Fighter And Guppies?


Fish Addict
Jan 15, 2012
Reaction score
Walsall, UK
Hi, I know its not normally recommended but do you think there will be a problem getting a betta in a tank of 6 guppies (2 male), 4 danios and 2 dwarf gouramis?
Also when choosing one from the lfs what behavior should I look for to get a more betta?
Your fighter may not be half the problem to your Guppies or Danios than the dwarfs might be to him.... I have kept Fighters in perfect Harmony with Guppies and Danios before, but I'm not too sure if the Gouramies is going to leave him in peace or in pieces.... It all depends on individual temperaments, tank layout and size.....
Your fighter may not be half the problem to your Guppies or Danios than the dwarfs might be to him.... I have kept Fighters in perfect Harmony with Guppies and Danios before, but I'm not too sure if the Gouramies is going to leave him in peace or in pieces.... It all depends on individual temperaments, tank layout and size.....
The male gourami is pretty shy and timid but the female likes to dominate the tank at times but not in an aggressive way. Also the tank is 95 liters and moderately planted with plenty of hiding places.
Ok guys thanks for clearing that up for me, I think a betta is out of the question
You should NEVER add grouramis and betas, they are from the same family and will attack if not kill each other. But you can keep betas with guppies for sure. As long as you keep your fish well fed and the tank is big enough for all of them comfortably, with places to hide, there shouldn't be much fighting.
You should NEVER add grouramis and betas, they are from the same family and will attack if not kill each other. But you can keep betas with guppies for sure. As long as you keep your fish well fed and the tank is big enough for all of them comfortably, with places to hide, there shouldn't be much fighting.
Any type of fancy guppy will be seen as a threat to a Betta because of there long tails and bright colors. I have succefully kept them together but it was because my tank was heavily planted, large, had many decorations, and the guppy didn't have that many colors. As dieses said usually most experienced fish and Betta fish keepers will. Advise you not to place male guppies and Bettas in the same tank. A good option instead of guppies are endlers, because they have less color, are smaller, and don't have huge tails, that's why they aregood choices for tank mates for bettas
Re: Bettas and Guppies

My Betta took a good munch to one of my Guppy's tails. Instead of a fan, the Guppy now has a V. Doesn't seem any worse the wear for it.
I posted this response on another thread:

I currently have 1 male betta and 1 female betta with 2 male guppies and 5 female guppies.

They are all healthy fish and I have never seen the bettas chase or pick on any of my fish.

In this same tank I have:

1 sailfin molly
3 mollies
2 dwarf gouramis
1 pearl gourami
9 white cloud tetras
23 neon tetras
4 bala sharks
1 bristlenose pleco
2 pakistani loaches

None of my fish fight with each other :D

Oh also, as I added all the fish together I watched them to make sure they all got along. I had a back up tank ready in case some of them didn't get on. So make sure you watch them carefully and be prepared to possibly have two tanks running if they don't get along !
I got a betta eventually but in a separate tank and I also added 3 corries but after a week or so he started to chase them constantly so he is now on his own in a 30 litre tank but seems happier than ever now. I guess he likes to keep himself to himself
I gave it a shot, but it didn't end well. At the LFS, there was a male CT in a tank full of male guppies, so I thought he'd be a good candidate to go into my community tank. He was peaceful for a while, but eventually he destroyed the tail of one of my guppies, and killed another. He now lives on his own.
I gave it a shot, but it didn't end well. At the LFS, there was a male CT in a tank full of male guppies, so I thought he'd be a good candidate to go into my community tank. He was peaceful for a while, but eventually he destroyed the tail of one of my guppies, and killed another. He now lives on his own.
Sorry to hear that about your fish, like a lot of people have said its all to do with the individual fish some are just to aggressive to have tank mates.
It's so strange to have three male bettas who have vastly different personalities. My VT won't tolerate anything in the tank with him, not even a snail. My CT, the one who'd gone after the guppies, was okay with my GloFish, loaches, and cories. My HM will live with anything and seems a bit lost if his tank is too devoid of occupants.

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