Best Filter In Canada For A Betta In A 10 Gallon?

Correction to above:
Filter is an ATI "Mini". (checked my receipt)
I would use the #1 in my 10.
Well, that's like I said isn't it...
As for quiet pumps, have a look at the JW Pet Fusion series.  I have two presently.  Inexpensive and extremely quiet.
Thanks for the recommendation.
Available at Amazon, I believe.
Well...may have to re-think the sponge filter.
One week after switching over to the sponge filter my water parameters have shot up.
Ammonia: 2.0  Nitrites: 2.0  Nitrates  40.
Should have been checking on a daily basis after a major change. Almost killed my poor Betta.
Made a 60% water change.
Parameters now are: Ammonia: .25 Nitrites 2.0  Nitrates: 5.0
Only other change was 2 Osmocote ice cube pellets under the gravel Five days ago.
Hate to put the old HOB back on but may have to temporarily until I can get a "mini" from Amazon.
Will check parameters again tomorrow before I make a hard decision.
I would look to the Osmocote as the problem.  These contain nutrients terrestrial plants need, not aquatic so much, as they have been proven in some cases to increase ammonia/nitrate, phosphate.
Having said that, changing a filter will affect the nitrifying bacteria, but this should never occur in tanks with one Betta and plants.  A single Betta is never going to produce ammonia at a level to be problematic, plus the nitrite won't appear, nor nitrate.  And the plants would easily assimilate the ammonia from one betta.  Which brings us back to the Osmocote.
Thanks for this information Byron.
Prior to the Filter switch and Osmocote, My water parameters were: Ammonia: 0  Nitrites: 0 Nitrates: 7.0 - 10.0
I got the Osmocote as an alternative to more expensive solutions.
A lot of people are using it with no apparent problems.
Some as a part of the substrate when setting up a new tank. This is what I planned to do on another tank.
I used 15 - 20 little balls each frozen into two ice cubes.
Not much, but still this is only a 5.5 gallon tank.
Will check parameters again tomorrow.
If they are the same or have risen, I'll do another water change and suck out that Osmocote.
The sponge filter stayed in the tank next to the HOB for at least two weeks. It should have been well seeded before being put into operation.
Your post makes sense and I do appreciate your help.
MarchHare said:
Thanks for this information Byron.
Prior to the Filter switch and Osmocote, My water parameters were: Ammonia: 0  Nitrites: 0 Nitrates: 7.0 - 10.0
I got the Osmocote as an alternative to more expensive solutions.
A lot of people are using it with no apparent problems.
Some as a part of the substrate when setting up a new tank. This is what I planned to do on another tank.
I used 15 - 20 little balls each frozen into two ice cubes.
Not much, but still this is only a 5.5 gallon tank.
Will check parameters again tomorrow.
If they are the same or have risen, I'll do another water change and suck out that Osmocote.
The sponge filter stayed in the tank next to the HOB for at least two weeks. It should have been well seeded before being put into operation.
Your post makes sense and I do appreciate your help.
Given the filter info here, there can be little doubt the Osmocote was the problem.
Yes, some use Osmocote.  No one can argue that Osmocote contains nutrients not suited to aquatic plants, it is a matter of botanical science.  So whether you use them or not, and risk your fish, up to you.
Checked water parameters today.
Ammonia increased to .50.
Removed half the water and scooped out both areas of gravel where I placed the Osmocote.
Separating the Osmocote balls from the gravel, I am confident that I was able to remove at least 90% or more.
Replaced cleaned gravel and filled the tank.
Will recheck tomorrow.
Many thanks for your timely post Byron.
I'm sure that you are responsible for saving my Betta.

As it is pertinent to this discussion, I will post some data comparing Osmocote and Flourish Tabs.  From the respective websites, these products contain
Nitrogen (Osmocote 15%, Flourish Tabs 0.28%)
Phosphate (Osmocote 9%, FT 0.17%).
Second, there is no calcium in Osmocote, whereas FT are 14.9% calcium.  Now, I admit that with moderately hard or harder water calcium is unlikely to be an issue.  But it is still more important, and less detrimental overall, than nitrogen and phosphate in such incredibly high numbers.  Insufficient nitrogen should not be a problem in most fish tanks as the ammonia/ammonium produced by fish respiration and the breakdown of organics by bacteria will be sufficient, and phosphate present in fish foods is more than sufficient.  In high tech set-ups, using diffused CO2 and mega light, these obviously may need boosting, but not to the levels in Osmocote regardless.
Hope this helps others understand why so many of us are against terrestrial plant fertilizer products.
Hi I'am also in Canada and recently just started a betta aquarium. I recommend trying to find a hand-over filter like a AquaClear, it will not take up the space in the tank like an in-tank-filter. Do you have a bigals near you, you can check their website for locations. I guess

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