Need Some Help Picking A "centerpiece" Fish

Well i got angelfish fully grown 3 years now and i have 2 black skirt tetra and had one other tetra also and it wouldnt hurt any of them... It would shoo them away when they come close but never hurt them..
I think it depends on the personality of your angelfish - but some of them DO EAT neon tetras, people. I had a 5 inch tall angel fish that killed several neon tetras in my tank.
I wouldn't get Kribensis if you have corydoras. I had to move my corydoras out of that tank when I got my Kribs. They are really easy to care for and breed though.
Hmm, I do not want a fish that could hurt the corydoras in particular, I'm quite attached to them. I already spent a lot of time juggling fish around after I found out my betta was eating their fins off.

I shot an E-mail off to a local store asking if they had any of these fish in, and out of all the fish they only had apis. agasizzi and cacatuoides in a million different colors, and then said "We do not have any Cle. Maronii but we do have Aea. Geayi $8.99, they look a like."

I did some google searching and couldn't figure out or find an "Aea. Geayi" but did find "Guianacara Geayi", AKA bandit cichlid, which I think is what the store must be talking about. Aside from the name though and some very vague information, I couldn't find much else about this fish. Do any of you know anything about this fish? Or know where I could find a more detailed profile on it or anything? I'm thinking it might be on the big side though...
i think there too large for that tank size due to the fact there adult size is 6" i found some info heres a link

i would go for 1 of the apistogramma you wont be dissapointed
Thanks for the site and the recommendation. I think I will stay away from that fish then.

Now, is cacatuoides or agassizi a better choice? The store has several different colors of the agassizi, is there any difference in hardiness or temperament or is it all that's different the color (and price!)?
Thanks for the site and the recommendation. I think I will stay away from that fish then.

Now, is cacatuoides or agassizi a better choice? The store has several different colors of the agassizi, is there any difference in hardiness or temperament or is it all that's different the color (and price!)?

there pretty much the same on the hardiness and requirments
unsure on price difference there usually about the same over here. alot of people on here seem to prefer the cacatuoides but i much prefer the agassizi for there overall appearance but its all personal choice just go with which you like best.
I went to a store that is much much closer to my house, they had keyhole cichlids and I ended up getting one. Hope I made a good choice. Thanks for your help people, hopefully I won't need to go back to the drawing board any time soon.
He seems to be doing fine so far. Right now he's alone in my betta's 5.5 gallon (sans betta) for QT. Made more sense to do it in the already set up and cycled 5.5 gallon rather than pull the spare 10g out and set it up, etc.

He is very very shy right now, even with every fake plant I own stuffed in there. I'd imagine he'd come out more once he's in the big tank with all the other fish. He doesn't mind me very much but he's absolutely frightened of the camera for some reason. I don't use flash, must just be the shape of it or something. I did manage to take some pictures with my phone of him darting in and out of hiding.


Other than that he's super cute and eats like a pig.
Kribs and Apisto arent aggressive in the bullying sense, more like territorial. Whenever my Cories approach my Krib's Crib, the pair peck them away, nothing more. :hey:

Wow, your kribs must be gentle. :blink: Mine will chase any fish that gets near them, and if some are anywhere near the bottom of the tank (ie. corys) the kribs will kill them if they don't eventually move..
Just as an update, I added a couple of bronze cories (meant to get them yesterday but forgot :X ), and now the keyhole is out all the time and adventuring around

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