Search results

  1. Fishies4Ever

    Betta tank, will this work?

    Ok I won’t do the betta in the tank I guess. I just figured it would be good with such a big tank. I’ll either have to put him in a 10 or 5 gallon. If I am able to get one at all. I might not have enough room for another tank.
  2. Fishies4Ever

    Betta tank, will this work?

    I think I am going to do the betta, embers and the panda Cory’s. I don’t think keeping the kuhli’s and the Cory’s together is a good idea like some of you said. Still have to figure out if my floor can support the weight of the 10 gallon and 60, if it can I’ll put the betta in there.
  3. Fishies4Ever

    Need help with Betta

    He does look a bit bloated. Do you know how much your friend was feeding him? His fins I am pretty sure are normal and is just the type of fins he has. I wouldn’t feed him for maybe 2 days and do a water change. He could just be constipated see how he is doing after you do these things. If he...
  4. Fishies4Ever

    Could i add kuhli loaches to my aquarium?

    Ok thank you. Which should I go for the kuhli or panda Cory’s. It will be a 20 gallon possibly 29 gallon with a betta a school of 6 ember tetras and either the Cory’s or the kuhli’s. How much should I have for whichever and how many ember tetras?
  5. Fishies4Ever

    Building a 10 gallon - I need your help!

    The setup you are thinking about with the neons, embers and Pygmy Cory’s sounds great. I have used fluval plant substrate and it has worked pretty well I have to say. I would add it while you are cycling the tank and test the water for ammonia. I haven’t had a my problems with it and I had...
  6. Fishies4Ever

    Could i add kuhli loaches to my aquarium?

    For my tank? Because I was going to do kuhli loaches and panda Cory
  7. Fishies4Ever

    Snail eggs or tetra?

    How should I get rid of them and how could I get rid of all the snails? 🐌
  8. Fishies4Ever

    Snail eggs or tetra?

    Should I just throw them out?
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  10. Fishies4Ever

    How do I get rid of this?

    Recently I have been noticing some green algae on the glass. An almost mold looking thing on the driftwood as well as a lot of black dots on the driftwood. Also a lot of the plants are covered in a brown kind of thing. How do I get rid of all this?
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  16. Fishies4Ever

    Snail eggs or tetra?

    I got plants a few months ago from Marcus fishtanks and for some dumb reason I don’t wash them off or anything. A few weeks later I found some little snails. I was just looking in my tank and I saw a little cluster of eggs. I also have some tetra in the tank so are the eggs tetra or snail.
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  20. Fishies4Ever

    Planted tank fertilizer

    I am wondering what kind of fertilizer I should use as well. I do have fluval plant substrate but I would also like some liquid fertilizer because some plant like that better. I have red myrio, Anubias nana petite, golden creeping Jenny, Amazon sword, Java fern, and some kind of cryptocoryn. All...
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  22. Fishies4Ever

    Could i add kuhli loaches to my aquarium? This was my thread where everyone disagreed on my idea. I figured it would be worth a try and I think it would work out. I do understand that a lot of people have different opinions though.
  23. Fishies4Ever

    Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest (7-4-2023)

    They can’t taste very good when you are eating them that fast
  24. Fishies4Ever

    Could i add kuhli loaches to my aquarium?

    I had the same thing happen with me for a 20 gal
  25. Fishies4Ever

    Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest (7-4-2023)

    How do people do this!!
  26. Fishies4Ever

    Three new Corydoras species from the Rio Jamanxim

    Wow cool how we keep discovering new species. I figured we would have found them all by now.
  27. Fishies4Ever

    Blond yellow top sword endlers

    Very beautiful 🤩
  28. Fishies4Ever

    180 gal setup

    You are defiantly doing a good start by re ceiling it. I don’t have a reef tank but the sump you are thinking about looks pretty good. It is defiantly big enough, it says up to 400 gallon. Hope more people who know what they are doing more than me come to help! 🐠
  29. Fishies4Ever

    Pseudosesarma moeshi

    That’s a very cool crab. What else is in there with him? 🦀
  30. Fishies4Ever

    Catemaco platy

    Very nice looking fish! 👍
  31. Fishies4Ever

    Sexing blue acara?

    I am thinking it’s a male because of its longer more pointy fins. Males can also have a slight bump on their forehead and it gets bigger as they get older. I am not sure though, is there a specific reason you need to know if it is a male or female?
  32. Fishies4Ever

    baby Bichir huge tank... what to start feeding???

    How deep is the tank for this little guy? They are carnivores so maybe some blood worms or chopped up shrimp but I am not sure. You could get a sinking carnivore pellet and sees if he eats those as well.
  33. Fishies4Ever

    Bald eagles adopt baby hawk in California nest

    Wow that’s amazing. It’s crazy to see how other animals react to things in need. This is a very rare occurrence! 🦅
  34. Fishies4Ever

    Elegence and Meat Coral for sale $49 +/-

    Beautiful corals! I wish I had a reef tank!
  35. Fishies4Ever

    Planted tank fertilizer

    Actually I just looked at the ingredients of the api and it does have iron so I think it’s your best option.
  36. Fishies4Ever

    Planted tank fertilizer This is what I am thinking would work well. It has pretty good reviews except one that says it isn’t a complete fertilizer just like what you are struggling with. They said it doesn’t have Iron in it but I think it is pretty good.
  37. Fishies4Ever

    Planted tank fertilizer

    Do you think it might be expired?
  38. Fishies4Ever

    Where could i buy some betta smaragdina? This is a website I found. I am not sure how much it will end up costing. A lot of the website are out of stock. Tell me if this website works otherwise I’ll keep trying to look. Hope this helps!!!
  39. Fishies4Ever

    Planted tank fertilizer

    The API liquid fertilizer I think is pretty good. I haven’t used it but I use other products from the same brand and they work great! Not sure if it’s all in one but I am assuming so.
  40. Fishies4Ever

    Planted tank fertilizer

    Can you take a picture of the bottle you are currently using?