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  1. omega59

    My Betta Tank, 5gal (19L) Fluval Spec

    Thanks Ch4rlie! The only thing I use is the Seachem #1 bottles once a week bc the dosing says 1cap per 10gals, so i try not to over due the dosage. But yeah, the leafs keep frailing away as you can see from the stems. Maybe i will try another plant variety.
  2. omega59

    My Betta Tank, 5gal (19L) Fluval Spec

    It took me many months to finally get it cycled, and it's another month and half or so passed since it's been setup. I just want to thank Eaglesaquarium and Ch4rlie for all the help given. I just want to post an update on my tank and how my buddy betta is doing. He is a SuperDelta Betta. :)...
  3. omega59

    Is This Fin Rot?

    After looking closely, that is more of fin biting. They can do this if they are stressed or bored from what I understand.
  4. omega59

    Is This Fin Rot?

    I had the same problem my Bettas tail near the bottom and top fin looked torn, I believe its the stones I have. Your Betta looks more like a super Delta Betta . Check your water stats and let us know as well, and I'd remove all fake plants asap, try felt or real ones. I believe plastic is a no...
  5. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    So after inspecting I saw the flow of the filter was halted nothing was coming through. The sponge piece I placed inside the tube totally blocked it as it got pushed by the flow. I did a test everything was fine though just a bit of nitrate was shown. I did a 50% water change as the surface...
  6. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    Iam going to keep an eye on him. I did do a water change 50% on Saturday. Was the first one since I got him. (2 weeks). I didn't vacuum the substrate should I? The other thing is I do use the plant liquid kit called seachem plant pack fundamentals. Maybe it is no good for him? I know a water...
  7. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    Not sure how to read this , I think it says 25c? Here he is resting below. He doesn't seem happy? Or iam over thinking.
  8. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    ch4rlie, you were right, I wish I had known before buying. The other plant is doing ok, I'm gonna let them grow out, trim and replanted untill the tank is looking nice. I don't think I will buy anymore plants lol. Here is an update on my Betta. He is building a bubble nest in a corner, it's very...
  9. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    I will work on this tomorrow :-)
  10. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    I trimmed the tops off the Hygraphilas plants and replanted the cutting to make more grow out. But unfortunately the Rotala is suffering. Many stems rotting and leafs mushed to black goop. I removed the goop threw away and salvaged what I was left with. Some stems have roots but very small like...
  11. omega59

    Experiment Feedback: Testing Kits, Api Great But Tetra Easystrips Just

    I always wondered the difference too, as everyone said to use liquid kits for best results, BC strips are not accutherate. My LFS uses strips. The JBL looks interesting too. Good post.
  12. omega59

    Show Me Your Bettas! What Type Of Bettas Sell The Best?

    This is my new betta, I've yet to name him. Sorry idk how to post image directly from google drive, so i post links.
  13. omega59

    Question: Betta's Tail Not Fanned Out Like Usual

    Poor thing, I hope he'll be okay. I believe a decent amount of a water change can also make a difference when it comes to illness.
  14. omega59

    Best Filter In Canada For A Betta In A 10 Gallon?

    Hi I'am also in Canada and recently just started a betta aquarium. I recommend trying to find a hand-over filter like a AquaClear, it will not take up the space in the tank like an in-tank-filter. Do you have a bigals near you, you can check their website for locations. I guess
  15. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    I will have to try that :-D
  16. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    Thanks eaglesaquarium I'm not good at aqua scapes. My background is a sheet of white paper.
  17. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    Just wanted to post some pics and I separated the plants. The green plants I think need a top cut they are out of the tanks top level lol. The red plants the roots and stock did not seem healthy they kinda of were mush I removed it I hope they root and survive. I been adding chemicals for the...
  18. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    Okay I will do that . How many hours of Light do they require a day?
  19. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    Just added some rock . He's really enjoying his space lol.
  20. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    I just made adjustments to the filter, i put a few holes in the tubes, and put the settings to lowest as possible. Unfortunately it is still a strong current flowing. I moved the nozzle to hit the glass in the back of the tank but still not good.
  21. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    Ironically, that Betta looks like mines, that's a neat idea though! Yes that's what I have. I will read the link thanks! I know! It's been so many months since I first began. I just have palettes atm for him, if I feed him it's once a day 3 max. Bloodworms will be a treat.
  22. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    Ninjouzata thanks i will for sure keep this in mind. atm i need to fix something with the tanks filter. It seems the pump is pushing too much and sending my betta flying ouch! Not sure how to lower this but thinking maybe using a piece of netting with an elastic band of sorts.
  23. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    He seems to be settling well. He swims all around, rests in between the plants and below, tonight I fed him some Wardley pellets seemed he isnt used to eating like this idk what or how he was fed at the shop. I might get some dries bloodworms tomorrow. Thank you
  24. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    Thank you!
  25. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    After a few hours he is swimming about. He seems to like the filter out-take grid he rests against it. I believe he is a Super Delta Betta. My recipe says SD Betta.d o you think he will turn all red?
  26. omega59

    Fin Rot That Won't Go Away.

    Wow I am sorry he passed.
  27. omega59

    Trellimars Battle With Dropsy (Advice Appreciated!)

    I am sorry to hear he passed away, will you be getting a new Betta?
  28. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    So i couldn't wait anymore! I did the water change 90% and went off to my local shop. Baught more substrate, Here is a sneak peak of my new family member as he awaits his freedom from the baggie. I'm not sure what type of Betta he is, but he looked healthy, and pretty to me.  ...
  29. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    it's about time LMAO!   So i need to do 90% water change? Can i get my fish?
  30. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    I'm gonna be adding more substrate today, Here are my new test results.   Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 10
  31. omega59

    Finally Started My Fishless Cycle Today. Wish Me Luck.

    I paid more than what the product was. Ammonia was a few dollars shipping was 4x more. It was still affordable though, but over priced yes. You can try your local hardware store for ammonium chloride cleaner.
  32. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    Ok, tomorrow I'm going to buy another bag of the same substrate.
  33. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    Is it ok to add more substrate, or will it mess things up?
  34. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    I wasn't sure what else to get to add some color to the tank, the Rotala is pretty and stood out.. The other plant was on sale $4.99. I need probably another bag of substrate i think and once the tank is ready I will seperate the plants from the pods they came in.
  35. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    Yes I just baught two plants, A long with a kit. Is it okay to use the Kit already? Seachem Plant Pack Fundementals...
  36. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    Okay i will add 5 drops of Ammonia this afternoon and test in 24hr :)
  37. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    I added Ammonia the 19th (5 drops), i let it sit till today. So its a little over 24hrs?   If i'am cycled do i do a water change, (ive not done one so those white things floating still) and can i add plants, fish, remove the carbon?   I'm in the chatroom :)
  38. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    Today i tested the water. I have not removed the carbon yet but I will be replacing it with BioMax (same as the lower chamber int he filter)   Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5.0
  39. omega59

    Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

    Tonight's test... Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 10 I added ammonia 5 drops, will report tomorrow. :-)