Snail eggs or tetra?


Jan 25, 2023
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New York
I got plants a few months ago from Marcus fishtanks and for some dumb reason I don’t wash them off or anything. A few weeks later I found some little snails. I was just looking in my tank and I saw a little cluster of eggs. I also have some tetra in the tank so are the eggs tetra or snail.


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I personally enjoy them. As long as you keep them in low numbers by not over feeding, there won't be an overly large amount.
They can be beneficial!
I let them go in my tanks. They do a good cleanup job. I got mine from my pond. I have one tank with assasin snails which have elminated all other snails, so you can use those to get rid of them if you like.
I remove them on sight. Snail eggs are common on plants, and when I've gotten ramshorn snails, I have welcomed them.

You have pond, or bladder snails, and they are oests. They're ugly, breed like rumours and contribute nothing to the tank except wastes. If they get established, they are work to remove.
I remove them on sight. Snail eggs are common on plants, and when I've gotten ramshorn snails, I have welcomed them.

You have pond, or bladder snails, and they are oests. They're ugly, breed like rumours and contribute nothing to the tank except wastes. If they get established, they are work to remove.
Pond snails (Lymnaeidae) I've read are bad because they eat live plants. But bladder snails only eat dead plant material and algae which is beneficial imo. I don't they they look ugly either.
Clown loaches live 30+ years and reach 16 inches. Using them to get rid of snails makes you need a 100 gallon plus tank...

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