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  1. Ludwig Venter

    Tank Of The Month Winners Gallery

    Our January 2012 Tank of the month Winner is....... Minnnt :good: :lol: :thumbs: :beer: :band: :band: :drink: :pepsi: :hooray: :hooray: :- :kana: :kana: :yahoo: :cool: Tank of the Month February 2012 ---------------------Bricko-------------------------- Tank of the...
  2. Ludwig Venter

    Are Boatmen A Threat To My Fry?

    I've noticed hundreds of boatmen in my Bristle Nose pond...... are they a threat to the fry??....
  3. Ludwig Venter

    Another Strange Creature Sharing My House!

    I found this beetle.... (almost an Inch long) at the front door this afternoon..... (unfortunately dead) I've never seen any of them around here before and wonder what it could be....... It's beautiful..... (topside and below)....
  4. Ludwig Venter

    Winner Of Pet Of The Year 2011 Is........

    PET OF THE YEAR PRESENTATION: This is the Oscars of the monthly competitions……. Oscar/Grammy award for The Pet of the Year 2011 goes to………………………………………………. -------Kittencapes and Hamster Enid------- Well done and congratulations Kittencapes!!!.... :yahoo: :yahoo: :good: :drinks: :cool...
  5. Ludwig Venter

    February 2012 Pet Of The Month Winners Is.........

    The winner of the Pet of the month competition February 2012 is...... Fish Freak 95 :flowers: :lol: :thumbs: :beer: :band: :band: :drink: :hooray: :hooray: :hooray: :- :kana: :kana: :cool: :drinks: :yahoo: :yahoo: Well done …….Admin will be around soon to decorate you...
  6. Ludwig Venter

    2011 Fish Of The Year Winner Is..........

    FISH OF THE YEAR PRESENTATION: This is the Oscars of the monthly competitions……. Oscar/Grammy award for The Fish of the Year 2011 goes to………………………………………………. --------------------------------Blue Acara---------------------------------- Well done and congratulations Blue Acara...
  7. Ludwig Venter

    February 2012 Fish Of The Month Winner Is......

    The February 2012 Fish of the Month winner is…………. Congratulations and well done to: -----------------Dieses Madchen---------------- :yahoo: :yahoo: :drinks: :cool: :hooray: :band: :flowers: Absolutely a top class Siamese Fighter, which also had my vote. Thanks to all who...
  8. Ludwig Venter

    Tank Of The Year 2011 Competition Winner Is............

    TANK OF THE YEAR PRESENTATION: This is the Oscars of the monthly competitions……. Oscar/Grammy award for The Tank of the Year 2011 goes to………………………………………………. --------------------------------Ps3Steveo---------------------------------- :thumbs: :flowers: :beer: :beer: :band: :band...
  9. Ludwig Venter

    February 2012 Tank Of The Month Winner Is......

    Just because of this picture, I almost bought one of those red-lined fish this afternoon.... (as I think they further enhance this beautiful display), but my LFS only had one of them...... (Unfortunately)------- and I also think..... just maybe, we are looking at the winning tank for TANK OF THE...
  10. Ludwig Venter

    February 2012 Tank Of The Month Winner Is......

    By an overwhelming margin, the February 2012 TANK OF THE MONTH winner is: ---------------------Bricko-------------------------- Drawing 49 of the 122 votes (41.2%)…… Well done and congratulations!!!! Thanks to all who voted and everyone who participated.......
  11. Ludwig Venter

    I'm Sceptical.... This Won't Work?

    Since my previous update...... I've chucked in a lot of liquid fertilizer and it is almost 2 months down the line...... here is what it looks like today: I see no (justifiable) improvement..... do You???..... (Be Honest)
  12. Ludwig Venter

    My Bn Eggs Are Swimming Away!

    I've seen them hatch before... and I've seen them leaving the nest before... Normally at a reasonable free-swimming age and size.... The batch I have atm.... 3 eggs with a wee tail (and eyes) are clinging to the side of the pond (wriggling) near the surface..... these are s'posed to be...
  13. Ludwig Venter

    New Weekly "off Topic" Topic (27/02/12)

    I finished school in 1970 and started work on 4th January 1971...... (currently still doing the same job - after 41 years) I was really excited about my very first paycheck ever and for almost the whole month..... I was in town doing window shopping and updating my list of what to get myself...
  14. Ludwig Venter

    Happy Birthday - Simonas!

    Happy Birthday Simonas, Have a super day!!!
  15. Ludwig Venter

    Balloon Mollies

    Look at the link below..... this will show you how to determine the gender of your livebearers
  16. Ludwig Venter

    Balloon Mollies

    Hi Lizzi..... and welcome to the forum...... Your mollies are live bearers and to tell gender in therm is quite different than with cichlids and Gouramies.... The male has a prominent spikey fin at the ventrals (called a gonopodium) wheras the female's ventral fin is rounded and looks like...
  17. Ludwig Venter

    Happy Birthday - Dan-Cr4

    Happy Birthday!!!..... Have a great day!
  18. Ludwig Venter

    Super 14 Rugby! - New Season Starts Today!

