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  1. C

    Help! Goldfish back scales

    I agree with everyone else, he has a severe case of dropsy and needs to be euthanized. For the future is that a quarantine tank or the main tank? How big is it? It looks way too small for a goldfish.
  2. C


    I that is why I asked what you’re water parameters are.
  3. C


    I agree it’s a male with worms
  4. C

    Can you id the this pleco

    Th The BN pleco does not have an L number
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    Red blob

    Water parameters? tank size? full stocking?
  6. C

    Can you id the this pleco

    He said he didn’t think it was that, because it was bigger, he didn’t ask about the name.
  7. C

    Is my platy pregnant?

    Probably in about a week
  8. C

    Guppies Vs Pictus Catfish Water Concerns

    Why would it die from water conditions?
  9. C

    Male guppies

    What experience do you have with guppies? you even noted your unreliable source.
  10. C

    Male guppies

    Th this is completely false, you can easily keep males together, problems arise when you don’t have enough females, but in this case there are no females.
  11. C

    Pregnant molly

    I agree, I laugh when I see people worried for their first batch of fry. You will son have new fry every week!
  12. C

    Pregnant molly

    Yes,she will pop probably within 2 weeks
  13. C

    Novice plants info needed

    Any low light plants, like swords, crypts, and Anubias are great for begginers
  14. C

    New glo-betta

    At my local PetSmart females are 10 and males start at 15
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    Need help identifying this one

    It looks like some sort of hygrophelia
  16. C

    Water lettuce is going yellow

    They are yellowing because they need a fertilizer with iron, you could get a complete liquid fert or a liquid iron supplement.
  17. C

    Shrimp died unexpectedly but its not pink

    Shrimp are actually very sensitive to water parameters, Amano s are easier but still for the more experienced keepers.
  18. C

    Shrimp died unexpectedly but its not pink

    Are you sure the actual shrimp died? It sounds like you are seen a sheded exoskeleton
  19. C

    Are they pregnant?

    If they have been kept with a male ( which they have) they are going to be pregnant, but they are not very far along.
  20. C

    New glo-betta

    All the chain pet stores in my area all have them already! I personally think the males look like zombies, but a sorority would be really cool and I might just have to do one,
  21. C


    I have the super ick cure by api, it says do a 1/2 dose for scale Less fish, but I have gouramis, guppies, barbs, and Corys and according to Wikipedia they all have scales.
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    My corries get stressed out when the temp goes heigher than 80 and I have ick meds sitting around and want to actually get my money’s worth and use it. Should I just dose both tanks now? Or just the grow out tank and if the other fish in the main tank get it then treat?
  23. C

    Hole in stomach of neon tetra

    parameters? tank size?
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    So yesterday I notice one out of my 3 new swordtails has ick, I immediately netted her and the other one that came from the same tank, and put them in my fry grow out tank with little hope that there won’t be an ick outbreak. Today more than 24 hours later I don’t see anything on any of my fish...
  25. C

    Adding New Fish with Fry

    Fry are very hardy, I have kept them in a tank with 8.0 ppm amonia! don’t worry about an ammonia spike for the fry, but teh adults are a lot less hardy.
  26. C

    biOrb Flow 30 - First tank

    I would do some galaxy rasboras, aka celestial pearl danios in the fluval flex.
  27. C

    160 litre / 42 gallon tank ideas

    I would do a trio of pearl gourami, 10 Corys, a school of some tetra. the gouramis are awesome! They have such different personalities and go crazy when there is food in the tank
  28. C

    Glass Surfing Questions

    They are glass surfing cause they are stressed, this is why corries need to be in groups of 6+. I would return 1 variety and get 4 of the other, how big is your tank?
  29. C

    ‘short body’ corydoras

    Haven’t heard of balloon corries yet, they probably are just females with eggs, they are more round
  30. C

    dwarf gouramis or other options for office community tank?

    Pearl Gouramis will be less shy in a trio, you could go to a store that you can return fish and get 3 wait a bit and return excess males and eventually get a male and 2 females, or go to an experienced LFS who can give you a male and two females.
  31. C

    Tank stocking ideas?

    3 more corries is a must, get mire neons and maybe try another schoo of tetras or rasboras
  32. C

    So, Guppies?

    There are several ways to sex them. The most obvious are color and the anal fins.
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  35. C

    Stocking my 60 gallon tank

    A trio of pearl gouramis, a few different schools of tetras or rasboras and Corydoras would be awesome.
  36. C

    Unknown Snail?

    its either pond or bladder snail, I can remember which one has a right turned shell. They are very helpful in a tank.
  37. C

    Cory happiness

    Corries need to be in groups of 5+ so I recommend rehoming all but one variety and getting more of that one. How big is your tank?
  38. C

    White lumps on the sides of my goldfish head

    I’d like to also point out that these fish need at least 100 gallons (378 liters) they can grow to be as long as 2 ft
  39. C

    Maintaining temp for sea monkeys?

    Aquarium companies, you can find lots of them in amazon