Big-Small Problem

    Yeah, flagfish can be a bit aggressive to other tank mates. Really, there aren't a lot of species that will eat the type of algae you have.
  15. F

    Dither Fish For Labidochromis Caeruleus

    I have 7 labs, and 5 bristlenose plecos... 4 of the 7 labs are juveniles still, as I got them at an expo a couple months ago as babies, so I'm not sure of the gender, but out of the 3 adults, there are 2 females and a male. I vented them. However, one female always spawns with another female, so...
  16. F

    Dither Fish For Labidochromis Caeruleus

    I have some Labidochromis caeruleus in a 57 gallon tank with a lot of rock work and some bristle nose plecos. It's been set up for about 6 months. I NEVER see the fish, as they are always hiding. I have the tank in the basement, and my Dad plays music down there quite frequently. I have a...
  17. F

    Can You Draw?

  18. F

    I Am Stumped - Female Betta

    I say just don't feed her for a bit. That might help. If not, are you sure you're crushing the pea small enough for her to eat?
  19. F

    Lucid Dreams?

    Hahaha! That's funny! :P
  20. F

    I Am Stumped - Female Betta

    Internal parasites, not bacterial infection. Melafix will do more harm than good. I agree with loraxchick. :)
  21. F

    Betta Devoured My Guppy!

    I've read about them and seen them, and I do say.. I wish I would have bought them when I had the chance. Apparently they spawn pretty easily. :)
  22. F

    Can You Draw?

    Awesome! But I don't like any Spyro games after the first 3.. :( :P
  23. F

    Lucid Dreams?

    lol! That's funny! :lol: I've had one more lucid dream, but it was a tad inappropriate.. :look:
  24. F

    Need Some Help Picking A "centerpiece" Fish

    Wow, your kribs must be gentle. :blink: Mine will chase any fish that gets near them, and if some are anywhere near the bottom of the tank (ie. corys) the kribs will kill them if they don't eventually move..
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    What's The Biggest Mistake You've Ever Made In The Aquarium Ho

    One biggest mistake - Putting away some of my aquariums. :blush: :lol:
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    Yah My Albinos Have Spawned!

    Who does? :wub: :lol:
  27. F

    Lucid Dreams?

    You can die, in a dream, actually. I have many friends who have experienced it. And also, you CAN control your dreams, if you become lucid.
  28. F

    My Reptiles

    Thanks! I ended up just getting fat tail. :) And I'm getting (and probably breeding) many more leos soon! Love them to DEATH! :P
  29. F

    Lucid Dreams?

    Why was one of those sections all in stars? lol Why was one of those sections all in stars? lol
  30. F

    Yah My Albinos Have Spawned!

    Awesome! My fry somehow got themselves caught in the java moss in my 10 gallon, and now they're all dead! :( I guess I'll have to buy some more adults and hope that they start spawning again... (My current two adults rarely spawn).
  31. F

    What's The Biggest Mistake You've Ever Made In The Aquarium Ho

    Ouch. :/ :( I guess I sort of made a mistake not too long ago.... I was refilling my 10 gallon fry tank, and I guess I poured the water too fast, which caused the cory fry to freak out - well, all of them got somehow caught in the mass of java moss, and they're all dead now. I feel horrible. :(
  32. F

    Yah My Albinos Have Spawned!

    No problem. :)
  33. F

    Lucid Dreams?

    :blink: lol That's strange. :P Haha, reminds me of something. Tell the rest! Tell the rest! :)
  34. F

    How Many Tanks Is Sensible To Have?

    I'm 14 years old, at one point I had 6 tanks (and several very small breeding ones) that I cared for all by myself, and I also bred (all at once) guppies, platys, mollies, swordtails, zebra danios, kribs, and bettas. It was so overwhelming. I eventually put my hands down and now I will soon have...
  35. F

    Lucid Dreams?

    Any lucid dreams recently? Anyone? :lol:
  36. F

    Yah My Albinos Have Spawned!

    Take them off with a razor blade VERY slowly and transfer them to a mature tank to hatch.
  37. F

    What's The Biggest Mistake You've Ever Made In The Aquarium Ho

    Try a filter sponge. Slit a hole in it and slip it on the intake. I don't even have problems with fry. (Unless of course they wedge themselves in between the intake and the sponge, but they have to be pretty small to do that).
  38. F

    What's The Biggest Mistake You've Ever Made In The Aquarium Ho

    I've also kept goldfish in Tupperware containers when I was 6 years old... :/ And put many fish into uncycled tanks... Including some cory fry not too long ago... But I had absolutely nowhere else to put them at the time, eventually cleared out a 10 gallon for them. They are doing great now.
  39. F

    Yah My Albinos Have Spawned!

    :wub: I had one with a really kinky tail, but unfortunately it passed on. :( I'm actually planning on moving them in with the adults soon... They are huge! :P And congrats on the new spawn! :) Yay!