    Grrrrrr!!!!....Leading throughout the match, then losing it at 7 minutes left to play...... Sooooooo unfair!!!
  19. Ludwig Venter

    Super 14 Rugby! - New Season Starts Today!

    Hah!!... game just finished.... Stormers 39, Hurricanes 26...... Good one Stormers!!!.... Now!!!!, I'm at the edge of my seat!!.... Cheetahs against Lions! just coming up!..... Go! Cheetahs!!!!
  20. Ludwig Venter

    Super 14 Rugby! - New Season Starts Today!

    Yea!... I watched bits of that.... 2 point difference at en of play..... Good game!
  21. Ludwig Venter

    Super 14 Rugby! - New Season Starts Today!

    Jay!!!!.... something to do again on a Friday/Saturday...... Do you follow super 14 rugby?...... and who do you Support!..... I am a Cheetah supporter.... win or loose. We are playing the Lions later today. My flags are out!
  22. Ludwig Venter

    Apple Snails

    What fish did you put in there with them....there are quite a number of fish that cannot resist nipping at those long feelers, so your snails will remain hidden (and starve)
  23. Ludwig Venter

    March 2012 Tank Of The Month Competition Entries

    And some people just says.... "Geeze!!!..... thanks for the help Ludwig, thanks for making my pics visible."..... Nooooooo problem! Entries close on the 14th of March (as I mentioned in the first post of this thread)..... but hey!!.... I don't mind repeating myself.... Still lots of time left.
  24. Ludwig Venter

    Happy Birthday - Sarah40011

    Happy Birthday Sarah, Have a great day!!!
  25. Ludwig Venter

    Bristle Nose Kebabs

    Unfortunately, it is in an outside pond where I have only top down vision and since I normally feed them at night, (Being nocturnal fish)... I only collect the stick in the morning with no morsels left...... So!.... even myself..... I do not see the feast going on after dark.
  26. Ludwig Venter

    Any Other Good Cichlid/malawi Forums

    Or, alternatively...... Try the link below. some great info there......
  27. Ludwig Venter

    Bristle Nose Kebabs

    Tonight,... they are getting it straight cucumber. At times, I alternate Cucumber, Carrots, and baby marrow on the kebab stick.....
  28. Ludwig Venter

    Happy Birthday Mbou

    Enjoy!... and have a great day!
  29. Ludwig Venter

    March 2012 Tank Of The Month Competition Entries

    Here are your photos as well Henriko…… when you have uploaded to Photobucket…. After you have pressed Save and continue….. merely hover above the photo and then click on the IMG code below the photo….. that will copy the photo for you and then you just right click here in your “New Thread”on TFF...
  30. Ludwig Venter

    March 2012 Tank Of The Month Competition Entries

    Perryclem....... here are your photos (visible)...... Please remember to click on the IMG code to the right of the picture to copy them to TFF..
  31. Ludwig Venter

    This Week's "off Topic Topic"...(20/02/12)

    I grew up in an era where teachers still had the authority to apply corporal punishment as and when required (and I had my fair share of it).... This was progressively removed from our schools to the extent that kids now challenge the teachers and threaten them with knives or other weapons...
  32. Ludwig Venter

    Happy Birthday - Garyspence84

    Happy Birthday!!.... have a great day!
  33. Ludwig Venter

    Another Strange Creature Sharing My House!

    This baby Gecko was found in a Daddy Longlegs webb and carefully "unwebbed" with a pin by my wife before it was released.... It is alive and running... I hope it survives....
  34. Ludwig Venter

    Ludwig Help!

    Dunno how this one slipped my gaze Shelagh....sorry, but glad it turned out fine.
  35. Ludwig Venter

    Fighter And Guppies?

    Your fighter may not be half the problem to your Guppies or Danios than the dwarfs might be to him.... I have kept Fighters in perfect Harmony with Guppies and Danios before, but I'm not too sure if the Gouramies is going to leave him in peace or in pieces.... It all depends on individual...
  36. Ludwig Venter

    Using Breeder Trap The Other Way Around To Safe A Fry

    You must just keep in mind that you now have stagnant uncirculated water underneath that trap (which would not be a problem in the short term) and then feeding could also be a bit of a problem as the flakes (or whatever you're feeding) will have to be directed at the openings at the botton/(now...
  37. Ludwig Venter

    Happy Birthday - William!

    Happy Birthday William! - Have a super day!
  38. Ludwig Venter

    Ultimate Satisfaction!

    Isn't it just great when your 40 year old tank springs a leak..... you take it outside and smear some silicon on all the seams..... then refill it the next day.... and you just know you're ready for the next 40 years!..... It is a great feeling!....
  39. Ludwig Venter

    February 2012 Tank Of The Month Voting Poll.

    Ha! Ha!...... so why waste time??.......Can I announce the winner so long??
  40. Ludwig Venter

    March 2012 Pet Of The Month Competition Entries

    Thanks again to everyone who participated in our February 2012 competition. The poll to decide the winner is currently running and will be active until 29th February 2012. The winner will then be announced. Meantime, please start posting entries and nominations for the March 2012 competition...