Search results

  1. Sharpy1987

    Betta Tanks

    Something like these are what i have in mind:
  2. Sharpy1987

    Betta Tanks

    Morning, I have fell in love with Betta's! even better, so has my girlfriend, which means.......Betta tank time!!! (in addition to my main tank of course :hey: ) I have been researching their needs and other members tanks etc.. and have decided that i would like more than one Betta. I have...
  3. Sharpy1987

    Aqua One - Aquis 1000 External Filter

    Thanks for your help guys! I'll give it a really good clean and put it straight into the tank then. (stuffing it with my existing filter sponge from my internal for the bacteria)
  4. Sharpy1987

    Aqua One - Aquis 1000 External Filter

    Hi all, I have just bought a Aqua One Aquis 1000 in full working order for £20. The media will need replacing. Does anyone know any websites where i can get it cheap? or, any alternatives to put in the trays? I've seen the white x5, blue x2 and black x2 foam pads on ebay for £20 for the lot...
  5. Sharpy1987

    Wanted: Tetratec Ex700

    Wanted: Tetratec EX700 external filter Item Wanted Condition Required: good/working Price Limit: £35 Picture or Link to Item Location: South Yorkshire
  6. Sharpy1987

    Fluval Roma 90 - Fluval External 205 Filter

    Righto, so if i had a spray bar it should be fine? ps. how did you go about making the holes bigger? many thanks for your reply by the way :good:
  7. Sharpy1987

    Fluval Roma 90 - Fluval External 205 Filter

    Hi guys, I currently have a Fluval Roma 90 with a U2 internal filter. I have been looking at upgrading to a Tetratec EX700 external filter. I have been searching around the internet for a few deals and have come across a used fluval 205 external advertised at £30 ono that is less than 18...
  8. Sharpy1987

    Is This Wood Safe?

    I have seen some wood i quite like the look of: does anyone on here have this type of wood in their tank? any problems with it? thanks
  9. Sharpy1987

    Painting Lighting Unit White

    I have a fluval roma 90 that has curved white reflectors behind the bulbs and i've seen a few pictures of the lids either side of the lighting unit painted white Does painting the underside of your tank lid white have any beneficial affects to aquarium plants?
  10. Sharpy1987

    Upgrade Lighting?

    The lights are what came with the tank as part of the package. I have no idea what the plants are, so i have taken some pics: The plants in the top pick are doing fine. They've been in a while now. The one to the right it shooting up. It was half the size when i got it. These two are at...
  11. Sharpy1987

    Upgrade Lighting?

    i put in some plant food when i do a water change but its not really measured. I do this probs once a fortnight.
  12. Sharpy1987

    Upgrade Lighting?

    Hi guys, I have had my fluval roma 90 for about a year now. In that time i have gone through quite a lot of plants. They dont seem to last long. I have set up a timer so that the tank now gets 10hours of light a day. 3 of my plants have now lasted about 2-3 months and looking healthy but 2...
  13. Sharpy1987

    Hi mate, very nice tank. Do you use CO2? also, how big is your tank? I have a Fluval Roma 90 and...

    Hi mate, very nice tank. Do you use CO2? also, how big is your tank? I have a Fluval Roma 90 and would love to get it looking something like yours!
  14. Sharpy1987

    Amazon Frogbit £5 Delivered

    Any update mate?
  15. Sharpy1987

    Amazon Frogbit £5 Delivered

    Hi mate, I've still not received mine :-(
  16. Sharpy1987

    Amazon Frogbit £5 Delivered

    payment sent mate :drool:
  17. Sharpy1987

    Amazon Frogbit £5 Delivered

    I'll take a lot please
  18. Sharpy1987


    awww, oh well. I'll just have to save up for a bigger tank :good:
  19. Sharpy1987


    sorry, should be in new world cichlids.. :blush:
  20. Sharpy1987


    I am desperate to have a pair of discus fish i have a Fluval Roma 90. Would this be big enough to keep a couple with nothing else, maybe a catfish?
  21. Sharpy1987

    Xmas Moss & **free Amazon Frogbit**

    also received yesterday. Thank you very much! already got it tied to wood and stones
  22. Sharpy1987

    Corys And Gravel Choice

    i've been thinking about changing to sand for a while now. it would be a massive task to swap the gravel for sand one of my concerns is how to clean the sand though. At the moment i can vacuum my gravel and the 'rubbish' flows up the tube and the gravel hovers near the bottom of the spout then...
  23. Sharpy1987

    Xmas Moss & **free Amazon Frogbit**

    Money sent and PM'd you thanks a lot! daft question... can i wrap this around stones and logs like the java moss? sorry im new to all this
  24. Sharpy1987

    Corys And Gravel Choice

    I have black and white gravel from pets at home thats about average in size. Do Corys need smaller gravel or sand as i've seen a few posts about them 'turning' it over
  25. Sharpy1987

    Neons Lose Colour Overnight ?

    Happens with my rummy nose every morning mate once the light has been on for about 30 mins to an hour their little red faces re-appear
  26. Sharpy1987

    Private Messaging Help

    Hi guys, i have recieved a private message from another user but i cant open the message. I get the error message: [#10226] You are not allowed to use the private messaging system. How can i read the message? Please help :blink: EDIT: nevermind its sorted now. I have gone over 10 posts...
  27. Sharpy1987

    Xmas Moss & **free Amazon Frogbit**

    how much for the moss mate if there is any left?
  28. Sharpy1987

    External Filter Questions+ Advice Please.

    I've been looking at getting an external filter to take my tank to the next level. I've been checking this topic every lunch at work! I've decided that im going for the Ex700 Tetratec for my 90l Fluval Roma. The cheapest that i have found it is for £70.35 with delivery from Surrey Pet...
  29. Sharpy1987

    Fluval 105 V Fluval 106

    Thank you, you have been very helpful! :good: I will go for the 205. However, do you happen to know the answer to the difference between the 205 and 206?
  30. Sharpy1987

    Fluval 105 V Fluval 106

    What size tank do you have? although the fluval 105 filter says up to 100 litres, is it better practice to get the one higher? ie. fluval 205? will this benefit my tank more or cause my fish stress with a faster flow in a small tank? (90 litres) i have guppies and different variaties of...
  31. Sharpy1987

    Fluval 105 V Fluval 106

    Hi guys, Im wanting to switch from an internal filter to an external one. I have a Fluval Roma 90 with a U2 filter at the moment. I have been looking at getting the Fluval 105 external filter which is roughly priced around £57, however, i've since found the Fluval 106 for £68. Whats the...
  32. Sharpy1987

    Hi Liam, really love the fish in your profile. What is it?

    Hi Liam, really love the fish in your profile. What is it?
  33. Sharpy1987

    Creating Holes In Tank Lid

    Ahh right, i have never noticed. I will check that out when i get back Thanks mate!
  34. Sharpy1987

    Creating Holes In Tank Lid

    Hi guys, I'm new to the forums, i've been reading the posts for a while now and have been impressed with the tanks on here. Puts mine to shame! Basically, I'm thinking of switching from my internal U2 fluval filter to an external one (maybe the fluval 105). However, i will need to modify my...